UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

Have a read of this

In fact, not only did Darwin never propose that humans are descended from monkeys, but the very idea is erroneous. For some reason, 150 years later, the work of the father of the theory of evolution has remained one of the most misunderstood in the history of science.
We share over 98% of genes. How does that work then?
Very interesting. I've heard of similar experiences people have had but never had one personally. I've dug deep into the subject and it's way more complicated than I imagined. The two people I've found are best on this matter are John Keel and Jacques Vallee. What's good about them is they go beyond the nuts and bolts UFO's are physical spaceships piloted by aliens (which I don't believe) and take a different approach, suggesting it is more in the realm of things like religion, spirituality, mythology, etc. UFO/UAP sightings are nothing new. People in the past saw them as well. The difference is the language we use. In the past people would call them angels, demons, fairies, etc, in the 21st century we call them spaceships and flying saucers due to our pop culture and it being something we're familiar with, to describe something we can't explain. There's definitely something up there, but I have no idea what the hell it is.
Kinda where I am…

I think once they understand a bit more about our physical universe there might be more answers and imo a better understanding of string theory and quantum mechanics will answer many if not all questions..

On the balance of probabilities I don’t think we are the only sentient life in the universe, but I don’t necessarily think we are being visited across vast distances unless there is a way to create wormholes or such like….I do think that if the multiverse theory is correct, we are far more likely to be seeing inter dimensional craft….as mad as that seems.
We share over 98% of genes. How does that work then?
We share about 30% of our DNA with a potato…about 50% with a tree…works the same way.

But the answers complicated.

According to the G value paradox, you can have a lot of DNA in common but functionally and physically, you can be quite different.
What was it ?

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