UAP/UFO thread - Non-Human Intelligences

Maybe we were the aliens in the first place and found Earth and adapted and this is where it comes from
Darwin's, humans evolved from apes does not really stand up,

There is so much evidence of humans being very intelligent and then it stopped for some reason, like what year the pyramids were built 3200bc ? So how on earth did they move that amount of stone and then stack it to make a pyramid, Also the use of precious metals like gold and tools used to make tombs,
Or how supposedly that it requires computer technology to show how much out of alligment they were which was so minuscule that it would have required computer tech in the first place to possibly build them ..
Or why would fighter pilots or commercial pilots claim seeing ufo’s what do they gain from it bar being ridiculed or laughed at ..
Or how supposedly that it requires computer technology to show how much out of alligment they were which was so minuscule that it would have required computer tech in the first place to possibly build them ..
Or why would fighter pilots or commercial pilots claim seeing ufo’s what do they gain from it bar being ridiculed or laughed at ..

The technology and the intelligence they had and used were so far above what humans had to use 3000 years later, Also, The understanding of space planets and stars again humans did not understand 3000 years later.
Why and how it all stopped is a puzzle, like I said Maybe Humans were aliens that landed and changed things.
Maybe we were the aliens in the first place and found Earth and adapted and this is where it comes from
Darwin's, humans evolved from apes does not really stand up,

There is so much evidence of humans being very intelligent and then it stopped for some reason, like what year the pyramids were built 3200bc ? So how on earth did they move that amount of stone and then stack it to make a pyramid, Also the use of precious metals like gold and tools used to make tombs,

Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't really stand up? I'm interested in how you come up with that?
Darwin's theory of evolution doesn't really stand up? I'm interested in how you come up with that?
Have a read of this

In fact, not only did Darwin never propose that humans are descended from monkeys, but the very idea is erroneous. For some reason, 150 years later, the work of the father of the theory of evolution has remained one of the most misunderstood in the history of science.
Have a read of this

In fact, not only did Darwin never propose that humans are descended from monkeys, but the very idea is erroneous. For some reason, 150 years later, the work of the father of the theory of evolution has remained one of the most misunderstood in the history of science.
Nobody says Darwin said we evolved from monkeys, we did evolve though he certainly didn’t say we were aliens and arrived fully evolved. No serious scientist has ever said that.
I don't live in an area where aircraft are tested. It wasn't "quiet". It made no sound, zero, none.

Sunny day, approximately 5 p.m., clear visibility that day. A glowjng object, yes glowing in the day sky, almost like fire, it wasnt an orb and it wasnt a disc but like a flat circle, crossed in front of us, slowly, north to south then completely disappeared, and not out of view from distance, but disappeared. Then the same object came up from behind east to west, again moving faster than any military jet I've ever seen, by some measure, until it disappeared again.

I responded relatively politely to your original post that was borderline rude. I even let you know I didn't have any issue with you personally and you come back with this? Go fuck yourself you pompous, low class, common, fuck.
I was hoping you got some footage ;-)
If we didn't evolve from Monkeys, we certainly are part of the same animal family.
Why is nobody mentioning our lord and father in all of this?
He created the earth, planets, pyramids and cheese on the first day, then did he not create us lot the day after?
There are bound to be questions asked, though because we hadn't been created, nobody has the old family photos of the pyramids - apart from the aliens who were gods construction angels.
Why is nobody mentioning our lord and father in all of this?
He created the earth, planets, pyramids and cheese on the first day, then did he not create us lot the day after?
There are bound to be questions asked, though because we hadn't been created, nobody has the old family photos of the pyramids - apart from the aliens who were gods construction angels.
The Magic Sky Wizard created all....

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