UEFA confirm their bid to stop City and keep Utd succesful

Cobwebcat said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
You cannot stop the owner of a club spending his own money on his own business. If you try he'll just find a loop-hole e.g. enter into joint sponsership of the clubs shirts with Etihad and pump in millions using that. Advertise on City's properties and pump money in that way. Build complexes in the surrounding area all within the Man City ownership and use those to filter money into the club. There are always ways around anything like this if you have mucho money! It will only effect clubs spending past their means not clubs with wealthy benefactors.

I'm afraid that is all incorrect. Internal sponsorship as you refer to is specifically barred as investment from related businesses. It will not affect clubs spending beyond their means at all and will affect clubs with wealthy benefactors...that's the whole point.

So is it not against European free trade laws to allow a businessman to put his own money into his own business? Or are they just going to say you can't compete in our competition (Chumps League) if you don't fit our criteria?
I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to our finances but I was of the opinion that our owners were pumping money into the club via the creation of new shares, which they then buy for whatever amount they wish. Other clubs however (I believe Chelsea operate like this) have received money from their owners via low interest long term loans, creating a debt.

Is it not the latter type of investment that this ruling would cut out? Would the way we seem to be doing it not get around the rule anyway? On a side note would we not be able to receive the money via sponsorship from another ADUG owned company?
Impossible to police. What is to stop City giving "some rich guy" his own box at a cost of say £200M per season. This then becomes ticket revenue.
The most common "get out" people think of is internal sponsorship (ie money from another company also owned by our owners) this is not allowed. Remember this law is aimed at us.

No, Chelsea also converted ltheir oans into equity. Will this be permitted?...I don't know. I would guess that UEFA would block that in the future or there would be no point bringing the law in.
Hamann Pineapple said:
Impossible to police. What is to stop City giving "some rich guy" his own box at a cost of say £200M per season. This then becomes ticket revenue.

Doh! Read the first post.
I am worried I have to admit. But if you look long term we are no worse off than before the money arrived. If the new rules mean we have to go back to being a modest club then so be it but hopefully our current owners will leave us in a healthier state if they leave (knowing that it's pointless trying to turn us into one of the top team when the game is so corrupt).

I just hope the game does allow the "medium sized" clubs to challenge for every honour though, eg. ourselves, Villa, Spurs, Chelsea, Arsenal, Newcastle, WestHam, Everton, etc, (everyone but Liverpool and fckin United) . If in 5 years we are completely excluded I think I'll find some other way of spending my time. 'm not goig through another 20 odd years of hope - first time was fine as I thoght there was a point in patience and support. But what's the point if the hope is to only ever be an also-ran.

One thing I do know is that I am now firmly in the anti-Europe camp. I fckin hate the meddling fckers - first stupid rules (offside, lifting shirts, tackling, etc), then the tv deals been split to oly make it more expensive and awkward for people and now this - and you know there will e more. Fckin dopes!
Though it seems most are, i'm actually not worried at all. We have the biggest heads in the game working for this club and the wealthiest owners in the world. There is no way that us and Madrid* will let things go smoothly and stop us competing in europe. Even if these rules do come into play, United would be stuffed as their debt is too large and there's no way it will be balanced by 2012-2013 and like others have already said, we will inevitably find ways of getting money into the club.

*(I'm assuming this rule would also affect Madrid as their recent outlay is more ridiculous than ours and would make it impossible for them to break even)
This would break European Company Law...and I assume the majority of English clubs/Premier League would take this to the EU Supreme Courts ..it would go against so many European Business Laws that UEFA would risk a major loss in the courts by effectively barring owners from investing in their own companies

And, this could possibly speed up the 'Breakaway European League' that has been talked about for many years....then UEFA will have none of its big clubs in its competition, meaning no sponsors, meaning UEFA goes bankrupt with excessive debts (how ironic...) and twatini is out of a job
Cobwebcat said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
Impossible to police. What is to stop City giving "some rich guy" his own box at a cost of say £200M per season. This then becomes ticket revenue.

Doh! Read the first post.

Since when does your opinion become fact. That does not appear in the rules, that is your assumption.

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