Question, I've just noted this on Dan Roan's article on the BBC:
There is no guarantee City will be granted a suspension of their ban when they apply for it in the coming days at the same time as any appeal. The decision - made by a Cas official - will be based on an assessment of the merits of City's appeal, so this initial decision will give a strong indication of their prospects.
What are our chances at receiving this suspension? My understanding is that if it is granted we could potentially drag this out over a 10 year period if required, meaning the punishment is continually suspended, this would be a nightmare for UEFA.
How would that also impact upon the PL investigation?
After reading the notes from the original CAS hearing I say we have a very good chance of us having the ban suspended.
I cant see how it could drag on for years with CAS though. I am pretty sure it would be heard witnin he next 12 months, the years of legal wrangling would be through the Swiss Courts should we go down that route
In regards the FA/PL I'm not too sure if they would even open a case and if they did they would have to wait on the outcome of any appeal. One can only imagine the shit storm if they end up spunking their load prematurely like UEFA and we win at CAS
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