He's just a troll, probably banned previously so don't give him the oxygen he craves.
Read this story from yesterday. UEFA haven't spoken to Pinto, which I think backs up my story.
UEFA wouldn't speak to Pinto (who is in prison) - he is not a witness and you couldn't give his evidence any weight so it is neither here nor there.
Nevertheless, Article 13 of the Procedural Rules (
https://it.uefa.com/MultimediaFiles/Download/uefaorg/Clublicensing/02/60/83/59/2608359_DOWNLOAD.pdf) give
theoretical scope to the IC to consider
anything as evidence:
"All means of evidence may be considered by the CFCB chief investigator. This includes, but is not limited to, the defendant’s testimony, witness testimonies, documents and records, recordings (audio or video), on-site inspections and expert reports."
Article 23 allows the AC scope for further evidence: "
The adjudicatory chamber may request either the reporting investigator or the defendant to produce such evidence as the adjudicatory chamber may consider appropriate for the determination of the case." Importantly,
"The adjudicatory chamber determines the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of the evidence offered."
again in theory, means that the IC and the AC
could take screen grabs of an unverified magazine article as its "evidence" and unilaterally declare them to be admissible, relevant, material and with good evidential "weight."
However, in my opinion (including having now read numerous AC decisions and CAS judgments), it is
extremely unlikely that UEFA's evidence amounts to screen grabs of an unverified magazine article - I don't believe that could reach the evidential hurdle especially in circumstances where the audited accounts (and no doubt the actual sponsorship contract between City and Ethiad) conflict with the few emails pictured in the article.
Constructing a narrative that its all a conspiratorial, flimsy fix that will definitely be dismissed by CAS is going to end in disappointment. City have a fight on their hands - but that is not to say they will not have many good arguments.
I do agree that the flimsy "non cooperation" charge will probably be City's failure to provide certain documents requested by UEFA with City probably arguing them to be third party documents or irrelevant. The idea the emails in the article are doctored seems like wishful thinking as well.
Read my 2 part semi-long reads here if you are interested: