UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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"Pannicccccckkkkkkkk! I swear, you'll never see anything like this ever again. Stupendous"

Are you referring to the case itself and our expected victory or the fallout after a victory and the damage from the back draft once we open the door to the fire?

Or just the Qpr game itself?
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Are you referring to the case itself and our expected victory or the fallout after a victory and the damage from the back draft once we open the door to the fire?
I can picture it now. We go in on Manday quite confident but we're struggling. Pannick and the other QC, Paul Harris, aren't really firing on all cylinders and UEFA's team are defending for their lives but just before lunch on the Tuesday, they land a key blow and we're in the driving seat. Everything looks like it's falling into place for the second half of the hearing but their QC makes a great point when one of our guys gets things a bit wrong and concedes an easy point soon after lunch. Things get a bit tetchy from then and one of their lawyers gets a bit too excited and has to be sent out of the meeting.

Things look good for us but somehow Pannick nad Harris let their guard down and UEFA get their noses in front. That affects them and they can't do anything right from there on. It gets to just before 5pm on the Wednesday and UEFA look safe for the win but Harris makes a great point and it's in the balance. Pannick walks to the back of the room and gives a piece of paper to one of his support team, who digs in a file and gives him one back. Then Pannick puts the killer point to the panel as the clock ticks towrds 5. The judges look at each other and nod and case thrown out thanks to Pannicks's last minute intervention.
The way I see it is that both sides are confident of victory. I can't see UEFA getting this far with a case they know is bound to collapse under even the most cursory examination whilst the club can't really do anything else but proclaim confidence as we have a fucking huge sanction placed upon us and we are bound to appeal it.

In fact UEFA have two chances to win, punishment upheld or reduced to a one year ban, and we have only one.
I have become very wary recently of that seemingly innocuous line from uefa’s latest qualification rules, the one about ‘public perception of unfairness in qualifying’.
Why did uefa leak so much information about this case, when common sense would tell you that it could damage their own chance of winning? What punishment would we receive if they won?A 2 year ban, very damaging but not insurmountable.
Leak stuff, create smears and lies and insinuations, use a compliant and obsequious press and media, to create the image we all know we now have- and no amount of facts will change the minds of, well, pretty much every fan of every other club, here and abroad.
Then, having used the court of public opinion as judge and jury, create a new qualifying rule about ‘public perception’ and use it as executioner too.
A 2 year ban from uefa or an indefinite stream of bans voted for by hate-filled who see us as cheats, and can vote us down for years ahead.
Far-fetched? Maybe, but they are desperate to destroy us and desperate people do desperate things.
‘public perception of unfairness in qualifying

They have added that specifically for us
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