UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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Good luck City for the next 3 days at CAS.
Whatever the outcome you will always have my total support, we have had more obstacles and challenges aimed at our club than the rest of the EPL combined.
I don't give a single fuck about how are owners have financed the club, they have given me and every City fan memories and trophys that were well beyond our reach.
The underhand tactics and racism shown by the cartel clubs and uefa have left a nasty taste in my mouth.
I hope we are 100% exonerated but I'm sure eufa have another surprise up their sleeves.
We have owners who have only done good for the club and for the city of Manchester, they have invested heavily in a run down part of the city, they haven't raped us like certain American owned clubs, they haven't saddled us with debt or loans that could never be repaid, yet they have been made out to be the bad guys.
Uefa and the PL need to get their heads out of the cartel clubs dirty, stinking , rotten rectums and put a halt to this obvious institutional racism.
When the result of the abortration is known, we will be either happy or sad, but no matter what, we will always be blue, go and fuck em City.
If we haven't been able to find some dirt on a wholly corrupt organisation like UEFA, then our defence team are incompetent.
I think a deal was done initially that should have prevented UEFA revisiting FFP with our club

UEFA have gone back on that deal due to pressure from a small number of very worried clubs

I think the punishment was contrived to result in a one year ban on appeal..

We will find out how ‘fit for purpose’ this arbitration court really is...
I reckon Uefa will kick the whole shebang off at 10am prompt, at 10.05 there will be an adjournment because the judges will be laughing so much with one shouting out 'is THAT it, seriously ?' At this stage our fellah, Mr Pandemic ? Pannick ? realising he will not get paid his full wedge if it was finished by 10.30, (he needs it to last 3 days to pay for his yacht that he ordered when he first got the brief.) will suggest a short adjournment. He suggests they should reconvene at 3.45pm on Wednesday which he helpfully suggests will allow Uefa to save face as he wont tell the public they have thrown in the towel.
Shame it’s not being streamed, could have had a pre trial, match day trial and post trial threads on the go.
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