UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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If it is thrown out on a technicality, that still leaves the issue of City's image being tarnished. The solution should be either:

a) Sue for damages wherever possible, explaining why the allegations were false to a real court, a panel that decides a verdict by the facts laid out, rather than the outcome dictated by secret(or not so secret) allegiances with connected entities(G14).
b) Counter the Der Spiegel articles with the truth laying out exactly where they lied/made mistakes. Pay a top journalist to come look at it and take him through what all of it means.

Some people will still ignore it even if City prove it but as long as enough sensible people, who's heads aren't up their own arses accept the truth when they see it, it will slowly but surely erode some of the damage done.
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Is all this sh1te affecting our transfer dealings? ie clubs like Barca telling potential signings that we are to be banned?
There are lots of links between the sports franchises in the USA especially between Boston and New York. The owners move in the same circles and know each other personally. There is no doubt that a lot of pressure has been put on City's owners by the US owners in our Premier League. They have been behind a lot of the mud that has been thrown. It is wider than just the Fenway Group and the Glazers. It goes right back to the takeover period in 2008. You can also be sure that CFG have upset people in New York. Why is most of this stuff appearing first in the US media? Who was behind the so-called letter lobbying the Premier League to launch their own investigation following the last Der Spiegel story?

If I remember correctly, weren't the FIFA offices that were raided and the individual(s) arrested a few years ago in New York? I know FIFA isn't UEFA but I'd imagine they have some ties. City had nothing to do with all of that but it makes sense that a lot of people involved in all the corruption would be New York based. Or I know fuck all, which is true too, to some extent. :)
Yves Leterme is an absolute weapon and it baffles me that City haven't just given up and began to play dirty themselves by reminding people in the press of things like the following:

Back in 2007, Belgium’s national identity took a severe blow when Yves Leterme, at the time prime-minister of Belgium, did not know his country’s anthem.

When asked by a television crew to sing La Brabançonne, the Belgian national anthem, Mr Leterme started singing France’s La Marseillaise. This hilarious and alarming episode continued when following several critics he reacted by saying “I have much more important things to do than this crap. Those who are after me will pay for it sooner or later,”

When he was the general secretary at IDEA, he was accused of cronyism and misusing(tax-payers) money. KPMG released a report criticizing him 'We speak of a direction " authoritarian " and lack of collective decision-making power. The report also covers cases of discrimination, preferential treatment and harassment.'

He resigned from his first term as Belgian PM after he nationalised Fortis without speaking to it's shareholders, got taken to Court of Appeal and lost even while his government were reportedly trying to influence the judges.

This guy is not only a dickhead, but he's dodgy as fuck and City should be countering all these leaks coming from him by discrediting him which given his history, is pretty simple.
Yves Leterme is an absolute weapon and it baffles me that City haven't just given up and began to play dirty themselves by reminding people in the press of things like the following:

Back in 2007, Belgium’s national identity took a severe blow when Yves Leterme, at the time prime-minister of Belgium, did not know his country’s anthem.

When asked by a television crew to sing La Brabançonne, the Belgian national anthem, Mr Leterme started singing France’s La Marseillaise. This hilarious and alarming episode continued when following several critics he reacted by saying “I have much more important things to do than this crap. Those who are after me will pay for it sooner or later,”

When he was the general secretary at IDEA, he was accused of cronyism and misusing(tax-payers) money. KPMG released a report criticizing him 'We speak of a direction " authoritarian " and lack of collective decision-making power. The report also covers cases of discrimination, preferential treatment and harassment.'

He resigned from his first term as Belgian PM after he nationalised Fortis without speaking to it's shareholders, got taken to Court of Appeal and lost even while his government were reportedly trying to influence the judges.

This guy is not only a dickhead, but he's dodgy as fuck and City should be countering all these leaks coming from him by discrediting him which given his history, is pretty simple.
Bent, ignorant and even more bent......
Seems ideal for uefa!
Yves Leterme is an absolute weapon and it baffles me that City haven't just given up and began to play dirty themselves by reminding people in the press of things like the following:

Back in 2007, Belgium’s national identity took a severe blow when Yves Leterme, at the time prime-minister of Belgium, did not know his country’s anthem.

When asked by a television crew to sing La Brabançonne, the Belgian national anthem, Mr Leterme started singing France’s La Marseillaise. This hilarious and alarming episode continued when following several critics he reacted by saying “I have much more important things to do than this crap. Those who are after me will pay for it sooner or later,”

When he was the general secretary at IDEA, he was accused of cronyism and misusing(tax-payers) money. KPMG released a report criticizing him 'We speak of a direction " authoritarian " and lack of collective decision-making power. The report also covers cases of discrimination, preferential treatment and harassment.'

He resigned from his first term as Belgian PM after he nationalised Fortis without speaking to it's shareholders, got taken to Court of Appeal and lost even while his government were reportedly trying to influence the judges.

This guy is not only a dickhead, but he's dodgy as fuck and City should be countering all these leaks coming from him by discrediting him which given his history, is pretty simple.

Spot on. It just shows how corrupt uefa are, that they would employ this bent fucker, and then give him the job of sitting in judgement of others.
City should employ the best Private Eye company in the World to dig up the Skeletons in The Swamp, Munich, Madrid and Barcelona.
Wasn't it an ex MD at the Swamp who had a passion for Call Girls.
You see where I'm going with this.
If I remember correctly, weren't the FIFA offices that were raided and the individual(s) arrested a few years ago in New York? I know FIFA isn't UEFA but I'd imagine they have some ties. City had nothing to do with all of that but it makes sense that a lot of people involved in all the corruption would be New York based. Or I know fuck all, which is true too, to some extent. :)
It is somewhere else in this thread but essentially the FBI led the investgiation into FIFA because, amongst other things, some of the bribe money was paid and laundered in US dollars. The man arrested was Chuck Blazer who then became a whistleblower but he died (of natural causes!) before he faced court.
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