UEFA FFP investigation - CAS decision to be announced Monday, 13th July 9.30am BST

What do you think will be the outcome of the CAS hearing?

  • Two-year ban upheld

    Votes: 197 13.1%
  • Ban reduced to one year

    Votes: 422 28.2%
  • Ban overturned and City exonerated

    Votes: 815 54.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 65 4.3%

  • Total voters
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EDIT - I originally embedded a tweet, but it doesn't seem to be loading.

Just on timing, worth noting this comment from Stefan of the 93:20 pod, who's an experienced lawyer. Anyway, tweeted by 93:20 podcast host Ahsan Naeem, Stefan's comment is as follows:

"This will be a relatively quick one because that’s the whole point in a dismissal application. It’s designed for things that don’t need extensive evidence. Both parties present their arguments and the judge decides."​
It's still all leaks as far as I can see.
Nobody official from any side seems to have confirmed anything.

Is this Harris guy reliable?
CAS have not said anything yet about a case being filed.
Maybe it’s all a big blag by City. Leak intention of going straight to CAS then sit back and watch as journalists clamour to paint us as shady.
Then just shrug our shoulders and point to the grossly unfair manner that we’re reported on.
After that CAS think we’ve got a point about Uefa being ****s and side with us.
Then we sign £300m with of players and win the World Cup.

Think I might be a bit stoned so don’t take that as gospel..
Is bribing your way into the top flight one of these conventions you speak of?
Wasn't that the "agreement" between the chairmen of Arsenal and Liverpool to enable Arsenal to be promoted even though they finished 5th in Division 2?
If so, fast forward nearly 100 years, and the same two clubs are at it again.

Some things never change with these 'istree clubs.
From the AP article, I found the following comment interesting.

Proof positive that someone at UEFA is leaking to the press!
I think what is happening is that someone on the UEFA investigations committe with a commercial interest on behalf of his own club is passing information to someone in the hierarchy of his own club who is using another third party to leak it to the international media ie the New York Times and Associated Press. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to know who it is and why it is not going directly to the British press.
Balanced reporting as always from Ian Herbert, ffs.

The angle he has taken on this article ie that "City fears are growing etc" suggests he has been briefed by one of our domestic rivals. You can guess which one it is. In fact I think what has happened follows on logically from Khaldoon's comments last week and suggests that City have a rock solid case against UEFA. Our lawyers are not stupid. Going directly to CAS is a confident proactive move. A more accurate reading of the situation is that the chances of any European ban are receding. Is anyone in the UK media ever going to report the full story and background properly. The international media is leading the way on UEFA issues as usual.
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