Uefas new money laws?

The Shrike said:
Did I say that you were plastic fans? No. I said that your wealth looks like its changing you (ie your attitudes) for the worse - and this thread tells that story loud and clear.

Although its tempting - I'll avoid childish insults in my posts.

Tbh i think what is coming through loud and clear is that we don't like being patronised by a member of a closed shop that is clearly rattled by some one having the financial backing to blow, not just yourselves but UEFA, out of the water.

There isn't a club anywhere in Britain that wouldn't change Mansour for their owner. Every club is owned, every club is out of fans hands. Everything was ok until a fella with bigger toys came along. Now you dont like it. Yes, it is like winning the lottery but as the story goes, you buy everyone a drink, your a flash bastard, buy no one a drink, you have changed and become bitter. We as fans are in a no win. We have heard what you have said a million times. We win something, you only did it with the money and you wouldn't have beaten us without it, win nothing, the sneers come and with that money you should be winning everything. Sound familiar?

You have said you are doing your bit for regenerating the area. Who could afford a minimum of £795 a WEEK for a two bed flat? Thats not stimulating economy, thats looking after the rich. It has been pointed out many times the flight of African kids in France, to which Wenger is compliant. Don't even begin to deny it. Yes, its good to see child trafficking is alive and well based in north London operated in France. That wasn't a child insult btw, its cold hard truth.

Anyhow, when do you think Fabregas will be moving back to Barcelona? Iirc, didn't you get him by taking advantage of a loophole in Spanish labour laws in which Barcelona couldn't offer him a pro contract? Much the same as Pique at Utd. Ah yes, you did. Good old Gooner academy eh! Another Islington lad ready for England. Also do you know how few English international players you have produced, does it need spelling out, over the last 5 years?

Bitter? No, just laughing out tits off at the patronising likkle city fans who are watching the worm turn and turn into a lion.

Now fuck off you cockerney tramp.
Skashion said:
The Shrike said:
Tut...and I even extracted and repeated the post I was referring to. *shakes head*
Wut? You did call us plastics. In which post you did so is pretty irrelevant.

Not if I was referring to a specific post. Which I clearly was.
The Shrike said:
Mate the 42K was a reference to the Chavs' capacity. Isn't yours 47K? But at least you are 1 City fan who accepts that any increase in fan base will be plastics.
You'll accept anything over your 38,000 Highbury crowds are plastics. 22,000 plastics at the Emirates then?<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:05 pm --<br /><br />
The Shrike said:
Skashion said:
Wut? You did call us plastics. In which post you did so is pretty irrelevant.

Not if I was referring to a specific post. Which I clearly was.
So our fans are collectively only plastic for some posts then? Couldn't make it up.
Skashion said:
The Shrike said:
Mate the 42K was a reference to the Chavs' capacity. Isn't yours 47K? But at least you are 1 City fan who accepts that any increase in fan base will be plastics.
You'll accept anything over your 38,000 Highbury crowds are plastics. 22,000 plastics at the Emirates then?

No I won't because when we were at Highbury we had a waiting list for membership of 60,000. And people were waiting 10+ years for a season ticket. We still have 1000's of people waiting for silver membership (first dibs on tickets); barely any tickets on general release and never any matchday tickets available. Sure we have our share of corporates; tourists etc, but 5 years without a trophy has seen of a lot of the plastics.
The Shrike said:
Skashion said:
Wut? You did call us plastics. In which post you did so is pretty irrelevant.

Not if I was referring to a specific post. Which I clearly was.

What about the kids in the family stand? Sons and daughters of fans who have been going for years? Are they plastic or keeping the family tradition?

Sort yourself out.
The Shrike said:
Skashion said:
You'll accept anything over your 38,000 Highbury crowds are plastics. 22,000 plastics at the Emirates then?

No I won't because when we were at Highbury we had a waiting list for membership of 60,000. And people were waiting 10+ years for a season ticket. We still have 1000's of people waiting for silver membership (first dibs on tickets); barely any tickets on general release and never any matchday tickets available. Sure we have our share of corporates; tourists etc, but 5 years without a trophy has seen of a lot of the plastics.
But you won't extend City the same courtesy even though our record attendance is higher than yours and indeed is still the record outside Wembley in England?
The Shrike said:
M18CTID said:
From what I can gather, Chelsea don't have any problems filling their ground most of the time and as such what the Chelsea fan says above re a bigger ground capacity makes sense.

We've never averaged less than 40,000 at Eastlands and over the past 3 years the average has increased by 5,000 - that's just with a marked improvement on the pitch whilst not actually winning anything or even bagging a Champions League place yet. Even without bandwagon-jumpers and plastics I reckon the club is capable of enticing 10,000-15,000 "lapsed" City fans back into attending matches if we were to start winning trophies and making attending a match more attractive in terms of facilities on offer. There is talk of an increased capacity stadium of 65,000-plus comprising a combination of the very best corporate facilities and cheaper matchday tickets than we have now - rumours of a match ticket which includes free travel to the ground from the city centre on the soon to be completed tram line along the lines of what Bundesliga clubs offer have surfaced on here in the past.

I'm not daft enough to think we would have no problems filling a bigger capacity stadium but wholly affordable tickets for the less well off supplemented by a bigger income on the corporate side of things might just do the trick.

Well, I did say wait and see. Chelsea is famous amongst London based fans for not selling out their place often - even for CL games. Even their own fans reckon moving is poitless because they won't fill it. Maybe you, like Arsenal have a big enough traditional fan base to increase capacity, who knows. The point I was making is don't expect wealth to buy the best players, or even league success to translate into increased respect or fan base just yet.

Well whoever is saying that is getting mixed up. As I mentioned in my other post, we (Chelsea) always sell out our home allocation. Every game shows as sold out on the website, attendances may vary due to away allocation and UEFA requirements, but as a whole the tickets sell out (and usually at one per member and for the larger matches, they sell out at one ticket per member on a loyalty point basis).

The last game I'm aware of that didn't sell (i.e we didn't take our full allocation) out was QPR in the Carling Cup last year and before that would be Rosenborg in 2007. Other than that every game in the past couple of years has sold out and it is ridiculously difficult to get a ticket to most games.

Domestically our support has gone up, across the world it has gone up drastically and we are now one of the largest clubs in the world and revenue has gone up massively, all because of the success which wouldn't have happened without Abramovich.

City may or may not do this, but we have shown it is possible.
KenTheLandlord said:
The Shrike said:
Did I say that you were plastic fans? No. I said that your wealth looks like its changing you (ie your attitudes) for the worse - and this thread tells that story loud and clear.

Although its tempting - I'll avoid childish insults in my posts.

Tbh i think what is coming through loud and clear is that we don't like being patronised by a member of a closed shop that is clearly rattled by some one having the financial backing to blow, not just yourselves but UEFA, out of the water.

There isn't a club anywhere in Britain that wouldn't change Mansour for their owner. Every club is owned, every club is out of fans hands. Everything was ok until a fella with bigger toys came along. Now you dont like it. Yes, it is like winning the lottery but as the story goes, you buy everyone a drink, your a flash bastard, buy no one a drink, you have changed and become bitter. We as fans are in a no win. We have heard what you have said a million times. We win something, you only did it with the money and you wouldn't have beaten us without it, win nothing, the sneers come and with that money you should be winning everything. Sound familiar?

You have said you are doing your bit for regenerating the area. Who could afford a minimum of £795 a WEEK for a two bed flat? Thats not stimulating economy, thats looking after the rich. It has been pointed out many times the flight of African kids in France, to which Wenger is compliant. Don't even begin to deny it. Yes, its good to see child trafficking is alive and well based in north London operated in France. That wasn't a child insult btw, its cold hard truth.

Anyhow, when do you think Fabregas will be moving back to Barcelona? Iirc, didn't you get him by taking advantage of a loophole in Spanish labour laws in which Barcelona couldn't offer him a pro contract? Much the same as Pique at Utd. Ah yes, you did. Good old Gooner academy eh! Another Islington lad ready for England. Also do you know how few English international players you have produced, does it need spelling out, over the last 5 years?

Bitter? No, just laughing out tits off at the patronising likkle city fans who are watching the worm turn and turn into a lion.

Now fuck off you cockerney tramp.

Defensive? - check
Insular? - check
Chippy? - check
Hostile? - check
Exciteable? - check
Deranged - check

Oh, and thanks for admitting that you are becoming patronising :good:<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:24 pm --<br /><br />
Skashion said:
The Shrike said:
No I won't because when we were at Highbury we had a waiting list for membership of 60,000. And people were waiting 10+ years for a season ticket. We still have 1000's of people waiting for silver membership (first dibs on tickets); barely any tickets on general release and never any matchday tickets available. Sure we have our share of corporates; tourists etc, but 5 years without a trophy has seen of a lot of the plastics.
But you won't extend City the same courtesy even though our record attendance is higher than yours and indeed is still the record outside Wembley in England?

Since when was this a pissing contest about fan base? I'm not sure I started one.
The Shrike said:
KenTheLandlord said:
Tbh i think what is coming through loud and clear is that we don't like being patronised by a member of a closed shop that is clearly rattled by some one having the financial backing to blow, not just yourselves but UEFA, out of the water.

There isn't a club anywhere in Britain that wouldn't change Mansour for their owner. Every club is owned, every club is out of fans hands. Everything was ok until a fella with bigger toys came along. Now you dont like it. Yes, it is like winning the lottery but as the story goes, you buy everyone a drink, your a flash bastard, buy no one a drink, you have changed and become bitter. We as fans are in a no win. We have heard what you have said a million times. We win something, you only did it with the money and you wouldn't have beaten us without it, win nothing, the sneers come and with that money you should be winning everything. Sound familiar?

You have said you are doing your bit for regenerating the area. Who could afford a minimum of £795 a WEEK for a two bed flat? Thats not stimulating economy, thats looking after the rich. It has been pointed out many times the flight of African kids in France, to which Wenger is compliant. Don't even begin to deny it. Yes, its good to see child trafficking is alive and well based in north London operated in France. That wasn't a child insult btw, its cold hard truth.

Anyhow, when do you think Fabregas will be moving back to Barcelona? Iirc, didn't you get him by taking advantage of a loophole in Spanish labour laws in which Barcelona couldn't offer him a pro contract? Much the same as Pique at Utd. Ah yes, you did. Good old Gooner academy eh! Another Islington lad ready for England. Also do you know how few English international players you have produced, does it need spelling out, over the last 5 years?

Bitter? No, just laughing out tits off at the patronising likkle city fans who are watching the worm turn and turn into a lion.

Now fuck off you cockerney tramp.

Defensive? - check
Insular? - check
Chippy? - check
Hostile? - check
Exciteable? - check
Deranged - check

Oh, and thanks for admitting that you are becoming patronising :good:

-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:24 pm --


Erm, i didn't i said you and other fans were, good to see reading and comprehension are still out of the grasp of your average Gooner.

So, unable to answer any points - check.
attempting to wum - check.
deranged (60,000 waiting list) - check
unable to grasp basic footballing concepts - check.
unable to tell fans from one club to another - check.

Yep, rattled and upset, his sky club are been shaken in their cosy UEFA cartel.

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