Uefas new money laws?

The Shrike said:
bluemonkey71 said:
Oh no! Please don't pity us! Someone's 2nd team! We are not worthy!

I couldn't give a flying fuck about other teams and I never have. As has been said before noone gave us a second glance when we were not a threat. Times have changed. Do you honestly think we would be challenging without Mansour? Money makes the world go round.

Deal with it.

Dear oh dear. People didn't pity you - they empathised with the fact that you had proper fans who supported your club in huge numbers despite you being relegated through 2 divisions. Money makes the world go round - and also changes people for the worse. looks like its working its majic with you lot in double quick time.

And we are happy to deal with your new found wealth. Doesn't mean we can;t debate what it means.

So what you're basically saying is, we have inherited a new type of fan since we have been bought over? You know what makes me laugh is when the away fans come to City and sing "where were you when you were shit". Well, hope this opens you're eyes you muppet.

2003/04 Season (Home Games)

23/08/03 - Pompey - 46,287
31/08/03 - Arsenal - 46,436
14/09/03 - Villa - 46,687
28/09/10 - Spurs - 46,842
18/10/03 - Bolton - 47,101
09/11/03 - Leicester - 46,966
30/11/03 - 'Boro - 46,824
22/12/03 - Leeds - 47,126
28/12/03 - L'pool - 47,201
07/01/04 - Charlton - 44,307
17/01/04 - B'burn - 47,090
08/02/04 - Brum - 46,967
28/02/04 - Chelsea - 47,304
14/03/04 - United - 47,284
27/03/04 - Fulham - 46,522
10/04/04 - Wolves - 47,248
17/04/04 - Soton - 47,152
01/05/04 - N'castle - 47,266
15/05/04 - Everton - 47,284

We were nowhere near being a successful club that season, and we still had 'pwoper' fans watching us in our first season at the COMS. Your argument is full of shit, just like yourself.
i kne albert davy said:
the shrike brilliant post glad you've got a team full of foreigners who come over here and pay £3.50 a week to get their kit washed and work fultime in the local chippy to pay their way don't know whether its to good for the english game to have so many imports who play for nothing i mean whats this going to do for other teams pay structure but on up side nice to know u won't have any mercenaries at your club anelka would never ever fall into that category now would he. but please stop with ooh u were everybodies second time until it looked like we might beat them routine its getting boring, and has for being plastic chav fans our crowds haven't altered much since the sheikh took control of the club what do you know about our support nothing i would suggest if your lot had hadn't won anything for 35 years and had dropped to mid way down 3rd div the 10k that would be left would be clammerin for any investment going we've just been very lucky the investment came our way do you think we're going to turn our backs on the club because of it get real.


What competition did you earn the right to play in for Arab billions?<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:47 pm --<br /><br />
Ricster said:
The Shrike said:
Dear oh dear. People didn't pity you - they empathised with the fact that you had proper fans who supported your club in huge numbers despite you being relegated through 2 divisions. Money makes the world go round - and also changes people for the worse. looks like its working its majic with you lot in double quick time.

And we are happy to deal with your new found wealth. Doesn't mean we can;t debate what it means.

So what you're basically saying is, we have inherited a new type of fan since we have been bought over? You know what makes me laugh is when the away fans come to City and sing "where were you when you were shit". Well, hope this opens you're eyes you muppet.

2003/04 Season (Home Games)

23/08/03 - Pompey - 46,287
31/08/03 - Arsenal - 46,436
14/09/03 - Villa - 46,687
28/09/10 - Spurs - 46,842
18/10/03 - Bolton - 47,101
09/11/03 - Leicester - 46,966
30/11/03 - 'Boro - 46,824
22/12/03 - Leeds - 47,126
28/12/03 - L'pool - 47,201
07/01/04 - Charlton - 44,307
17/01/04 - B'burn - 47,090
08/02/04 - Brum - 46,967
28/02/04 - Chelsea - 47,304
14/03/04 - United - 47,284
27/03/04 - Fulham - 46,522
10/04/04 - Wolves - 47,248
17/04/04 - Soton - 47,152
01/05/04 - N'castle - 47,266
15/05/04 - Everton - 47,284

We were nowhere near being a successful club that season, and we still had 'pwoper' fans watching us in our first season at the COMS. Your argument is full of shit, just like yourself.

No, not really, no. Read my post. I'll repeat it here for your convenience.

Dear oh dear. People didn't pity you - they empathised with the fact that you had proper fans who supported your club in huge numbers despite you being relegated through 2 divisions. Money makes the world go round - and also changes people for the worse. looks like its working its majic with you lot in double quick time.

Did I say that you were plastic fans? No. I said that your wealth looks like its changing you (ie your attitudes) for the worse - and this thread tells that story loud and clear.

Interesting that your average gate is similar to Chelsea's give or take 5K or so. Their success has made it no easier for them to fill their place. Lets see whether you expansion plans are going to be necessary.

Although its tempting - I'll avoid childish insults in my posts.
The Shrike said:
So you will win your titles, and no doubt enjoy looking down on teams that you convince yourselves felt superior to you back in the day (which is wrong - many people used to have you as their 'second' team). But Chelsea's 'dream team' cannot fill a 42K seater stadium consistently, and their experience demonstrates that while your following may be increased by some plastics - respect and admiration are harder to come by.

You're very wrong, mate. In terms of ticket sales to actual fans we have sold out virtually every home game since Rosenborg in 2007. We have certainly sold out every home ticket we have had available online in the 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 seasons, most of which have sold out at a one ticket per member on a loyalty points basis, and in order to get a season ticket you'd have to have attended something like 28-32 (at £50-£70 per game) games as a member to qualify.

The only reason our official attendance may show below 42,000 is allocation. Away fans may take their full allocation and as a result we may need extra policing, thus lowering the attendance, or away fans might not fill their allocation. In the Champions League we have to give away 3,000 tickets to UEFA members, and have to give up a further 1,000 seats to the media. If you look at the Chelsea website, you'll notice that all of the games sell out (we are one of the only top clubs that actually sell out Carling Cup and FA Cup games for example).

The fact of the matter is we really need a stadium with a capacity between 55,000 and 58,000.

Our fan base has skyrocketed with success and many of these fans are plastics and glory hunters, but the fan base is there and the core fan base is there too. I'm not saying we are as big a club as Arsenal, but we are a huge club worldwide and that is largely to do with the money (depsite the fact we were a pretty big club before the buy out, regularly getting attendances of 40,000 once the building work was complete). If City's execs play their cards right, their fan base will multiply too.

Also, check this out <a class="postlink" href="http://www.sportundmarkt.com/fileadmin/Mailing/PK_Football_Top_20_2010/20100909_SPORT_MARKT_Football_Top_20_2010_Abstract_Press.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.sportundmarkt.com/fileadmin/ ... _Press.pdf</a>

We certainly weren't the fourth most supported club in Europe before the success (I'm sure many of the fans siding with Chelsea there would swap us for the latest trophy winner in a heartbeat, though).
The Shrike said:
i kne albert davy said:
the shrike brilliant post glad you've got a team full of foreigners who come over here and pay £3.50 a week to get their kit washed and work fultime in the local chippy to pay their way don't know whether its to good for the english game to have so many imports who play for nothing i mean whats this going to do for other teams pay structure but on up side nice to know u won't have any mercenaries at your club anelka would never ever fall into that category now would he. but please stop with ooh u were everybodies second time until it looked like we might beat them routine its getting boring, and has for being plastic chav fans our crowds haven't altered much since the sheikh took control of the club what do you know about our support nothing i would suggest if your lot had hadn't won anything for 35 years and had dropped to mid way down 3rd div the 10k that would be left would be clammerin for any investment going we've just been very lucky the investment came our way do you think we're going to turn our backs on the club because of it get real.


What competition did you earn the right to play in for Arab billions?

-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:47 pm --

Ricster said:
So what you're basically saying is, we have inherited a new type of fan since we have been bought over? You know what makes me laugh is when the away fans come to City and sing "where were you when you were shit". Well, hope this opens you're eyes you muppet.

2003/04 Season (Home Games)

23/08/03 - Pompey - 46,287
31/08/03 - Arsenal - 46,436
14/09/03 - Villa - 46,687
28/09/10 - Spurs - 46,842
18/10/03 - Bolton - 47,101
09/11/03 - Leicester - 46,966
30/11/03 - 'Boro - 46,824
22/12/03 - Leeds - 47,126
28/12/03 - L'pool - 47,201
07/01/04 - Charlton - 44,307
17/01/04 - B'burn - 47,090
08/02/04 - Brum - 46,967
28/02/04 - Chelsea - 47,304
14/03/04 - United - 47,284
27/03/04 - Fulham - 46,522
10/04/04 - Wolves - 47,248
17/04/04 - Soton - 47,152
01/05/04 - N'castle - 47,266
15/05/04 - Everton - 47,284

We were nowhere near being a successful club that season, and we still had 'pwoper' fans watching us in our first season at the COMS. Your argument is full of shit, just like yourself.

No, not really, no. Read my post. I'll repeat it here for your convenience.

Dear oh dear. People didn't pity you - they empathised with the fact that you had proper fans who supported your club in huge numbers despite you being relegated through 2 divisions. Money makes the world go round - and also changes people for the worse. looks like its working its majic with you lot in double quick time.

Did I say that you were plastic fans? No. I said that your wealth looks like its changing you (ie your attitudes) for the worse - and this thread tells that story loud and clear.

Interesting that your average gate is similar to Chelsea's give or take 5K or so. Their success has made it no easier for them to fill their place. Lets see whether you expansion plans are going to be necessary.

Although its tempting - I'll avoid childish insults in my posts.

From what I can gather, Chelsea don't have any problems filling their ground most of the time and as such what the Chelsea fan says above re a bigger ground capacity makes sense.

We've never averaged less than 40,000 at Eastlands and over the past 3 years the average has increased by 5,000 - that's just with a marked improvement on the pitch whilst not actually winning anything or even bagging a Champions League place yet. Even without bandwagon-jumpers and plastics I reckon the club is capable of enticing 10,000-15,000 "lapsed" City fans back into attending matches if we were to start winning trophies and making attending a match more attractive in terms of facilities on offer. There is talk of an increased capacity stadium of 65,000-plus comprising a combination of the very best corporate facilities and cheaper matchday tickets than we have now - rumours of a match ticket which includes free travel to the ground from the city centre on the soon to be completed tram line along the lines of what Bundesliga clubs offer have surfaced on here in the past.

I'm not daft enough to think we would have no problems filling a bigger capacity stadium but wholly affordable tickets for the less well off supplemented by a bigger income on the corporate side of things might just do the trick.
The Shrike said:
Did I say that you were plastic fans? No.


The Shrike said:
Shhesh. You lot are becoming like plastic Chav fans - but in record time.
fulhamroad22 said:
The Shrike said:
So you will win your titles, and no doubt enjoy looking down on teams that you convince yourselves felt superior to you back in the day (which is wrong - many people used to have you as their 'second' team). But Chelsea's 'dream team' cannot fill a 42K seater stadium consistently, and their experience demonstrates that while your following may be increased by some plastics - respect and admiration are harder to come by.

You're very wrong, mate. In terms of ticket sales to actual fans we have sold out virtually every home game since Rosenborg in 2007. We have certainly sold out every home ticket we have had available online in the 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 seasons, most of which have sold out at a one ticket per member on a loyalty points basis, and in order to get a season ticket you'd have to have attended something like 28-32 (at £50-£70 per game) games as a member to qualify.

The only reason our official attendance may show below 42,000 is allocation. Away fans may take their full allocation and as a result we may need extra policing, thus lowering the attendance, or away fans might not fill their allocation. In the Champions League we have to give away 3,000 tickets to UEFA members, and have to give up a further 1,000 seats to the media. If you look at the Chelsea website, you'll notice that all of the games sell out (we are one of the only top clubs that actually sell out Carling Cup and FA Cup games for example).

The fact of the matter is we really need a stadium with a capacity between 55,000 and 58,000.

Our fan base has skyrocketed with success and many of these fans are plastics and glory hunters, but the fan base is there and the core fan base is there too. I'm not saying we are as big a club as Arsenal, but we are a huge club worldwide and that is largely to do with the money (depsite the fact we were a pretty big club before the buy out, regularly getting attendances of 40,000 once the building work was complete). If City's execs play their cards right, their fan base will multiply too.

Also, check this out <a class="postlink" href="http://www.sportundmarkt.com/fileadmin/Mailing/PK_Football_Top_20_2010/20100909_SPORT_MARKT_Football_Top_20_2010_Abstract_Press.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.sportundmarkt.com/fileadmin/ ... _Press.pdf</a>

We certainly weren't the fourth most supported club in Europe before the success (I'm sure many of the fans siding with Chelsea there would swap us for the latest trophy winner in a heartbeat, though).

Mate the 42K was a reference to the Chavs' capacity. Isn't yours 47K? But at least you are 1 City fan who accepts that any increase in fan base will be plastics.<br /><br />-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:59 pm --<br /><br />
Skashion said:
The Shrike said:
Did I say that you were plastic fans? No.


The Shrike said:
Shhesh. You lot are becoming like plastic Chav fans - but in record time.

Tut...and I even extracted and repeated the post I was referring to. *shakes head*
The Shrike said:
fulhamroad22 said:
You're very wrong, mate. In terms of ticket sales to actual fans we have sold out virtually every home game since Rosenborg in 2007. We have certainly sold out every home ticket we have had available online in the 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 seasons, most of which have sold out at a one ticket per member on a loyalty points basis, and in order to get a season ticket you'd have to have attended something like 28-32 (at £50-£70 per game) games as a member to qualify.

The only reason our official attendance may show below 42,000 is allocation. Away fans may take their full allocation and as a result we may need extra policing, thus lowering the attendance, or away fans might not fill their allocation. In the Champions League we have to give away 3,000 tickets to UEFA members, and have to give up a further 1,000 seats to the media. If you look at the Chelsea website, you'll notice that all of the games sell out (we are one of the only top clubs that actually sell out Carling Cup and FA Cup games for example).

The fact of the matter is we really need a stadium with a capacity between 55,000 and 58,000.

Our fan base has skyrocketed with success and many of these fans are plastics and glory hunters, but the fan base is there and the core fan base is there too. I'm not saying we are as big a club as Arsenal, but we are a huge club worldwide and that is largely to do with the money (depsite the fact we were a pretty big club before the buy out, regularly getting attendances of 40,000 once the building work was complete). If City's execs play their cards right, their fan base will multiply too.

Also, check this out <a class="postlink" href="http://www.sportundmarkt.com/fileadmin/Mailing/PK_Football_Top_20_2010/20100909_SPORT_MARKT_Football_Top_20_2010_Abstract_Press.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.sportundmarkt.com/fileadmin/ ... _Press.pdf</a>

We certainly weren't the fourth most supported club in Europe before the success (I'm sure many of the fans siding with Chelsea there would swap us for the latest trophy winner in a heartbeat, though).

Mate the 42K was a reference to the Chavs' capacity. Isn't yours 47K? But at least you are 1 City fan who accepts that any increase in fan base will be plastics.

Shrike my guess that with a name like fulhamroad22 and talking about chelsea he might well be talking about chelsea and not City
M18CTID said:
The Shrike said:

What competition did you earn the right to play in for Arab billions?

-- Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:47 pm --

No, not really, no. Read my post. I'll repeat it here for your convenience.

Did I say that you were plastic fans? No. I said that your wealth looks like its changing you (ie your attitudes) for the worse - and this thread tells that story loud and clear.

Interesting that your average gate is similar to Chelsea's give or take 5K or so. Their success has made it no easier for them to fill their place. Lets see whether you expansion plans are going to be necessary.

Although its tempting - I'll avoid childish insults in my posts.

From what I can gather, Chelsea don't have any problems filling their ground most of the time and as such what the Chelsea fan says above re a bigger ground capacity makes sense.

We've never averaged less than 40,000 at Eastlands and over the past 3 years the average has increased by 5,000 - that's just with a marked improvement on the pitch whilst not actually winning anything or even bagging a Champions League place yet. Even without bandwagon-jumpers and plastics I reckon the club is capable of enticing 10,000-15,000 "lapsed" City fans back into attending matches if we were to start winning trophies and making attending a match more attractive in terms of facilities on offer. There is talk of an increased capacity stadium of 65,000-plus comprising a combination of the very best corporate facilities and cheaper matchday tickets than we have now - rumours of a match ticket which includes free travel to the ground from the city centre on the soon to be completed tram line along the lines of what Bundesliga clubs offer have surfaced on here in the past.

I'm not daft enough to think we would have no problems filling a bigger capacity stadium but wholly affordable tickets for the less well off supplemented by a bigger income on the corporate side of things might just do the trick.

Well, I did say wait and see. Chelsea is famous amongst London based fans for not selling out their place often - even for CL games. Even their own fans reckon moving is poitless because they won't fill it. Maybe you, like Arsenal have a big enough traditional fan base to increase capacity, who knows. The point I was making is don't expect wealth to buy the best players, or even league success to translate into increased respect or fan base just yet.

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