Uefas new money laws?

What does "fair Play" Mean? why don't we split every games gate Receipts 50/50 why should some one 4th in the league get more money than 8th? Lets even it more then......... I'm Sorry this Fair Play is utter bullshit.....If some one have got the money to spend then they should be able to spend it.....
The Shrike said:
This is a genuine question - so don't throw the toys out. But do you genuinely feel that a club bankrolled like yours is is good for football?

This might sound like sour grapes coming from a Gooner - as we have had a much shorter time out of the trophies than you lot, and haven't had to bear the heartache that you have in the EPL era.

And what's more we are a wealthy club, and its a bit hypocritical the way some Gooners play the pauper card.

But if your model is replicated, the league becomes nothing more than a contest to see which billionaire has the biggest cock. After the first couple of titles, won't it all get a bit pointless?

I know the thread has moved on a bit, but there is much more to our owner than the football team.

Let me put it this way. In a few years time, when you visit Manchester to watch us play Arsenal and you are blown away by the developments on the hundreds of acres of land around the ground, will you be thinking our owner has been bad? It is a world class attraction, employing thousands of people in an area that is, at the moment, not too affluent, and millions of people are going there every year to visit and marvel at whatever is built.

Is that bad for football, great for the local community? Or Both?

Maybe, when the world wakes up to what our owner is about, and what his plans are, some of the 'City ruining football' stuff will disappear and a begrudging acceptance will follow that he has been good on all counts.

I'm not looking at this through rose tinted spectacles. I'm realistic, and I understand where football supporters like yourself are coming from, but 'the project' involves much more than Manchester City Football Club, and in a few years time, when thousands of people are earning their living off the investments of the Sheik, it will put many other owners of clubs in the shade.

I don't know much about Arsenal, but have they, or are they preparing, to pump billions into the local area?

I doubt it, and on the subject of football, we haven't won anything yet. If you think City will render the title pointless after we have won it a couple of times, well, can we win it once and then make that judgement? We aren't going to win it relentlessly, year after year.
the talisman said:
The Shrike said:
This is a genuine question - so don't throw the toys out. But do you genuinely feel that a club bankrolled like yours is is good for football?

This might sound like sour grapes coming from a Gooner - as we have had a much shorter time out of the trophies than you lot, and haven't had to bear the heartache that you have in the EPL era.

And what's more we are a wealthy club, and its a bit hypocritical the way some Gooners play the pauper card.

But if your model is replicated, the league becomes nothing more than a contest to see which billionaire has the biggest cock. After the first couple of titles, won't it all get a bit pointless?

Yes it's good for football.

No it won't get a bit pointless.

We are so starved of success, we are prepared to accept anything in order to see us become successful. And whilst I can see that's a bit shallow of us, I am in the same boat and crave success as much as the next City fan.

But really, deep down, I agree with Talisman. It's not right that whoever has the richest owner automatically wins the trophies. It might be nice for a while, but it's not right.

This nagging feeling is probably why I didn't want us to sign Rooney, for example. It wouldn't feel like WE had won anything - more that we had just bought the trophies by buying the players with their hands half on it.

Having said all of the above, the FFP rules have got NOTHING to do with this. They really are about protecting Real Madrid and co. There's lots of things Twatini could have introduced if he was really interested in fairness, but the FFP rules are in fact blatantly unfair on the smaller clubs.
Chippy_boy said:
the talisman said:
Yes it's good for football.

No it won't get a bit pointless.

We are so starved of success, we are prepared to accept anything in order to see us become successful. And whilst I can see that's a bit shallow of us, I am in the same boat and crave success as much as the next City fan.

But really, deep down, I agree with Talisman. It's not right that whoever has the richest owner automatically wins the trophies. It might be nice for a while, but it's not right.

This nagging feeling is probably why I didn't want us to sign Rooney, for example. It wouldn't feel like WE had won anything - more that we had just bought the trophies by buying the players with their hands half on it.

Having said all of the above, the FFP rules have got NOTHING to do with this. They really are about protecting Real Madrid and co. There's lots of things Twatini could have introduced if he was really interested in fairness, but the FFP rules are in fact blatantly unfair on the smaller clubs.

Best post on thread. Good arguments form many vs the fair play rules - funny how from a different perspective its easy to miss the point about these rules preserving the status quo - and I accept them.

I think as a Gooner I have some moral high ground - because we have done a lot more player development than anyone else and the difference between our 2 clubs in the '70's was negligible - its just that since then Arsenal has been a lot better run/managed than City.

But top marks to you mate for admitting that simply outspending everyone else to win trophies will begin to feel hollow, once the thrill of winning silverware again wears off.
The Shrike said:
Best post on thread. Good arguments form many vs the fair play rules - funny how from a different perspective its easy to miss the point about these rules preserving the status quo - and I accept them.

I think as a Gooner I have some moral high ground - because we have done a lot more player development than anyone else and the difference between our 2 clubs in the '70's was negligible - its just that since then Arsenal has been a lot better run/managed than City.
But top marks to you mate for admitting that simply outspending everyone else to win trophies will begin to feel hollow, once the thrill of winning silverware again wears off.

If you want to brag about being well run you need a better example than City from the 70's to 2008, Our broadroom was the longest running carry on film.
hello said:
The Shrike said:
Best post on thread. Good arguments form many vs the fair play rules - funny how from a different perspective its easy to miss the point about these rules preserving the status quo - and I accept them.

I think as a Gooner I have some moral high ground - because we have done a lot more player development than anyone else and the difference between our 2 clubs in the '70's was negligible - its just that since then Arsenal has been a lot better run/managed than City.
But top marks to you mate for admitting that simply outspending everyone else to win trophies will begin to feel hollow, once the thrill of winning silverware again wears off.

If you want to brag about being well run you need a better example than City from the 70's to 2008, Our broadroom was the longest running carry on film.

Not bragging - just pointing out a fact. That you have agreed with.
so when arse hit the high points it was done by bringing through the youngsters in the right way, rather than spending money like us chavs who do it all the wrong way?

arse youngsters like seaman, lukic, dixon, worthington, bould, campbell, toure, lauren, gilberto, edu, pires, llunberg, wright, petite, viera, henry, berkamp, limpar to name a few

you must have won the fa youth cup every year
Don't forget Overmars, Kanu, Anelka, Upson, Luzhny, Ljungberg, Suker, Sylvinho, Jeffers, Wiltord, Pires, Wright, van Bronkhorst, Cygan, Reyes, Hleb, Eduardo.......

for an Arsenal fan to have a go at us about bringing youngsters through the system when our Academy has produced more first team graduates than any other BAR NONE, is a bit rich.
squirtyflower said:
so when arse hit the high points it was done by bringing through the youngsters in the right way, rather than spending money like us chavs who do it all the wrong way?

arse youngsters like seaman, lukic, dixon, worthington, bould, campbell, toure, lauren, gilberto, edu, pires, llunberg, wright, petite, viera, henry, berkamp, limpar to name a few

you must have won the fa youth cup every year

No. No not at all.

What you lot don't seem to get is that this isn't a question of principle, its a question of degree. And if you take things to the conclusion of where your club is going, you'll buy up all the talent in the game, while artificially inflating prices for everyone else. One of the reasons why the Chavs (and that's what we call Chelsea, BTW) are so dominent is that their spending power has allowed them to buy at least 2 international standard players for each position. Injuries have little or no effect on them, and so money has simply taken out one of the issues that might ordinarily be expected to have an effect on a season. You lot are Chelse on steroids. And while it is hilarious to find Manure shagged up the arse over Rooney because of the City effect - on real analysis your unprecedented wealth can undermine as well as compete with other clubs.

You may say, and to a degree I agree, that the EPL is already predictable, and has been for a while. But where we are going is that at the beginning of the season we will be able to know who is going to win - and it'll simply be the club with most to spend. Luck; coaching quality; team bonding etc will be unimportant. And winning will ultimately be empty.<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:17 pm --<br /><br />
jimbo101 said:
Don't forget Overmars, Kanu, Anelka, Upson, Luzhny, Ljungberg, Suker, Sylvinho, Jeffers, Wiltord, Pires, Wright, van Bronkhorst, Cygan, Reyes, Hleb, Eduardo.......

for an Arsenal fan to have a go at us about bringing youngsters through the system when our Academy has produced more first team graduates than any other BAR NONE, is a bit rich.

How many academy players are playing regularly in your first 11?
The Shrike said:
squirtyflower said:
so when arse hit the high points it was done by bringing through the youngsters in the right way, rather than spending money like us chavs who do it all the wrong way?

arse youngsters like seaman, lukic, dixon, worthington, bould, campbell, toure, lauren, gilberto, edu, pires, llunberg, wright, petite, viera, henry, berkamp, limpar to name a few

you must have won the fa youth cup every year

No. No not at all.

What you lot don't seem to get is that this isn't a question of principle, its a question of degree. And if you take things to the conclusion of where your club is going, you'll buy up all the talent in the game, while artificially inflating prices for everyone else. One of the reasons why the Chavs (and that's what we call Chelsea, BTW) are so dominent is that their spending power has allowed them to buy at least 2 international standard players for each position. Injuries have little or no effect on them, and so money has simply taken out one of the issues that might ordinarily be expected to have an effect on a season. You lot are Chelse on steroids. And while it is hilarious to find Manure shagged up the arse over Rooney because of the City effect - on real analysis your unprecedented wealth can undermine as well as compete with other clubs.

You may say, and to a degree I agree, that the EPL is already predictable, and has been for a while. But where we are going is that at the beginning of the season we will be able to know who is going to win - and it'll simply be the club with most to spend. Luck; coaching quality; team bonding etc will be unimportant. And winning will ultimately be empty.

-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:17 pm --

jimbo101 said:
Don't forget Overmars, Kanu, Anelka, Upson, Luzhny, Ljungberg, Suker, Sylvinho, Jeffers, Wiltord, Pires, Wright, van Bronkhorst, Cygan, Reyes, Hleb, Eduardo.......

for an Arsenal fan to have a go at us about bringing youngsters through the system when our Academy has produced more first team graduates than any other BAR NONE, is a bit rich.

How many academy players are playing regularly in your first 11?

Firstly how many of your academy players that regularly play were not brought or enticed at an earlier age to join your academy and under new rules you would be fined for

Secondly the buying the league no matter team bond, manager, luck etc... has already been disproved when Chelsea spent 2 and a half years with a broken bond and shit managers while spending money still!!!! Real Madrid also proved this.

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