Uefas new money laws?

squirtyflower said:
so when arse hit the high points it was done by bringing through the youngsters in the right way, rather than spending money like us chavs who do it all the wrong way?

arse youngsters like seaman, lukic, dixon, worthington, bould, campbell, toure, lauren, gilberto, edu, pires, llunberg, wright, petite, viera, henry, berkamp, limpar to name a few

you must have won the fa youth cup every year

You won't find many Spurs fans defending an Arsenal fan, but squirty that was not the point and you know that..... I played non league football for a team down South called Wingate and Finchley (Ryman League).... anyway, many years ago (I am 42 now) as a 16 year old I played in a pre-season friendly against an Arsenal Youth Team (circa 1984) and that team contained Adams, Thomas, Rocastle (RIP) and one or two others....

That Arsenal team that won the title in 1989 (as much as it sickened me) was full of homegrown talent......

My own club have also been fantastically well run since Lord Sugar got involved, we have not had the success of Arsenal but we have built our club and team the right way, and some of the rewards were earned (yes earned) last May.....

Where Spurs and Arsenal go from here, I don't know, but the major difference between Chelsea and Man City, when Roman bought Chelsea they were already a CL club and had won something (FA Cups and a Cup Winners Cup) in the recent history, Man City have won nothing for xx years..... and now because you have spent £xxx millions on players, some of feel you have a divine right or you expect to win something........

This is what many football fans find distasteful......

Even having spent the money, you still have to earn the right to win trophies and play at Europe's top table..... there are those that will say the longer you don't win something the better for football. As it will prove you cannot buy success.....

As for the FFP laws.... time will tell if they work, are workable or not.....

I am just enjoying the ride which sees us play Inter (a), Everton (h), Manure (a), Inter (h) etc etc..... instead of some backwater in Poland.....
The Shrike said:
squirtyflower said:
so when arse hit the high points it was done by bringing through the youngsters in the right way, rather than spending money like us chavs who do it all the wrong way?

arse youngsters like seaman, lukic, dixon, worthington, bould, campbell, toure, lauren, gilberto, edu, pires, llunberg, wright, petite, viera, henry, berkamp, limpar to name a few

you must have won the fa youth cup every year

No. No not at all.

What you lot don't seem to get is that this isn't a question of principle, its a question of degree. And if you take things to the conclusion of where your club is going, you'll buy up all the talent in the game, while artificially inflating prices for everyone else. One of the reasons why the Chavs (and that's what we call Chelsea, BTW) are so dominent is that their spending power has allowed them to buy at least 2 international standard players for each position. Injuries have little or no effect on them, and so money has simply taken out one of the issues that might ordinarily be expected to have an effect on a season. You lot are Chelse on steroids. And while it is hilarious to find Manure shagged up the arse over Rooney because of the City effect - on real analysis your unprecedented wealth can undermine as well as compete with other clubs.

You may say, and to a degree I agree, that the EPL is already predictable, and has been for a while. But where we are going is that at the beginning of the season we will be able to know who is going to win - and it'll simply be the club with most to spend. Luck; coaching quality; team bonding etc will be unimportant. And winning will ultimately be empty.

-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:17 pm --

jimbo101 said:
Don't forget Overmars, Kanu, Anelka, Upson, Luzhny, Ljungberg, Suker, Sylvinho, Jeffers, Wiltord, Pires, Wright, van Bronkhorst, Cygan, Reyes, Hleb, Eduardo.......

for an Arsenal fan to have a go at us about bringing youngsters through the system when our Academy has produced more first team graduates than any other BAR NONE, is a bit rich.

How many academy players are playing regularly in your first 11?
so basically arse spending money throughout the aeons is ok
city spending money isn't
cheers for your insight, but it arrogance towards the little man doesn't wash with us

what's the waiting time for the top arse restaurant? two years did you say, all about football with you lot, money has nothing to do with it
we have no need to justify anything to the little lord fontleroys from the arse
BoyBlue_1985 said:
The Shrike said:
No. No not at all.

What you lot don't seem to get is that this isn't a question of principle, its a question of degree. And if you take things to the conclusion of where your club is going, you'll buy up all the talent in the game, while artificially inflating prices for everyone else. One of the reasons why the Chavs (and that's what we call Chelsea, BTW) are so dominent is that their spending power has allowed them to buy at least 2 international standard players for each position. Injuries have little or no effect on them, and so money has simply taken out one of the issues that might ordinarily be expected to have an effect on a season. You lot are Chelse on steroids. And while it is hilarious to find Manure shagged up the arse over Rooney because of the City effect - on real analysis your unprecedented wealth can undermine as well as compete with other clubs.

You may say, and to a degree I agree, that the EPL is already predictable, and has been for a while. But where we are going is that at the beginning of the season we will be able to know who is going to win - and it'll simply be the club with most to spend. Luck; coaching quality; team bonding etc will be unimportant. And winning will ultimately be empty.

-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:17 pm --

How many academy players are playing regularly in your first 11?

Firstly how many of your academy players that regularly play were not brought or enticed at an earlier age to join your academy and under new rules you would be fined for

Secondly the buying the league no matter team bond, manager, luck etc... has already been disproved when Chelsea spent 2 and a half years with a broken bond and shit managers while spending money still!!!! Real Madrid also proved this.

That's not the point (re Academy players). The point is that many of our first team players were developed at Arsenal rather than bought oven ready. That's what gives a sense of satisfaction at seeing these kids come through.

Secondly - it hasn't been disproved at all - its only a matter of timing. or do you think that the Chavs would have 2 league titles without the Russian crook?
now we have the two of them in stereo

'we have done it the right way, you haven't brigade'

fuck off and tell some one who might actually give a shit

but before you do remind yourselves how much you have spent

pity your fan forums don't 'do it the right way too', then we wouldn't have to read your condescending bile day in day out
go on 606 if you want to act all superior<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:32 pm --<br /><br />
The Shrike said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Firstly how many of your academy players that regularly play were not brought or enticed at an earlier age to join your academy and under new rules you would be fined for

Secondly the buying the league no matter team bond, manager, luck etc... has already been disproved when Chelsea spent 2 and a half years with a broken bond and shit managers while spending money still!!!! Real Madrid also proved this.

That's not the point (re Academy players). The point is that many of our first team players were developed at Arsenal rather than bought oven ready. That's what gives a sense of satisfaction at seeing these kids come through.

Secondly - it hasn't been disproved at all - its only a matter of timing. or do you think that the Chavs would have 2 league titles without the Russian crook?
which is why you have won fuck all recently

get back to spending big again and you might start again
The Shrike said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Firstly how many of your academy players that regularly play were not brought or enticed at an earlier age to join your academy and under new rules you would be fined for

Secondly the buying the league no matter team bond, manager, luck etc... has already been disproved when Chelsea spent 2 and a half years with a broken bond and shit managers while spending money still!!!! Real Madrid also proved this.

That's not the point (re Academy players). The point is that many of our first team players were developed at Arsenal rather than bought oven ready. That's what gives a sense of satisfaction at seeing these kids come through.

Secondly - it hasn't been disproved at all - its only a matter of timing. or do you think that the Chavs would have 2 league titles without the Russian crook?

We have had near on 30 academy players come through in last 10 years. When we were taken over we were light years behind the top 4 and had to buy oven ready to get up there. The thing the media wont and doesnt want to tell you is all the behind the scenes work that has been done and spending millions on the academy so we can bring are own academy players through

Its 3 league titles and without Mourinho i believe there history would be a bit different as he is in a different league to your Ranieri and Scolari's. Until Ancelotti who has been proved to be a great manager came in Chelsea hadnt won the league since jose left and that says alot about money although being important a team it does not make<br /><br />-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:38 pm --<br /><br />
squirtyflower said:
now we have the two of them in stereo

'we have done it the right way, you haven't brigade'

fuck off and tell some one who might actually give a shit

but before you do remind yourselves how much you have spent

pity your fan forums don't 'do it the right way too', then we wouldn't have to read your condescending bile day in day out
go on 606 if you want to act all superior

-- Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:32 pm --

The Shrike said:
That's not the point (re Academy players). The point is that many of our first team players were developed at Arsenal rather than bought oven ready. That's what gives a sense of satisfaction at seeing these kids come through.

Secondly - it hasn't been disproved at all - its only a matter of timing. or do you think that the Chavs would have 2 league titles without the Russian crook?
which is why you have won fuck all recently

get back to spending big again and you might start again

Squirty lets be fair if a baby was born the last time Arsenal won something it would of started school in September this year!!!!!!!!

And as for the Spurs bloke, well done!!
BoyBlue_1985 said:
The Shrike said:
That's not the point (re Academy players). The point is that many of our first team players were developed at Arsenal rather than bought oven ready. That's what gives a sense of satisfaction at seeing these kids come through.

Secondly - it hasn't been disproved at all - its only a matter of timing. or do you think that the Chavs would have 2 league titles without the Russian crook?

We have had near on 30 academy players come through in last 10 years. When we were taken over we were light years behind the top 4 and had to buy oven ready to get up there. The thing the media wont and doesnt want to tell you is all the behind the scenes work that has been done and spending millions on the academy so we can bring are own academy players through

Its 3 league titles and without Mourinho i believe there history would be a bit different as he is in a different league to your Ranieri and Scolari's. Until Ancelotti who has been proved to be a great manager came in Chelsea hadnt won the league since jose left and that says alot about money although being important a team it does not make

Not really the point though, is it? The point is that you did nothing with them, and have dumped them now you are all flush.

You all sound pretty defensive here - and I can appreciate that. You may not realise it, but many people still have a softish spot for City, because their fans have traditionally been totally non-arrogant. Looks like that is changing a bit - and the guy who admitted earlier that simply buying success might seem a bit hollow is in the monority.

There is nothing wrong at all with wanting success after so many years in the wilderness - its trying to argue that spending at the level that your sheikh is doing is the right direction to take football in that doesn;t stack up.

...and to those who object to having other fans on here - please grow up and learn the difference between challenging debate and WUM's.
marcspurs said:
and now because you have spent £xxx millions on players, some of feel you have a divine right or you expect to win something........

This is what many football fans find distasteful......

I am just enjoying the ride which sees us play Inter (a), Everton (h), Manure (a), Inter (h) etc etc..... instead of some backwater in Poland.....
Another fan of a London club lecturing us on money. No wonder you lot are so desperate to see these rules work. It's a rich clubs charter and we all know London clubs can get away with charging more. You're also better positioned with respect of the pull of executive boxes and suites which are used all-year round for business purposes. How did you earn that benefit exactly?

Here you are dismissing us for arrogance and then you go and mock a Polish 'backwater' club? Keep flying the flag for hypocrisy because you're on a roll. Any road, I'll take their fans over your lot with your monotonous drone of 'oh when the Spurs go marching in' like you're at a funeral.
The Shrike said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
We have had near on 30 academy players come through in last 10 years. When we were taken over we were light years behind the top 4 and had to buy oven ready to get up there. The thing the media wont and doesnt want to tell you is all the behind the scenes work that has been done and spending millions on the academy so we can bring are own academy players through

Its 3 league titles and without Mourinho i believe there history would be a bit different as he is in a different league to your Ranieri and Scolari's. Until Ancelotti who has been proved to be a great manager came in Chelsea hadnt won the league since jose left and that says alot about money although being important a team it does not make

Not really the point though, is it? The point is that you did nothing with them, and have dumped them now you are all flush.

You all sound pretty defensive here - and I can appreciate that. You may not realise it, but many people still have a softish spot for City, because their fans have traditionally been totally non-arrogant. Looks like that is changing a bit - and the guy who admitted earlier that simply buying success might seem a bit hollow is in the monority.

There is nothing wrong at all with wanting success after so many years in the wilderness - its trying to argue that spending at the level that your sheikh is doing is the right direction to take football in that doesn;t stack up.

...and to those who object to having other fans on here - please grow up and learn the difference between challenging debate and WUM's.

Why ignore what i said about us having to spend as we so far behind when we got the money? And as for dumping are academy player i believe Richards , Hart and Boyata all started against your lot on sunday! The thing is i think everyone at City would love to see 11 academy players playing and win us the league and hopefully 1 day that will happen but we have to start somewhere and as buying better players to improve your team in the short term is the only way we have to do it knowing in the long term we wont have to
How many academy players are playing regularly in your first 11?[/quote]

Firstly how many of your academy players that regularly play were not brought or enticed at an earlier age to join your academy and under new rules you would be fined for

I cannot believe this. Being lectured by an Arsenal fan about our Academy!!
It's liking taking childcare advice from Gary Glitter!!!
OK. Regular recent first teamers - Ireland, SWP, Micah, Onuoha, M Johnson. Not quite regulars include Sturridge, Ched Evans, Kasper, Miller. These are players with League & European experience, not Carling Cup.

FA Youth Cup winners. Arsenal 1994
Noel Imber
Tony Griggs
ross Taylor
Jamie Howell
Graeme Hall
Chris McDonald
Michael Black
Matthew Rose
Matthew Rawlins
Gavin McGowan
Stephen Hughes. Not a very impressive list of first team graduates there.

FA Youth Cup winners 1985 - Man City
First team graduates Hinchcliffe, Brightwell, Redmond, White, Moulden, Lake, Scott. 2 of them played for England.

FA Youth cup runners up 2006 - Man City
First team graduates - Logan, Johnson, Etuhu, Sturridge, Richards, Evans.

Every single one qualifies under whatever 'home-grown' rules you care to use.

Rant over
very good of a spuds fan to tell us its ok for roman to poor billions into chelski cos they were already winning things, how on earth doe's the numpty think they changed from a yoyo bottom end of div 1 club to challengers doe's the name matthew harding the multi millionare not jump to mind some of these half wits make me piss. if they're that interested in fairness let the f.a.collect all gate monies sponserships and football related sales and divide it equally between the 92 now thats fair.

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