Uefas new money laws?

fulhamroad22 said:
squirtyflower said:
thread full of stinking cockernee eel pie munchers

Cockneys are people that grow up in East London, more specifically within the sound of Bowe bells (even East Londoners will correct you on that one). Chelsea/Fulham Broadway- South West London. Tottenham- North London. Just thought I'd point that out haha. Oh, and it's jellied eels, not eel pie, and they taste horrible.

Still funny how we've got an Arsenal supporter, Tottenham fan and a Chelsea fan in a thread predominantly about City.
i thought to be a cockney you had to be born within the sound of bowe bells and your right them jellied eels taste shite neck and neck with you beer not bad for a lad from up north eh.and the tottingham fan turnin down arab billions cos he wouldn't be happy chance would be a fine thing at that club
fulhamroad22 said:
squirtyflower said:
thread full of stinking cockernee eel pie munchers

Cockneys are people that grow up in East London, more specifically within the sound of Bowe bells (even East Londoners will correct you on that one). Chelsea/Fulham Broadway- South West London. Tottenham- North London. Just thought I'd point that out haha. Oh, and it's jellied eels, not eel pie, and they taste horrible.

Still funny how we've got an Arsenal supporter, Tottenham fan and a Chelsea fan in a thread predominantly about City.

Even funnier that they're on here preaching to us about how we should feel about our financial good fortune, and, wait for it............calling us arrogant.

It is going to be interesting to see how these laws evolve and see how they affect the club we love. I am pretty sure our owners have a very good idea how they are going to get round this ruling...

It has been easy for the media and fans of the other clubs to continually state that we are ruining English football. The club is bringing the best people at all levels to ensure we are in the best position to become one of the best clubs in England and Europe, which is no easy challenge. The fact that fans of other clubs are coming on this site proves they are now taking notice of our club.

Hopefully over time the bitterness that has come our way from other football fans will turn into a healthy respect for a winning team that has had to prove a lot of people wrong. Chelsea were more successful than us before they were taken over, but only the vast wealth of Abramovich's enabled them to build on their successes to become the best team in London and one of the best in Europe.

Only time will tell how far the Sheikh Mansour's wealth can build on the traditions of our club and take us forward to the next level similar to Chelsea...
Blue Train said:
Maybe we SHOULD do it the Arsenal way. It would be a lot cheaper to plunder the academies of the world and pay top whack for the kids who are just on the cusp of making it big and claim we brought them through from our magical academy.

And if Platini's Protect The G14 rules see us banned from the Champions League then we could adopt the tried and tested Arsenal route of bribing an official to vote us into the league and once in it we could pick a G14 club and buy their manager and all their players to make sure we really cement ourselves in place.

Then we can c**t off to everyone forevermore about our proud history of doing things the right way.

Great post mate. I find it absolutely laughable that when Wenger moans about "financial doping" he completely ignores the fact that Arsenal financially doped, sorry bribed, their way into the top flight all those years ago (ironically at Tottenham's expense I think).

Or the fact that since moving to the Emirates Stadium Arsenal have financially doped their supporters and corporate customers into paying extortionate sums of money to get a taste of the unique matchday experience of a club that is run the "right way" (you know, a club that isn't obsessed with money and is in touch with the grass roots game and wouldn't dream of ripping off it's own fans, etc, etc). The kind of sums that Arsenal (or Tottenham just up the road) wouldn't have a cat-in-hell's chance of charging if they were located in the Midlands or the North of England. You only have to look at the figures regarding matchday revenue to see that being a big club in London is a massive advantage to being a big club elsewhere. Arsenal's average league crowd is 33% more than ours, yet their matchday revenue is 500% more. Of course, being Champs League regulars will pull in more lucrative deals in terms of sponsorship/corporate revenue but not to that extent. No, it's all about location, location, location. And how "fair" is that?

Tottenham don't get off either - the prices they charge aren't quite in Arsenal's league but they're not far off, and if that new stadium comes off I suspect we'll see a similar model to the Arsenal one now.

And speaking of Tottenham, if doing things the "right way" involves undermining a manager that has just guided you to two consecutive 5th place finishes (your highest league placings for the best part of 20 years) to the extent that your board is actively looking for a new manager because your current one has just dared to lose the very first game of the new season to a 95th-minute Michael Chopra goal at the Stadium of Light, then you can keep your "right way" of doing things and shove it where the sun doesn't shine thank you very much.
M18CTID said:
Blue Train said:
Maybe we SHOULD do it the Arsenal way. It would be a lot cheaper to plunder the academies of the world and pay top whack for the kids who are just on the cusp of making it big and claim we brought them through from our magical academy.

And if Platini's Protect The G14 rules see us banned from the Champions League then we could adopt the tried and tested Arsenal route of bribing an official to vote us into the league and once in it we could pick a G14 club and buy their manager and all their players to make sure we really cement ourselves in place.

Then we can c**t off to everyone forevermore about our proud history of doing things the right way.

Great post mate. I find it absolutely laughable that when Wenger moans about "financial doping" he completely ignores the fact that Arsenal financially doped, sorry bribed, their way into the top flight all those years ago (ironically at Tottenham's expense I think).

Or the fact that since moving to the Emirates Stadium Arsenal have financially doped their supporters and corporate customers into paying extortionate sums of money to get a taste of the unique matchday experience of a club that is run the "right way" (you know, a club that isn't obsessed with money and is in touch with the grass roots game and wouldn't dream of ripping off it's own fans, etc, etc). The kind of sums that Arsenal (or Tottenham just up the road) wouldn't have a cat-in-hell's chance of charging if they were located in the Midlands or the North of England. You only have to look at the figures regarding matchday revenue to see that being a big club in London is a massive advantage to being a big club elsewhere. Arsenal's average league crowd is 33% more than ours, yet their matchday revenue is 500% more. Of course, being Champs League regulars will pull in more lucrative deals in terms of sponsorship/corporate revenue but not to that extent. No, it's all about location, location, location. And how "fair" is that?

Tottenham don't get off either - the prices they charge aren't quite in Arsenal's league but they're not far off, and if that new stadium comes off I suspect we'll see a similar model to the Arsenal one now.

And speaking of Tottenham, if doing things the "right way" involves undermining a manager that has just guided you to two consecutive 5th place finishes (your highest league placings for the best part of 20 years) to the extent that your board is actively looking for a new manager because your current one has just dared to lose the very first game of the new season to a 95th-minute Michael Chopra goal at the Stadium of Light, then you can keep your "right way" of doing things and shove it where the sun doesn't shine thank you very much.
Well said fella- you going Wolves?
SWP's back said:
M18CTID said:
Great post mate. I find it absolutely laughable that when Wenger moans about "financial doping" he completely ignores the fact that Arsenal financially doped, sorry bribed, their way into the top flight all those years ago (ironically at Tottenham's expense I think).

Or the fact that since moving to the Emirates Stadium Arsenal have financially doped their supporters and corporate customers into paying extortionate sums of money to get a taste of the unique matchday experience of a club that is run the "right way" (you know, a club that isn't obsessed with money and is in touch with the grass roots game and wouldn't dream of ripping off it's own fans, etc, etc). The kind of sums that Arsenal (or Tottenham just up the road) wouldn't have a cat-in-hell's chance of charging if they were located in the Midlands or the North of England. You only have to look at the figures regarding matchday revenue to see that being a big club in London is a massive advantage to being a big club elsewhere. Arsenal's average league crowd is 33% more than ours, yet their matchday revenue is 500% more. Of course, being Champs League regulars will pull in more lucrative deals in terms of sponsorship/corporate revenue but not to that extent. No, it's all about location, location, location. And how "fair" is that?

Tottenham don't get off either - the prices they charge aren't quite in Arsenal's league but they're not far off, and if that new stadium comes off I suspect we'll see a similar model to the Arsenal one now.

And speaking of Tottenham, if doing things the "right way" involves undermining a manager that has just guided you to two consecutive 5th place finishes (your highest league placings for the best part of 20 years) to the extent that your board is actively looking for a new manager because your current one has just dared to lose the very first game of the new season to a 95th-minute Michael Chopra goal at the Stadium of Light, then you can keep your "right way" of doing things and shove it where the sun doesn't shine thank you very much.
Well said fella- you going Wolves?

Yes mate, I'll be there.
I think most top clubs cannot argue about the notion of buying players. Most clubs that have won the league would technically fall into the 'bought the league' category. I guess the arguments of clubs like Arsenal, United and Liverpool would go something along the lines of 'we earned the money', which is fair enough but it is not strictly true. The money earned could be a chain reaction of investment, of investment may have gone side by side with profit.

The thing that irritates the masses about City and Chelsea is that we are doing what they did but 'on steroids'. I know for a fact you guys hated it when we were the top financial dog. City and Chelsea are projects for their prospective owners, almost a hobby. Mansour and Abramovich started off wanting to form a dream team. As time went on it is to form an honours challenging side, so they are going to throw money at it like there's no tomorrow, and I can see why other teams may be upset at that, but it is probably born out of envy mainly. Part of me feels it is wrong, part of me feels it helps take the club to the next level and encourages further foreign investment.
fulhamroad22 said:
I know for a fact you guys hated it when we were the top financial dog.
Yeah, we hated that someone other than the Trafford swamp dwelling heathen were winning the title... Honestly, I would have preferred Arsenal to win back in those days (not now) but you were second to them over the rags and Liverpool certainly.
Shhesh. You lot are becoming like plastic Chav fans - but in record time. As you'd expect - I know loads of Chav fans - and many old school fans are honest enough to admit that while they will take success at any price, they would rather that they could have achieved this without financial doping.

And that is the bottom line. You can compare what you are doing now with big clubs having financial clout in the past, but this just doesn't stack up. We are not talking about financial 'clout' in your case. We are talking a bottomless pit of money that can be spent heedlessly; without risk - players can be bought for record sums just to see if they will succeed, and then discarded at will. Comparing this to even the likes of Manure or Liverhoof in their pomp is ridiculous - and deep down most of you know it. And comparing your spending power to Arsenal's - are you serious?

Most fans aren't jealous, or envious of you. I prefer my club's relative lack of financial muscle to hoovering up every mercenary around - and it is great to have more 'big' games and an opportunity to pitch our organic team against your so-called 'dream team'.

And what you defensively characterise as lecturing is no such thing. What outsiders are asking, and rightly so, is whether the ability to spend so big; with a complete absense of any balancing factors, is good for the game. I'm not going to convince you that what you are doing is in a different stratosphere to what the so-called 'big four' (less the Chavs) were doing prior to 2009, but that doesn't mean that asking the question is invalid.

So you will win your titles, and no doubt enjoy looking down on teams that you convince yourselves felt superior to you back in the day (which is wrong - many people used to have you as their 'second' team). But Chelsea's 'dream team' cannot fill a 42K seater stadium consistently, and their experience demonstrates that while your following may be increased by some plastics - respect and admiration are harder to come by.

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