UFO's real or not?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
If were the only intelligent life in something the size of the universe it would be quite frankly stupid. Having said that travelling anywhere near to the speed of light at it or over it is impossible due to some things i just quite simply will never understand

The thing is mate, as we progress as humankind, years and years down the line our vibrations will get quicker, everything will get quicker, travel will not be a problem(fast travel) and we may to be able to do what the so-called ufo's do and travel light years in seconds. On the other hand, a cataclysm will probably wipe us all out:(
keep your eyes open for any reports in tomorrows news,just been out for a smoke and saw something strange.Probably nothing but at first i thought it was an aircraft going away from me then it seemed to move sideways. then forward again and more sideways movements.it must have gone over manchester city centre so maybe something in the news.it just didnt seem right,thats all im saying.it was going too fast for a helicopter.it was scarlet red in colour a bit like you would imagine seeing the backburners on a military jet
buzzer1 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
If were the only intelligent life in something the size of the universe it would be quite frankly stupid. Having said that travelling anywhere near to the speed of light at it or over it is impossible due to some things i just quite simply will never understand

The thing is mate, as we progress as humankind, years and years down the line our vibrations will get quicker, everything will get quicker, travel will not be a problem(fast travel) and we may to be able to do what the so-called ufo's do and travel light years in seconds. On the other hand, a cataclysm will probably wipe us all out:(

oh my aching sides!
denislawsbackheel said:
buzzer1 said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
If were the only intelligent life in something the size of the universe it would be quite frankly stupid. Having said that travelling anywhere near to the speed of light at it or over it is impossible due to some things i just quite simply will never understand

The thing is mate, as we progress as humankind, years and years down the line our vibrations will get quicker, everything will get quicker, travel will not be a problem(fast travel) and we may to be able to do what the so-called ufo's do and travel light years in seconds. On the other hand, a cataclysm will probably wipe us all out:(

oh my aching sides!

Is Vic there.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
If were the only intelligent life in something the size of the universe it would be quite frankly stupid. Having said that travelling anywhere near to the speed of light at it or over it is impossible due to some things i just quite simply will never understand

BoyBlue_1985 said:
If were the only intelligent life in something the size of the universe it would be quite frankly stupid. Having said that travelling anywhere near to the speed of light at it or over it is impossible due to some things i just quite simply will never understand
...try overstandin that travlin way past the so-called speed of light is indeed possible due to manipulation of afew of the vibrational/octaves that actually accompany n' travel ahead/sides of and 'behind of the so-called light particles themselves ;-)

Gonna let that one sit within mortal minds for now ;-)
corky1970 said:
countless sightings , countless radar contacts, countless military pilots chasing ufo,s documented, countless employees of secret bases claiming alien contacts, countless astronauts, senators, police, films, pictures, government files on the subject.

to dismiss these is quite plainly fucking thick.

there is a case for extraterrestials,

i challenge anyone to look up on you tube " russian mars alien probe attack" and come back with an explanation.
bear in mind these are astronauts claiming contact.

explain please ????

Is it this one?

I know one of the pupils that saw this,he was asked to be interviewed for this documentry,but declined,as he has a law practice and it could have harmed his business.
He told me what he saw,before the doc was made and it was exactly the same as the other witness'.


Here is a shorter overview...

pominoz said:
I know one of the pupils that saw this,he was asked to be interviewed for this documentry,but declined,as he has a law practice and it could have harmed his business.
He told me what he saw,before the doc was made and it was exactly the same as the other witness'.

Dont bother mate the general view is anyone who claims to see something is a loon and those that believe them are classed exactly the same way.

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