UFO's real or not?

SWP's back said:
Has anyone got any new videos of the slippery little bastards?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/84920/Dutch_guy_finds_fleet_of_57_spacecraf_lined_up_in_Google_Sky/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... oogle_Sky/</a>

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/85041/UFO_Over_Marble_Falls_Texas_/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... ls_Texas_/</a>
buzzer1 said:
SWP's back said:
Has anyone got any new videos of the slippery little bastards?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/84920/Dutch_guy_finds_fleet_of_57_spacecraf_lined_up_in_Google_Sky/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... oogle_Sky/</a>
Cheers mate I'll have a look now.

Whenever I search on YouTube I enerally get duped by a viral add.

Fwiw I'd definitely a believer on ufos and the like, too Manu sightings to be dismissed.
SWP's back said:
buzzer1 said:
SWP's back said:
Has anyone got any new videos of the slippery little bastards?

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/84920/Dutch_guy_finds_fleet_of_57_spacecraf_lined_up_in_Google_Sky/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... oogle_Sky/</a>
Cheers mate I'll have a look now.

Whenever I search on YouTube I enerally get duped by a viral add.

Fwiw I'd definitely a believer on ufos and the like, too Manu sightings to be dismissed.

^ I knew you were a rag ;-)

For me, I'm sure there's life out there and they may have visited here at some point, but do I think they're flying around now? On balance, no, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if they were.

Is that fucking good enough for you Buzzer?
gordondaviesmoustache said:
SWP's back said:
buzzer1 said:
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/84920/Dutch_guy_finds_fleet_of_57_spacecraf_lined_up_in_Google_Sky/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... oogle_Sky/</a>
Cheers mate I'll have a look now.

Whenever I search on YouTube I enerally get duped by a viral add.

Fwiw I'd definitely a believer on ufos and the like, too Manu sightings to be dismissed.

^ I knew you were a rag ;-)

For me, I'm sure there's life out there and they may have visited here at some point, but do I think they're flying around now? On balance, no, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if they were.

Is that fucking good enough for you Buzzer?

i'd agree with this. i reckon something knows our planet exists whether they found this out in the distant past or not.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
SWP's back said:
buzzer1 said:
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/84920/Dutch_guy_finds_fleet_of_57_spacecraf_lined_up_in_Google_Sky/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... oogle_Sky/</a>
Cheers mate I'll have a look now.

Whenever I search on YouTube I enerally get duped by a viral add.

Fwiw I'd definitely a believer on ufos and the like, too Manu sightings to be dismissed.

^ I knew you were a rag ;-)

For me, I'm sure there's life out there and they may have visited here at some point, but do I think they're flying around now? On balance, no, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if they were.

Is that fucking good enough for you Buzzer?

If its good enough for you then why fuckin' not;)
We are no doubt the dumbest beings in the universe, even cows are brighter than us all. Disgustin' entities, that is all.
buzzer1 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
SWP's back said:
Cheers mate I'll have a look now.

Whenever I search on YouTube I enerally get duped by a viral add.

Fwiw I'd definitely a believer on ufos and the like, too Manu sightings to be dismissed.

^ I knew you were a rag ;-)

For me, I'm sure there's life out there and they may have visited here at some point, but do I think they're flying around now? On balance, no, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if they were.

Is that fucking good enough for you Buzzer?

If its good enough for you then why fuckin' not;)
We are no doubt the dumbest beings in the universe, even cows are brighter than us all. Disgustin' entities, that is all.

not sure....

ban-mcfc said:
buzzer1 said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
^ I knew you were a rag ;-)

For me, I'm sure there's life out there and they may have visited here at some point, but do I think they're flying around now? On balance, no, but I wouldn't be totally shocked if they were.

Is that fucking good enough for you Buzzer?

If its good enough for you then why fuckin' not;)
We are no doubt the dumbest beings in the universe, even cows are brighter than us all. Disgustin' entities, that is all.

not sure....


I love that pic, would you believe that the thick pylon builders actually built it around the cow> Oh i,how many thick bastards have gotten their heads caught in railings? FACTOID kerpow.
buzzer1 said:
We are no doubt the dumbest beings in the universe, even cows are brighter than us all. Disgustin' entities, that is all.

I couldn't agree more. Humans are incredibly arrogant considering how thick and immoral we are.
corky1970 said:
Stuuuuuu said:
buzzer1 said:
We are no doubt the dumbest beings in the universe, even cows are brighter than us all. Disgustin' entities, that is all.

I couldn't agree more. Humans are incredibly arrogant considering how thick and immoral we are.

100percent agree , we as a species are a fucking mare , however i really do think we will evolve somewhat this century , we are becoming more self aware , we realise we no longer need the old ways of leaders and politicians,( i think more governments even in the west will topple with the populations rising up ) i sometimes pray for an invasion by benevolant aliens , just to give us that kick up the arse we so badly need.

Morning Corkster. To be honest mate i agree regs we are possibly waking up spiritualy, but as far as roboticism goes then we have never been a more backward people imo, totally and utterly reliant on technology and a "I WANT IT NOW AND I DON'T GIVE A FUK HOW I GET IT" attitude, that South Park episode when they have no internet sums us up really, just look at the state of the young'ns coming through now,fkin reality tv bolox ie Kyle,big brother and the like, i hate it and all it stands for.

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