UK far right trouble July/August 24

People think that illegal immigrants get free housing and everything handed to them. It's legit impossible to make it in the UK as an illegal immigrant. You can't rent, use the NHS, have a bank account, work as an illegal immigrant. This is not America where you can get pretty far even without papers.
I understand what you're saying but how does anybody protest about what the Government is doing (or not doing) about illegal migration?

The basis of my protest is the fact that:-
a) we have a terrible homeless problem in this country and cannot house the people who already here.
b) we have a terrible problem with getting to see our doctors... put bluntly you literally cannot.
c) we have a terrible problem with getting treatments in hospital where there are waiting lists of over a year for treatments.
c) we have a terrible problem with a large number of the current population getting to see a dentist - they quite literally cannot.
d) we have a terrible problem with education there are literally not enough school places for people to comfortably send their children to good local schools.
e) we have terrible problem with the cost of living crisis, people are struggling just to feed their families.
f) we have a terrible problem with the fuel crisis and the Government in its infinite wisdom has decided to take away the winter fuel allowance from the elderly and introduce a means benefit allowance, which is highly likely to cost more to implement than it will save.
g) taking all the above into account I am concerned that adding to our number via illegal immigrants will only increase the pressures on all the above and people are genuinely scared about their future.

These are amongst other things, the issues that bother me and I want to protest. Please don't say at the ballot box because that has already been proven to be ineffective. Starmer has attracted less than 35% of the national vote yet has a very powerful grip via a stunning majority of 167 seats in the House of Commons, I don't like that either, it is totally unjust and unfair.

How does the majority get its voice heard?

Finally, I am totally against violence and attacking Police Stations and Mosques etc.... but if I turn up for a peaceful rally to make the above points or even enter conversation to the same end I am a Right Wing Fascist and a Racist am I?
It depends whether you believe immigration is the cause of those problems. To answer your points (all valid ones I may add):

(a) There are actually enough empty houses to house everyone, plus the sell-off of council houses and refusal to replace those, so that working people can have affordable housing.

(b) We aren't training enough doctors, and we aren't paying those that we have trained a decent wage commensurate with their value and experience. We are reliant on immigration to make up the numbers.

(c) Connected to (b). If we could get to see GP's easier or have more walk-in centres for minor ailments, the pressure would be off A&E departments, which are the first call now for many.

(d) There will always be better and worse schools. And even without immigration, the population would be growing. We don't do joined-up, forward thinking in government. It's all knee-jerk, short-termism these days.

(e) Austerity imposed in 2010 has caused many of the problems above. And while QE mitigated the worst of the financial crisis, we probably should have eased off earlier than we did. And then there was Covid. A lot of the problems are due to profiteering and privatisation. Energy companies making fortunes, utility companies ripping us off, water companies borrowing vast sums that, instead of investing in infrastructure, they paid out in dividends.

(f) See above. Also the decision to pay the WFA to anyone of pension age was probably a flawed one in the first place.

(g) People use this phrase "illegal immigration" without understanding that legal migration completely dwarves truly illegal immigration. People who are refugees from violent situations or seeking asylum for other reasons aren't "illegal".

And many industries, particularly in the health and social care sectors, rely on immigration. It's simply not logical to say that we should stop immigration while complaining about the lack of doctors and dentists. No one could argue against securing our borders, and making sure we know who's here. But the free movement of people as part of EU membership played a huge part. Leaving the EU reduced that significantly but it also encouraged illegal migration via small boats.
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I understand what you're saying but how does anybody protest about what the Government is doing (or not doing) about illegal migration?

The basis of my protest is the fact that:-
a) we have a terrible homeless problem in this country and cannot house the people who are already here.
b) we have a terrible problem with getting to see our doctors... put bluntly you literally cannot.
c) we have a terrible problem with getting treatments in hospital where there are waiting lists of over a year for treatments.
c) we have a terrible problem with a large number of the current population getting to see a dentist - they quite literally cannot.
d) we have a terrible problem with education there are literally not enough school places for people to comfortably send their children to good local schools.
e) we have terrible problem with the cost of living crisis, people are struggling just to feed their families.
f) we have a terrible problem with the fuel crisis and the Government in its infinite wisdom has decided to take away the winter fuel allowance from the elderly and introduce a means benefit allowance, which is highly likely to cost more to implement than it will save.
g) taking all the above into account I am concerned that adding to our number via illegal immigrants will only increase the pressures on all the above and people are genuinely scared about their future.

These are amongst other things, the issues that bother me and I want to protest about. Please don't say at the ballot box because that has already been proven to be ineffective. Starmer has attracted less than 35% of the national vote yet has a very powerful grip via a stunning majority of 167 seats in the House of Commons, I don't like that either, it is totally unjust and unfair.

How does the majority get its voice heard?

Finally, I am totally against violence and attacking Police Stations and Mosques etc.... but if I turn up for a peaceful rally to make the above points or even enter conversation to the same end I am a Right Wing Fascist and a Racist am I?

I'm sorry, but in this post, you are outright rejecting the voice of the majority and claiming yours is the voice of the majority.

The vast majority of people in an election that happened less than a month ago voted for parties with balanced immigration policies. That is a wide recognition that the majority of people don't think immigration is the root cause of all of these problems. If enough people thought that it was such a big issue, then Reform would have gotten more of a vote share. But they didn't. Even if you combine the right wing parties who are considered tougher on immigration, you only get 37% of the vote share. So how is that the voice of the majority, exactly? It actually feels like the majority think all of these problems have a different cause...

You are making an assertion that everybody agreeing with (a) through (f) necessarily means that most people agree with (g), and you haven't demonstrated that to be true.

Yeah they are so concerned about immigration that they attacking black people. Its time to call racist scum for that they are and I hope none of these scum support Man City.

sometimes I long for the old days when the odd lot would seize these fckrs, take them back to the station where they would fall down the stairs

...not allowed any more
Exactly. If you go back and look at the conservatives last couple of years in power they committed political suicide. You have to ask why? These are supposedly highly intelligent people who had the best education money can buy. Many of them were/are independently wealthy to an extent we can only dream of. Yet they raided the coffers for their own ends. Again why? They did everything in their power to become unelectable, which is exactly what happened. Many voters had no trust or faith in Starmer and Labour but by that point it was anybody but the bloody Tories. None of it made any sense but it's beginning to.

Problem, reaction, solution. Cities on fire, rioting, violence. "Please do something!!!" Okay....curfews, lockdowns, digital id, facial recognition, new laws. Job done.
Bang on pal..all part of the plan
sometimes I long for the old days when the odd lot would seize these fckrs, taken them back to the station where they would fall down the stairs

...not allowed any more
Well no doubt a lot of these 'protesters' want the UK to leave the European Court of Human Rights, so perhaps they can be the first test cases of what happens when we do.

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