UK far right trouble July/August 24

It depends whether you believe immigration is the cause of those problems. To answer your points (all valid ones I may add):

(a) There are actually enough empty houses to house everyone, plus the sell-off of council houses and refusal to replace those, so that working people can have affordable housing.

(b) We aren't training enough doctors, and we aren't paying those that we have trained a decent wage commensurate with their value and experience. We are reliant on immigration to make up the numbers.

(c) Connected to (b). If we could get to see GP's easier or have more walk-in centres for minor ailments, the pressure would be off A&E departments, which are the first call now for many.

(d) There will always be better and worse schools. And even without immigration, the population would be growing. We don't do joined-up, forward thinking in government. It's all knee-jerk, short-termism these days.

(e) Austerity imposed in 2010 has caused many of the problems above. And while QE mitigated the worst of the financial crisis, we probably should have eased off earlier than we did. And then there was Covid. A lot of the problems are due to profiteering and privatisation. Energy companies making fortunes, utility companies ripping us off, water companies borrowing vast sums that, instead of investing in infrastructure, they paid out in dividends.

(f) See above. Also the decision to pay the WFA to anyone of pension age was probably a flawed one in the first place.

(g) People use this phrase "illegal immigration" without understanding that legal migration completely dwarves truly illegal immigration. People who are refugees from violent situations or seeking asylum for other reasons aren't "illegal".

And many industries, particularly in the health and social care sectors, rely on immigration. It's simply not logical to say that we should stop immigration while complaining about the lack of doctors and dentists. No one could argue against securing our borders, and making sure we know who's here. But the free movement of people as part of EU membership played a huge part. Leaving the EU reduced that significantly but it also encouraged illegal migration via small boats.
Outstanding post and thanks for taking the time to write it

It's a well worn historical trope - blame immigrants/someone different for the problems YOU face, caused by YOU.


The Conservative government were lining theirs and their mates pockets for years, while making things harder for the worse off. They knew people would get angry, so started to shout about small boats, as if stopping them would fix everyone's problems.

Don't be surprised now, but... It won't.

What it did do though was divert attention from them (to some extent). And give Labour a shitshow to deal with.

I'm posting this picture again, because it's true, and the more people begin to realise it the better.

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I’m not very easily moved but felt really upset today do some work for Uber at weekends picked up a family from rusholme going to bury
The lady and her 2 children were terrified as they are asylum seekers I was horrified to see how these twats that are rioting looting etc have made these people feel so afraid the children were no older than 5years of age anyway I reimbursed the fare out of my own pocket when I reached her destination as I feel ashamed frustrated upset and disappointed that certain people in this country think it’s ok to behave in this way,
That post has me in tears. I despair sometimes at the lack of common sense of the people who riot.
Rioting is not going to bring those little girls back. Rioting is not helping their parents or friends. Rioting is just hurting other people and their property.
It’s wrong and it’s stupid and it makes me feel that this is not the country that I love.
However then I hear/read about something like your gesture @Indaparkside and I remember there are more good people than bad.
Thank you for helping to counteract them. :-) :-)
I personally feel this isn't going away anytime soon, I think we're going to have to live with this for a long time. I really hope wrong..
What worries me the most is the social media bollocks..its fucking relentless and making it 10 times worse
Christ knows what it'll be like when this AI gets going. Scary because the youth are never off it. Won't know what's real or not.
On several occasions today local constabularies have had to refute lies spread from social media; and still X and tiktok continue to disseminate the lies and misinformation. It's a sorry fucking state of affairs and I'd love to see them banned in this country. To some extent that's undemocratic, but it's just poison at this stage.
I personally feel this isn't going away anytime soon, I think we're going to have to live with this for a long time. I really hope wrong..
I don't know...when people see the consequences the people in the videos will get, it might stop.

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