UK far right trouble July/August 24

I personally feel this isn't going away anytime soon, I think we're going to have to live with this for a long time. I really hope wrong..
It wont. Its a summer thing. The police planned a contingency for 'summer uplift', but this is even beyond that. Rain, football starting again, and other normalcies will see it settle
Most of what they spread comes from like GB News out put and clearly identifiable individuals so simple answer would be to suspend if not withdraw the broadcast license of GBN and report the individuals to the Police for spreading hate speech.

Interesting story is my mate has had his X account suspended for the week coz the other day he called rioters in Southport racist scum. Since when he has been bombarded with ads from X suggesting he can pay to get a blue tick and special access - who pays a membership to a club that has barred them?

The algorithms pick up anything deemed violent, racist, sexist etcetera. It's easier to just take the suspension for a week as appealing it takes longer. Somebody I know got suspended for inciting violence because they said they hoped one boxer would kick another's arse lol.
On several occasions today local constabularies have had to refute lies spread from social media; and still X and tiktok continue to disseminate the lies and misinformation. It's a sorry fucking state of affairs and I'd love to see them banned in this country. To some extent that's undemocratic, but it's just poison at this stage.
It wouldn't be undemocratic to make them follow the same rules as traditional media. I know we love to talk about the Daily Mail whipping up hatred against immigrants, but even despite that, they have to be far more careful about what they print and how they print it. But big social media companies hide behind the "we're just a platform" excuse, when they are clearly making editorial decisions about what gets promoted, shared and put in front of people's eyes (and again, they'll hide behind the fact that the "algorithm" is doing the editing).
The some people that do are all MAGAs; such a mindset always exists in a strata of every society, likewise we have our Want Our Country Backs afflicted with paranoia over multiculturalism and intent on causing anarchy. Many want to get on with their lives and avoid a global conflict.
Has anyone asked 30p Lee "I want my country back" Anderson if he wants a "we want our country back" demo in his constituency?
Rioting is not going to bring those little girls back. Rioting is not helping their parents or friends. Rioting is just hurting other people and their property.
This has absolutely nothing to do with those girls in Southport being murdered, the murderer was born here, what ever caused him to do what he did was "made in britain" sadly.

Anyone using that excuse is just kidding themselves (not meaning you EB).
Those are all valid questions, and concerns. I wouldn't personally attribute them all, if any, directly to immigration, but willing to consider each point and think about them.

What I would say is, if you're someone who just wants to have a grown up conversation about the immigrations levels in this country and what we can do tackle the issues you're raising here, going along to a riot where they are attacking black and brown people, burning police stations, attacking mosques, looting shops and setting fire to police cars and local property is not the best idea, because their agenda and your stated agenda would not be the same.

If I had grievances about how black women are treated in our hospitals (which is a real problem by the way), and I wanted to protest that, I'd be an idiot to team up with local criminals who just want loot, riot and destroy property.
I'll try and cover all the responses I've had to my post here.

At no point have I mentioned "immigration" I am talking about "illegal immigration" People who enter this country illegally, there are plenty of them. I barely recognise the term immigrant these days because people who are classified as immigrants are second, third or more generation people and were born here so I certainly don't consider them migrants. I also condemn any violence no matter by whom it is committed.

The people who enter the country illegally are definitely a burden on our society no matter how you paint it, if the daily cost to house them is currently £2,920,000,000 a year (£8m/day) then that is in anyone's book a lot of money and the number is growing - we already cannot afford the failing services already mentioned so how can adding over 30,000 which is the number of illegals who came here on boats in the year to March 2023 (which was significantly lower than the previous year) help that? I remind you there are already millions of people (of all colours, cultures and creeds) struggling in this country I don't think we have the capacity to increase that burden. It really isn't a question of choice in many respects.

I know and appreciate that many migrants work in key critical roles in many of our essential services and I have never criticised them that is not the point of my post.

I want to know what the Government plan to do about the 30 - 50 thousand who are going to land on our shores this year?
What worries me the most is the social media bollocks..its fucking relentless and making it 10 times worse
Christ knows what it'll be like when this AI gets going. Scary because the youth are never off it. Won't know what's real or not.
Yeah, the issue is that in many cases, riots happen when people's legitimate concerns go unheeded and they feel there is no legal recourse to get them heard. The problem with social media is that mixed in with genuine concerns are a bunch of people who have concerns that are based on complete fabrications. How do you convince a vaccine nut that they're being heard, while also continuing the obviously very important work of vaccinating kids, for example? You're already seeing this a lot in developing countries. I've read so many stories from India and Pakistan, where someone is attacked, killed, or riots have happened based on some bullshit rumours from social media. Usually rumours that feed into people's pre-existing prejudices.

Let's be honest, there's a reason why we have laws against inciting racial or religious hatred. Unfortunately, we live in a society where social media companies seem immune from that law, and it's only the people doing the posting that risk anything. Make social media companies legally responsible, and see how quickly they police these things.

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