UK far right trouble July/August 24

On several occasions today local constabularies have had to refute lies spread from social media; and still X and tiktok continue to disseminate the lies and misinformation. It's a sorry fucking state of affairs and I'd love to see them banned in this country. To some extent that's undemocratic, but it's just poison at this stage.

Most of what they spread comes from like GB News out put and clearly identifiable individuals so simple answer would be to suspend if not withdraw the broadcast license of GBN and report the individuals to the Police for spreading hate speech.

Interesting story is my mate has had his X account suspended for the week coz the other day he called rioters in Southport racist scum. Since when he has been bombarded with ads from X suggesting he can pay to get a blue tick and special access - who pays a membership to a club that has barred them?
I personally feel this isn't going away anytime soon, I think we're going to have to live with this for a long time. I really hope wrong..

Just wait for it to rain. Surely won't be waiting too long.

That post has me in tears. I despair sometimes at the lack of common sense of the people who riot.
Rioting is not going to bring those little girls back. Rioting is not helping their parents or friends. Rioting is just hurting other people and their property.
It’s wrong and it’s stupid and it makes me feel that this is not the country that I love.
However then I hear/read about something like your gesture @Indaparkside and I remember there are more good people than bad.
Thank you for helping to counteract them. :-) :-)

Is Indaparkside Darren the Doorman in disguise? :)
I’m not very easily moved but felt really upset today do some work for Uber at weekends picked up a family from rusholme going to bury
The lady and her 2 children were terrified as they are asylum seekers I was horrified to see how these twats that are rioting looting etc have made these people feel so afraid the children were no older than 5years of age anyway I reimbursed the fare out of my own pocket when I reached her destination as I feel ashamed frustrated upset and disappointed that certain people in this country think it’s ok to behave in this way,
Real life post that, and good on you sir. Nothing more genuine than seeing something tangible and human emotions in the way you describe
thats why these things MUST be reposted wherever you can - somebody somewhere will be recognised and reported thus consequences will come
And so the social media companies profit again. Not saying you're wrong, but I remember somebody actually did the calculations to see how much Google profited from the BLM protests, and it came out to something like $360k of direct profit (that might be wrong, I'm just doing that from memory) just from people searching it, which is kind of the problem, and why they will never voluntarily do anything about it.
I imagine the police will spend the next couple of weeks combing through photos and footage (there'll be plenty of it) and then there'll be a good few early morning raids.
Demand means that detectives who do this work are having to get into uniform and deal with the public disorder first, so the crimes that are being committed are not being investigated as quickly as they could be because the ones who do it are having to go and line up and be bricked and have objects thrown at them, or backfill the regular everyday 999 calls that always come in because all the uniform bobbies are committed with the disorder. This is fact.
It'll be fun watching them in court the next few weeks. Lots of grovelling, too.

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