UK far right trouble July/August 24

Ffs, stop with the party politics. That’s half the problem. I clearly stated I blamed all parties for this mess and argued for better management of it. Of course it’s inevitable, but it needs long term planning which should have started in the mid 90s. That’s why it will take a long time now.
Your post does not even hint at the solution.
Long term needs are:
More local health services, more primary school places, better housing arrangements such as hostels, and that’s just for starters.
And you bleat irrelevantly about Tory cuts. Jeeze.
We've only had the Tories for the last 14 who else can we blame? Lib Dems?
It's as important to me as stopping all illegal activity.

Society needs and has rules and laws that need to be obeyed and the vast majority of us do that and support them.

I've done nothing but be equally disgusted as anyone at the idiots on the streets over the last few days and I have been very vocal is saying what should be done with them.

Of course though, the very second you veer from the party line on this forum it triggers the usual few posters who sense it as an opportunity to go on the attack and even go as far as accusing me of being represented by the racist idiots on show.

On that note, I'm out, you and the rest can carry on and say what you feel you need to say.
The thing is, these people aren't rioting because of illegal immigrants or legal immigrants. They don't care about the difference.
And what is "illegal" immigration anyway? Isn't that when they don't get asylum but sneak off into the country anyway? Or they're smuggled in? Asylum seekers and refugees are NOT illegal.
Can guarantee not one of those cowards who got into the hotel there in Rotherham would have done anything to the people inside. They would have absolutely shit themselves.
Oh, I hope so. Till the next time…
There’s always a next time.
In the last 45 years we’ve had riots in 1981, 1985, 1990, 1991, 2001, 2011 and 2024, and probably a few more that have slipped my mind. It happens and we’ll get over it.
No, it started with the Blair gov who allowed increased immigration, fair enough in my book, but failed totally to take any measures to increase the services required. Eg, as immigration increased, primary school places went down. No one complained about that because the planning horizon in British politics is 5 years. There is no long term vision at all as you so clearly demonstrate.
The Tories have allowed increased immigration but you don't appear to have noticed. Or perhaps you'd rather just ignore it? They allowed people in (and with good reason) from Hong Kong, although that went through quietly. Same with Ukrainians.
So it's beginning to look as if it's just asylum seekers and predominantly those that aren't white that the far right have a problem with, or have I got this wrong?
BTW you keep banging on about party politics despite being rather partisan yourself. I'm a fully paid-up Labour Party member and trade unionist FWIW. Where do you stand? Because as far as I'm concerned: if it looks like a Tory and talks like a Tory, it's a Tory.
Hooray. Somebody talking sense. I am very disappointed that people here are just shouting party slogans.The post which said it’s all down to Tory cuts was particularly childish. I’m not a supporter of either of the main parties so the silly blame game doesn’t interest me at all. What I would like to see in the longer term is a reformed House of Lords whose remit was to set up bi- partisan committees of actual experts to produce proposals for long term problems like immigration management, BBC funding, devolution, energy policy, LA funding etc etc not hamstrung by a 5 year planning horizon based on the need to win votes. Tony Blair set up such a body to look at energy. They came back with an answer that nuclear was clearly the best option. Blair took fright and just ignored the report. The gov of the day should be required to answer to those proposals. You may say that I’m a dreamer……

Maybe you're a dreamer, yes. Maybe I am too. You think I should grow up, maybe I should, but I can't see how I'm wrong, and you aren't telling me, so...

Maybe it's not about which party did what. But one party had 14 years in charge and decided upon 'austerity'. That hit deprived areas the most. The kind of areas where we are seeing a lot of the rioting.

There was also supposed to be 'levelling up', but Sunak did the opposite, and moved funds away to fairly well off areas instead.

Those are facts. This backs it up.

The press and the previous government decided to point everyone towards immigration as being the cause of everyone's problems. That's a fact too. (Sorry for sounding like Rafa Benitez).

Now it is a shitshow and the current government do have to be seen to do something about it. But I dont believe they've been the cause, as they've been in power a month. It would be harsh to criticise them too much at this stage, but it's become a proper problem and a difficult one to fix.

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