UK far right trouble July/August 24

The Tories have allowed increased immigration but you don't appear to have noticed. Or perhaps you'd rather just ignore it? They allowed people in (and with good reason) from Hong Kong, although that went through quietly. Same with Ukrainians.
So it's beginning to look as if it's just asylum seekers and predominantly those that aren't white that the far right have a problem with, or have I got this wrong?
BTW you keep banging on about party politics despite being rather partisan yourself. I'm a fully paid-up Labour Party member and trade unionist FWIW. Where do you stand? Because as far as I'm concerned: if it looks like a Tory and talks like a Tory, it's a Tory.

So you disagree with the levels of immigration?
The Tories have allowed increased immigration but you don't appear to have noticed. Or perhaps you'd rather just ignore it? They allowed people in (and with good reason) from Hong Kong, although that went through quietly. Same with Ukrainians.
So it's beginning to look as if it's just asylum seekers and predominantly those that aren't white that the far right have a problem with, or have I got this wrong?
BTW you keep banging on about party politics despite being rather partisan yourself. I'm a fully paid-up Labour Party member and trade unionist FWIW. Where do you stand? Because as far as I'm concerned: if it looks like a Tory and talks like a Tory, it's a Tory.
Or maybe Reform?
So you disagree with the levels of immigration?

I do. We need more immigrants to cover the skills gaps particularly in the care sector.

We need to invest too in infrastructure to cope with increased population too, and I'm not just talking about immigrants.
Maybe you're a dreamer, yes. Maybe I am too. You think I should grow up, maybe I should, but I can't see how I'm wrong, and you aren't telling me, so...

Maybe it's not about which party did what. But one party had 14 years in charge and decided upon 'austerity'. That hit deprived areas the most. The kind of areas where we are seeing a lot of the rioting.

There was also supposed to be 'levelling up', but Sunak did the opposite, and moved funds away to fairly well off areas instead.

Those are facts. This backs it up.

The press and the previous government decided to point everyone towards immigration as being the cause of everyone's problems. That's a fact too. (Sorry for sounding like Rafa Benitez).

Now it is a shitshow and the current government do have to be seen to do something about it. But I dont believe they've been the cause, as they've been in power a month. It would be harsh to criticise them too much at this stage, but it's become a proper problem and a difficult one to fix.

There is no doubt the the past 14 years of Tory policy, and their recent turn to extremist language, has brought us to where we are today.
Imagine if City didn't have the owners that we do. Imagine what state that area around the ground would be now.

That funding not only improved the area but allowed remaining council funds to be spent elsewhere around Manchester.

Bloody foreigners.
Their local services? What? Like the GPs who have immigrated here, or the dentists? Or the nurses? And then Brexit making it harder for those professions such as nursing and care to be filled due to change in immigration laws? And then the scrotes rioting who are probably on benefits and contribute fuck all to deserve a service they see as being taken away from them. Or shall we cover immigrants, who have rights to local services? Or do we mean asylum seekers, who have rights under the human rights acts as we would if we fled war? Because “illegal immigrants” aren’t getting hold of services without any registrations.

The Tories, and the Brexit bollocks, have put paid to the availability of local services over the last decade, not immigrants.

The Tory legacy.
Bang on the money.
The thing is, these people aren't rioting because of illegal immigrants or legal immigrants. They don't care about the difference.
And what is "illegal" immigration anyway? Isn't that when they don't get asylum but sneak off into the country anyway? Or they're smuggled in? Asylum seekers and refugees are NOT illegal.
I remember some years back that it was reported the nation with most illegal inmigrants in London was, errrrr, Australia!
I wonder how many of them are on full DLA or PIP or whatever its called these days. They can march and scrap though. All this 'coming here and getting everything free' stuff they obsess over. I wouldnt mind betting half of them are worried it could mean less for them
Why the fuck are you linking them being on full pips ffs ,it just put it into peoples mind that you can claim it but be able to go fighting , it is so stupid , it is no wonder there are cunts in the disabled cark parking thread when you post crap like that

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