UK far right trouble July/August 24

That doesn't mean some of the people turning up to protests aren't concerned parents it's just don't you agree with them/or are attaching the behaviour of the thugs and the far right to them. Take the protests in Liverpool for example, scan the crowd, listen to the views they aren't all far right but we are losing them to far right voices because we just keep calling them racist.

Also, half the knob heads out for ruck aren't far right either. I've met real far right people and they are much more sinister than this.

If you’re not part of the solution, then you’re part of the problem. The problem is the far right.

If you’re turning up at these “protests” under the pretence of being a “concerned parent”, then you are part of the problem.

You’re either far right, or you’re fuelling far right. In which case you’re in cahoots with far right. If that’s uncomfortable for you or anybody else then I’m sorry if the truth hurts your feelings.
I don’t really think anybody is disagreeing that immigration needs managing. And to say we all want better management is a bit of a truism, why wouldn’t we? I don’t see many people advocating open borders. I’ve made this point multiple times on here but this whole discussion is quite arbitrary and that’s why it’s so frustrating.

Pretty much nobody wants to be North Korea with totally closed borders.
Pretty much nobody wants to have totally open borders. Everybody wants the asylum process to be better, because currently it doesn’t benefit anybody.

We all want various shades of managed immigration. So what’s the right number? 10,000? 100,000? And who should they be? Nurses? Cleaners? Rocket Scientists? Refugees? Students? And in what proportions? Okay so let’s say we agree net migration ‘feels’ too high. Great, well it’s coming down significantly this year according to projections. So what will we be happy with? 300,000? 200,000? What’s the target here?

Unless people have a clear answer to all of these things then I’m not really sure what they want. They’re just shouting useless platitudes at each other with zero pragmatism.

My biggest problem is that this policy conversation isn’t the conversation people are actually having. It might be the conversation you want to have @KS55, because you understand there’s nuance here. But the vast majority of people currently in the “concerned about immigration” conversation don’t seem to ever state what they actually want so that we can discuss the pros and cons of what they’re suggesting. It’s not based on policy or evidence for them, it’s based on a generic and vague feeling. And we can’t incorporate vague feelings into a manifesto.

For us to start having a serious value-add discussion on this, somebody needs to propose a cogent alternative to what we’re doing now. I think that is an adult conversation we all want, but we can’t have that conversation when so many on the anti-immigration side (like Farage) act entirely in bad faith and aren’t capable of maintaining the discussion at that level.
I like this post because its thoughtful and balanced. But isn't incorporating vague feelings into a manifesto precisely what the Brexit vote was? For all the absolute shit that's happening on my side of the pond, opening up the potential for a radically, structurally different economic system with decades of forward consequences to a public yes/no vote based on a 15-word sentence bewilders me more than the percentage of Americans who support Donald Trump.
The real concerned parents will be the ones trying to calm their scared kids in houses in the areas where the riots are happening.
Exactly, I'm really pissed off because somebody where I live has posted on the nearby estate group that they've had a broken fence post or something posted through their letterbox. They've asked people for footage on nearby door cameras so they can pass it onto the police.

It could be the local scrotes doing it randomly but they're an immigrant family so they're scared that they're being targeted.
Exactly, I'm really pissed off because somebody where I live has posted on the nearby estate group that they've had a broken fence post or something posted through their letterbox. They've asked people for footage on nearby door cameras so they can pass it onto the police.

They're an immigrant family so they're scared that they're being targeted.
Didnt want to 'like' this, but totally agree. So many innocent families and individuals scared and potentially in danger because of these wankers.
In Ireland recently people hear reports of immigrants pestering young white girls, and sexually attacking them - so the parents become concerned.

What then could happen is a discussion to make sure the concerns of these parents are addressed. Lets say you disagree with their concerns - then still address it, but in a non patronising way.

What actually happens is people who aren't racist get called racist. Then someone like Tommy Robinson comes along as says I agree with you. Unfortunately, the more he does that the greater his influence.
Do you seriously believe that turning up in a town centre, chucking stuff at police, looting and setting fire to things is in anyway going to help 'concerned parents'?
I would have thought concerned parents would be as far away from this shit show as possible.

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