UK far right trouble July/August 24

If this is a genuine question I don't mind answering for you. By now its probably more to do with anger for anyone whos kid was sexually abused by an Asian grooming gang in Rotherham, or knew kids and family and friends who were. Or sending a message to those in the hotel, or looking to house them in their that this is what will happen as they are pissed off with their kids being approached or attacked by men from the hotel.
Well they sound like extremely dangerous individuals who, hopefully, are rounded up and sent home tonight by the police - just in time for giro day tomorrow. Absolute cunts. And just so im clear, I’m talking about those people setting fire to a building that has people inside.
I agree. But it didn't need to get to this point. If kids are being attacked and they know who by then they need to have their concerns addressed instead of being called racist.
None of those setting fire to buildings housing human beings will give a fuck about those kids. It’s just a reason for them to act up.
Wouldn't it be funny if, when many of these dickheads are banged up, with a roof over their heads, getting their 3 meals a day and spending money, watching TV and getting other entertainment, at the taxpayer's expense, that asylum seekers marched protesting that convicted criminals were getting better treatment than they are.
They should send the brainless fascist cunts to Rwanda.
The hotel in Rotherham that a crowd set fire too recently has had local residents complaining about adult men approaching their children. Surely this is a cause for concern? It's not racist to profile whos doing it. Trouble has been simmering in this area for this reason for years. Add into the mix Rotherham is still on edge due to grooming cases and you have to ask yourself what has been done to address these concerns other than calling people racist?

And now here we are.
You still at it?
Sad ****.
The hotel in Rotherham that a crowd set fire too recently has had local residents complaining about adult men approaching their children. Surely this is a cause for concern? It's not racist to profile whos doing it. Trouble has been simmering in this area for this reason for years. Add into the mix Rotherham is still on edge due to grooming cases and you have to ask yourself what has been done to address these concerns other than calling people racist?

And now here we are.
Most children abuse in UK happens amongst white skinned males and usually known to the family.
Let's not let facts get in the way.
If there is one positive it’s that this escalation into general mayhem, thieving and attempted murder has revealed a lot of media commentators, media platforms and politicians for what they really are.
I have less than a quarter English blood myself. Missus is brown skinned. I'd rather people understood the concerns of people regarding grooming gangs and attacks than calling them racist or attaching them to every far right thug. Because now we've got gangs not letting anyone pass into an area who's not white. This resentment has been building based on actual attacks and behavior from men. But we all keep saying you're just a racist. And now the right is gaining support.
Gaining support from other sad cunts, correct.
The hotel in Rotherham that a crowd set fire too recently has had local residents complaining about adult men approaching their children.
I tried to find some articles about this (surely such an awful story would have penty of press coverage, plus the lack of response from city officials and police would) but all I could find was a story on complaints about "loud music" being played in the hotel from local residents.

Of course I am not sure I know where to look UK press-wise -- can you put up a link or two? Thanks.

Edit I did find a case study (not specific to the hotel) from 2013 but that's obviously quite old.

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