UK far right trouble July/August 24

The fact that this country now doesn't grind to a halt in dignified mourning for the dead kids in Southport and degenerates into widespread disorder prompted by a right wing coke head tweeting from Spain while Katie Price has her 7th face lift kind of suggests we are fucked.
The perfect example of why discussion is no longer enjoyable on here.

If you're not concerned with illegality then I'd suggest the issue might lie with yourself and your own attitude online in general.
Not enjoyable because I do not agree with you and asked you a few questions, one of which at least I knew would trigger you. ;)

The very moment you wrote "illegality" I knew the position you are coming from. Claiming a refugee asylum upon coming to the border of any civilized country by any means, the country that is a signatory to human rights charter is not an offence and it is definitely not the crime. Ask any immigration solicitor.

There are 101 reasons why this country is going through some shitty times and the immigration is still not among them. But it is very good and emotional narrative, particularly when crammed into into unhappy people's minds for years and decades. And if not immigration, it would be lefty students, or liberal middle class, or LGBTQ+, or transgender issues, the point being there is always another culture war to wage by this fine folk.
The hotel in Rotherham that a crowd set fire too recently has had local residents complaining about adult men approaching their children. Surely this is a cause for concern? It's not racist to profile whos doing it. Trouble has been simmering in this area for this reason for years. Add into the mix Rotherham is still on edge due to grooming cases and you have to ask yourself what has been done to address these concerns other than calling people racist?

And now here we are.

What utterly horrendous whataboutery. Shameful.

Okay, you listen to the concerns of the people who are setting hotels full of innocent people on fire. Personally, I don’t negotiate with terrorists.

Honestly you need to go and have a serious think. You’re suggesting you’re not far right while mindlessly parroting every far right talking point under the sun. You’re clearly hell bent on finding a way to defend these thugs and claim they’re “not all far right”.

Weird. It’s just really weird.
There's an HMO near me that seems to be only white people. If they started attacking kids and being sexual towards them I'd hope the concerns of the local residents where addressed before it got to that.

You should pop round and investigate. You can’t trust those white folk. Jails are full of white sex pests. Law of averages and all that.
Grooming gangs never happened or you mean the inappropriate sexual behaviour from the males housed in these places aren't happening? Or maybe all these girls are just lying - which is exacty the sort of thinking which exacerbated the Rochdale grooming cases.
Again, where are the stories? Police reports? Quotes from the girls? Whether the press or otherwise there must be specifics somewhere.

I'm just asking questions as a boneheaded Yank 5,500 miles away. Hard to understand the dynamic here.
I think that kind of proves the point of fears ignored.
Or proves the point about a lot of this stuff being based around bullshit rumours on social media? It happened in my hometown. A local girl went online with pictures of injuries she alleged were caused by a grooming gang that had been controlling her since she was a teenager. Local Indian restaurants were attacked, Tommy Robinson showed up for a photo opportunity, and it turned out the woman in question had a history of compulsive lying and was charged and found guilty. But not before a bunch of Asians have been attacked after half truths had been spread on (well-meaning) people on social media.

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