UK far right trouble July/August 24

The rioters are not stupid, ignorant fuckwits for going out looting, firebombing and wrecking in daylight whilst being filmed by hundreds on their phones, so their faces can be plastered all over the internet.

They have legitimate concerns about the potential for immigrants committing crimes, instead they want their country to go back to a time when heinous murders and hideous crimes were committed by true white British people like Michael Ryan, Thomas Hamilton, Derrick Bird, Jimmy Saville, Dennis Nilsen, Peter Sutcliffe, Harold Shipman, Fred West, Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, Levi Bellfield, -

You know the good old days.
The good old days...

Not forgetting Anjem Choudray getting life with a minimum term of 28 years last week.

It's a bullshit term. The police have, if anything, held back a fair bit these past few days. The cunts are lucky that the TAU haven't been given carte blanche to go steaming in as has often happened at football matches down the years. Sure, loads will be getting a knock on the door after the event so it's a clear tactic from the police but I can't help thinking that some of the knuckle-draggers will slip through the net, yet the pricks moan about 2 tier policing ffs!
Its not a clear tactic, they cant deal with the loons and take them away to sort it straight away because there wouldnt be enough numbers left. They have to deal with the offenders later because that becomes a violent disorder investigation, and the public order situation at the time has to be managed first. Its not a tactic, its practicality
Not true, I’m not defending the riots one jot, the riots have been hyjacked by the known racists. I’m looking at the bigger picture and what is happening to this country. You have misunderstood me.
But saying the riots have been "hijacked" implies that they weren't racist to begin with, when they were. The bigger picture for the working classes is awful. I'm living it. A lot of us are. But austerity is the enemy and has been for years. It was one of the inspirations for the 2011 riots after all. But to say these riots are in protest against austerity is disingenuous at best and sinister at worst. These were racist riots from the beginning. They weren't hijacked.

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