UK far right trouble July/August 24

What working class communities? They were systematically destroyed and replaced with an unemployed and disenfranchised underclass that is now a huge part of the problem. Without wishing to sound like Ben Elton banging on about 'fatcher', she did boast there was no such thing as society or words to that effect. We are now reaping the rewards.
Its optics, in his statement he appeared to single out one section of society for protection, instead of all sections of society. It did not have to mean that there would be police outside every place of worship, but he could have reassured everyone of faith they would have protection and in his statement he failed to do that.

I happen to think these rioters could easily be convinced to attack a Gujarat as they are the wrong colour, yet they have not been offered protection in his speech.

He hasn’t got anywhere near enough police to reassure everyone of every faith they’ll be safe.

Forgive me on the sources, as Im unsure if they are trustworthy or not, but the first one is showing one guy getting absolutely battered outside a pub and the second is showing innocent peoples cars being attacked, presumably based on race.

Racist thugs on all sides, who are complete idiots. Anyone who does this needs locking up.

Totally agree, where the fuck are the coppers?
That's my fiancée now coming to me saying she's tired of being a brown person in the UK and doesn't know what to do with so many racists about. She was born here, has grown up here, lives here, but doesn't feel safe in her own country. Her mum came over from Malaysia in the 70s, her dad fled Uganda as a refugee after escaping Idi Amin. All that history and opportunity, all that sacrifice, and it's wound up with me and my fiancée having tentative discussions about moving to somewhere better, fairer, more tolerant.

But that only wound up with us realising that our options (aside from third world countries) are just bits of Scotland and, much further afield, Canada. Scotland the only realistic option and even then we'd have to live in a city centre to feel like we were in a cosmopolitan area.

Her mum lives in north London and rumours of more riots on Wednesday in places like Lewisham and Harrow have made her frightened of going outside.

Things will go back to normal after a few weeks but regardless, these are upsetting times. The genie is out of the bottle. These thugs are gleeful at the terror they're causing everyday people.

And anyone trying to defend the riots or their causes on this forum needs to hang their heads in shame. Far too many of them still haven't been banned from this forum. If the weeks go by and they're still here I might have to think about whether I want to spend any time here at all.

A shameful, depressing week.
On a positive note, what we might well be seeing is one of the most impotent displays of ‘power’ we’ve ever had the misfortune to see. They’ve managed to rouse some fat old scrotes and some kids whose little hope of escaping their life has likely gone in an hours looting and stone throwing. A tiny proportion of populace took part and that’s all they’ve got. They’re going down with more of a whimper than a bang.
Election lost with a majority voting for centre and left of centre parties, as is almost always true, violence unleashed, with no end game obvious. What do they menace society with now?

After the 2011 riots the DPP* set up a string of late sitting courts, some of which ran all night. They were jailed in double quick time and I’d imagine something similar is in the offing.

People are already going through the sausage machine, with lots remanded in custody for sentencing at crown court (as magistrates can only give a maximum 1 year jail term. I’d imagine there’s some huge anxiety following on from last night as they await a knock on the door.

Whenever stuff like this kicks off the Police are invariably slow at the start but catch up surprisingly quickly. In 2011 video evidence played a huge part in proving guilt and this idiots are not only on cctv but have actually been filming themselves committing acts of criminality!
Almost all will find themselves in prison sooner or later, and will likely still be blaming forriners for their lot in life.

The real tragedy is that these useful idiots have been had, yet again.
They’ve chopped off their own heads, and as usual, the malign actors whose bullshit got them out on the streets have looked up at the guillotine and said “nah, not today.”

If one of them, Farage, Yaxley Lennon, 30p Lee Anderson, Tice, Oakeshott, Fox, and Habib actually believed in what they doing they'd be fighting, looting and committing arson alongside them. It’s telling that they’re nowhere near it, and a shame none of the ‘patriots’ can put that together….

*Just in case people didn’t know the DPP was K.Starmer.
I agree with you. The law of unintended consequences (or, as you may prefer, benefits) does appear to hbve come into play.
While it must have seemed like a right old hoot to have a bit of a skirmish with the police on Friday night or do a spot of casual looting on Saturday afternoon, some are now in a cell waiting a month or so for Crown Court while many more await the knock on the door.
Too many people live near at least one person who exhibits anti-social behaviour or someone who is a nuisance, and I pity those who have to live next door to them.
A pound to a penny that many of these same people were drawn, moth-like, to the flames of wanton destruction. In the long run it may actually save the police a bit of time by picking them out and then picking them up at their leisure. There are enough photos and clips swirling around the cesspit that is social media.
And yet, it is this same media that is helping the police put these rioters behind bars. In fact, they couldn't act fast enough in Sunderland to point the finger at the woman in the pink shorts who thought it would be a bit of a laugh to push an industrial bin at the police line. Tonight she too is under lock and key.
In the meantime and with no small amount of irony, Yaxley-Lennon is on the run and sunning himself abroad, Lawrence Fox headed for Ireland hiding behind his sunglasses, according to reports, and Farage could be anywhere, other than Clacton obvs. This unholy trinity continue to fan the flames of discontent, from foreign climes, from behind high walls and security details, because their constant agitation is the only card each of them holds. And they know it: each one being nothing more than a 21st century Lord Haw-Haw.
Dylan's Masters of War could so easily have been written for Vladimir Putin or Benjamin Netanyahu, but there's still plenty in it that could be attributed, if metaphorically, to our own 21st century Lord Haw-Haws:
"You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher."

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