UK far right trouble July/August 24

Hope you have the same opinion of your racist Chav fans.

Black man gives you a very measured and eloquent explanation of why "all lives matter" is a bad faith response. You can't handle having your arse handed to you so you childishly try and weaponise the racism that exists within his own fanbase against him as some kind of "gotcha". Given that the OP is clearly capable of discussing things in a balanced and nuanced way, I think it's fairly obvious that he would (like any remotely decent person) be critical of racism wherever it is exists, including within his own club's fanbase.
Yes because it is like when someone says 'all lives matter' in a response to events where black people are under attack and people say black lives matter. All lives do matter, but in this specific instance, we're talking about black lives, as they happened to be the ones under attack.

Of course all communities should be protected, but if Starmer stands there in a press conference specifically about the violence and intimidation shown against the Muslim communities says 'we need to protect the Muslim communities' then it's just nonsense whataboutism to say 'well actually, you should protect all communities'. It's adding noise and muddying the water for no reason, and we already know what Musk's intentions are. He wants these far right rioters to burn down every mosque they see. He's been goading them and egging them on since this all started.

I'm sure he's broken one or several UK incitement laws.
I think the optics were bad for Starmer because he said about protecting Muslim communities three days after three white girls had been murdered. Of course the Muslim communities need protecting if they are under attack, but choose your words carefully.
That is in some ways true, but when you described the recent PM statement as 'free speech suppressing agenda', amongst some of the other thingsyou said, you lost any grounds for that pretense of supposed balance.

You are not fooling anyone, you or other racially prejudiced far right supporters testing the water and then staying in the closet if the temperature isn't right.

Personally, I think the PM and the police have handled a very difficult situation pretty well. It could have been much worse (assuming, of course, the worst is actually over).

The police don't often get the praise they deserve even though they are hopelessly underfunded.
I think the steady flow of arrests followed by swift imprisonment being reported is having an impact. Hope I won’t be proved wrong but I think we’re over the worst.

I’m on the same page as you. Government and police have sent a clear message to all trouble makers and it seems (hopefully) to have sunk in. The counter protesters have sent a clear message to anyone who feared they were a target they were on their side in numbers. Weekend will be the test but everyone from government to the person on the street last night deserves credit.

Whilst the battle may be won the war isn’t. Just because they aren’t on the street it doesn’t mean they think any differently to last week. We have to change the mainstream narrative and that lands on both our main parties - all this cut immigration, stop the boats, smash the criminal gangs, plays in to a narrative that immigration itself is bad. We need to invest in our services and infrastructure so people don’t struggle to get appointments or homes. We need growth to pay for all this and give people hope. Thats how you win the war, that’s how you silence the agents of unrest.

It’s always darkest before dawn and I hope Reeves is visionary enough to see and seize the opportunity to write a great legacy that sits before her. For their part I hope the tories elect a leader who isn’t in the ilk of Braverman, Patel or Jenkins and the such who will continue to hold us back with language of division.
I think the optics were bad for Starmer because he said about protecting Muslim communities three days after three white girls had been murdered. Of course the Muslim communities need protecting if they are under attack, but choose your words carefully.
If you chose those words carefully you're either puddled or just wumming.

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