UK far right trouble July/August 24

There is some very concerning false equivalency and conspiratorial posting taking hold in the thread.

Which is a bit odd, as some of it is coming from people that I generally respect that regularly denounce “both sides” arguments and conspiratorial nonsense.

Not all of it, mind—a lot of it is coming from people that have obviously fallen in to the flaming far-right hell hole and bumped their head on every Tommy, Nigel, and Andrew on the way down.
Not been the greatest of weeks for our country, but:

Racists done their lobbing shit at things, arrested or going to be.
Baiting Conservatives back in their box.
Farage marginalised.
Anti-hate crowds come to the fore to show what we’re all about.
Starmer controls the situation to dispel the mobs without a fuss.

Beautiful day to show the über authoritarian hate mob that Labour are in charge now and whatever they say on social media are now an irrelevance.

Those that hate don’t do anything in the long run. They just make things more difficult for things to adapt and become better.
Yes because it is like when someone says 'all lives matter' in a response to events where black people are under attack and people say black lives matter. All lives do matter, but in this specific instance, we're talking about black lives, as they happened to be the ones under attack.

Of course all communities should be protected, but if Starmer stands there in a press conference specifically about the violence and intimidation shown against the Muslim communities says 'we need to protect the Muslim communities' then it's just nonsense whataboutism to say 'well actually, you should protect all communities'. It's adding noise and muddying the water for no reason, and we already know what Musk's intentions are. He wants these far right rioters to burn down every mosque they see. He's been goading them and egging them on since this all started.

I'm sure he's broken one or several UK incitement laws.
The countermarch should have gone straight to Twitter's UK head office and smashed the shit out of it.

Not really, before I get accused of inciting violence.
A balanced post that's appreciated, my anxiety hit levels that not many get when Putin invaded the Ukraine.

I'm not on my own. From that I actively avoid the news because it frightens me, I've never done anything violent to anyone in my life and at 65 I never will. I was proper left wing in my younger years, a member of the Anti Nazi League and have always looked after those less fortunate than myself yet I've got some shit from a certain poster on here, so I've called him out, your reply is much better, cheers.
You can put him on ignore then you won't see his comments.
Why the hell is Keir Starmer threatening Musk? It's insane, he's massively out of his depth. He's the prime minister for goodness sake. If he lasts the year I'll be suprised.
I don't read or watch the news these days but I'm aware of one post Musk made in response to Starmer's tweet that he would protect British Muslim communities, he tweeted shouldn't that be "all communities". Is that so bad or am I missing something?
I think it's important to look at these things in context. Firstly, when is the person saying them. If a bunch of Muslims have just been attacked and someone's first thought is the safety of non-Muslims, that's a red flag. Secondly, what is the person's history of commenting on the topic? Does Musk have a history of showing concern for the safety of 'all communities' in Britain? Or does he only feign concern now so he can use it to attack someone he disagrees with politically who is sticking up for a minority group he doesn't like?

If the only time someone shows interest in the feminist cause, for example, is when it allows you to criticise Muslims or Islam, it's pretty clear that the safety/freedom of women isn't their main concern, even if what they're saying in isolation is perfectly sensible. "What about male rape victims?" is a perfectly valid point, but if the only time you ever mention male rape victims is when someone is talking about women's safety, then I'm gonna call bullshit on your genuine concern for male rape victims.

Few high profile racists, sexists, Islamophobes, Islamists, antisemites, etc, with something to lose ever come out and explicitly say the quiet part out loud. They hide behind innuendo and heavily editing what crimes/social issues they choose to talk about based on the race or religion of the perpetrators. So people read between the lines, which of course sometimes means that someone is caught in the crossfire who is innocently bringing up a point of contention in a prevailing narrative.
Though nothing happened in Oldham tonight, there was definitely an eerie air in the town centre.

Heard a few people yelling about 11ish til half 12, but that could just of been people going home from the pub.

Was very quiet when I was coming back from a meal, but a lot of the shops and takeaways on Oldham's high street were still open so that was encouraging.

Stay safe all.

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