UK far right trouble July/August 24

Underfunding of the police is responsible for a lot of todays behaviour by ferals..

It certainly is part of the cause, especially given they are the last line of defence, but it’s broadly funding in general. People see the decline of their streets and blame foreigners because they’ll view that it was alright before “they all arrived” but miss the fact it would be shit anyway because government funding was cut, poorly allocated, lack of work, or landlords are buying up all the properties and renting them out. We also have a tendency to look back and think things were better.

Getting those involved in trouble out picking up litter and removing graffiti would be a good use of their energies - improve the environment they live in. I’d even go as far as issue a “if you did something wrong, present to your nearest police station and confess, if it’s minor we will not give you a criminal record in return for you doing x hours in the community”. Leave the police, courts and prisons to focus energy on dealing with those who committed the more serious disorder. Probably a bit soon but in a week or two assuming no further mither.

On a side note if I was Labour and I wanted money / more housing I’d be looking at how I can tax these landlords a bit more aggressively- solves two problems money for the treasury and/or increases the housing stock a bit.
He must have deleted that response because I didn't see it at the time, and now it appears to have disappeared from the thread entirely. Thanks for saying this though. I appreciate it. @hammocity and I have been at loggerheads for a long time now in various other threads, mostly football related but sometimes it boils over to topics that are actually important like this one.

I don't think he's ever engaged in a conversation with me in good faith. It's always aggressive and confrontational, and I suppose it was no different this time. It won't stop me from voicing my opinion though, if I think he's wrong about something. I was actually hoping he would give me a normal response for once, so we could have a normal conversation about something that matters.
He's an idiot - best to add him to the ignore list

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