UK far right trouble July/August 24

Anywhere else think the Torygraph is keeping those plates spinning?
It seems to have set itself on a collison course with the Government when even the Hate Mail has turned turtle!

They steamed Yaxley Lennon's rally on their website.
They know their audience.
I do think that the government need to be looking at the reasons why these riots have happened.

Obviously there’s a large number of people intent on causing violence and using this as an excuse to do so, there’s also a lot of racist people in our society. There’s also a lot of people who spread hate online and the media love to as well.

I will say on some of these riots/ protests there were an awful lot of young men. In places like Sunderland, Rotherham and Liverpool there are often a lot of problems with unemployment, poverty, lack of education and often high suicide rates in white working class areas in particular.

I’m not saying these are the reasons why, but we need to look at how we can help some of these issues, which might prevent people from joining in with things like. Obviously you aren’t going to stop a thug from being an idiot or rioting, but we should be looking at how to prevent this.
Your third paragraph nails it. Communities that have endured chronic neglect and demographs that are woefully educated. It's much easier for them to believe the bollocks online as they want somebody to blame, for all intents and purposes, it's soft radicalisation.
I do think that the government need to be looking at the reasons why these riots have happened.
It's always good to look at the reasons why these sorts of things happen, but that doesn't mean we should be pandering to people like this. Plenty of people are angry about the state of the country yet manage to not attempt to burn a hotel of people alive. Look at the profile of these people over the next few days as they go through court. Look at how many of them how a list of prior convictions as long as your arm. Lots of them are not disillusioned people with genuine concerns at the end of their tether with the state of the country, they're racist thugs who thought it was a good excuse to beat up a few minorities.

The people genuinely hurting from 14 years of the Tories were the ones protesting before they got kicked out of office. They're the ones that were protesting the cost of living when fuel bills were threatening to almost double in a year, and they were from all sections of the political spectrum. Those are the people we should be listening to.
The irony of that headline from the Daily Mail.

ETA: Just reading through it and I was thinking "don't they usually mention people's jobs in this sort of story?" and then it clicked. A fair few convictions in that story and only one of them has (had) a job.

Derek Drummond: 14 previous convictions (some violent)
Declan Gieran: 13 previous convictions from 18 offences (including burglary, criminal damage and supplying class A drugs, and threatening a woman and her children)

My favourite bit was that his defence included, "He's not a clever man." Yeah, no shit. But seriously, what is a reasonable sentence for someone with 14 previous convictions? I feel like at that point, you've kinda proven yourself incapable of living in society.

My other favourite bit is the (presumably Muslim) man charged with carrying an offensive weapon, who is claiming that it is a 'religious stick' that he's carried for 11 years. He was caught on camera during the counter protest:


I guess that'll be the true test of "two tier" justice system if that defence is successful. I've lived in two Muslim countries for over 8 years, and I've never seen anyone carrying a religious stick.

You've presumed he's Muslim, but he could be Stickovian...
farage needs his collar felt and the speaker needs to remind him he is now a mp and should act more responsible

he says in that article above

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage posted the footage to his X, formerly Twitter, account and asked: ‘Why has #TwoTierKeir not taken action?’

Totally shit stirring

He’s not stupid. He knows where the line is and he will stay just the right side of it.

The best way to shut Farage up is to ignore him and Labour get on with improving things so people aren’t looking for scapegoats with Farage standing there pointing at foreigners.

I’ll be critical of Labour when they (IMHO) deserve it - I doubt you expect anything less of me, but for me personally, these riots have had me reflect on Tory policy and the negative impacts of under investment on the unseen parts of the essence of our society and I can only criticise the mess they have created. I don’t think it was necessarily deliberate, perhaps unintended consequences, but that just tells me they weren’t well considered.
The right decision by Labour to suspend Ricky Jones the councillor for Dartford, behaviour like this should never be tolerated regardless of political affiliation or mindset. He has been suspended as a councillor over a speech at a counter demonstration calling for the throats of anti-immigration protesters to be cut.

Will he now be expecting an early morning knock from our police, who are sworn to protect all members of society from hate, violence and threats to kill.

Maybe some of that cheering baying mob who surrounded him should also be arrested, as they appear to condone and approve of his actions. In order for law and order to prevail, it has to be universally applied to all.

This is a strange one. Not what he said but.... I thought that when someone had been arrested, charged and awaiting a court hearing, no one was allowed to show the incident as it was deemed contempt of court..... the Met police have issued a tweet saying he has been charged and with it they attached the video. Are they in contempt ?
This is a strange one. Not what he said but.... I thought that when someone had been arrested, charged and awaiting a court hearing, no one was allowed to show the incident as it was deemed contempt of court..... the Met police have issued a tweet saying he has been charged and with it they attached the video. Are they in contempt ?
Surely by that measure, anything ever caught on video and shared publicly would be contempt of court? The video was out in the public before he was arrested, presumably.
No one can argue with the police treating everyone the same.
A TSSA spokesperson said: "TSSA remains steadfast in supporting communities that peacefully stand against fascist aggression. We unequivocally do not condone any threats acts of violence as these actions are contrary to our values"

On the basis of this, maybe it would be sound advice to also arrest the lady in the orange bib who shouted Yes re the throat cutting jibe, or maybe the lady behind in yellow who produced more claps than a demented Sea Lion on phet.

Or what about the sausages in the stalls, all clapping profusely in total agreement. According to our Prime Minister they are all culpable, are they not? Or maybe they all just got caught up in the moment.

Scenes like these turn protest into a dirty word, and that applies equally to all the sectors involved. Criminal damage, arson, violence on the person, assault police, weaponry, and threats to kill hold no place on the streets of Britain.
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