UK far right trouble July/August 24

I don't think it's fair. Us "normal" people weren't getting heard, so we shouted louder :"we fucking hate immigrants. but only the brown ones"....and now we're seen as the baddies? Bang. Out. Of. Order.
Another one is.. "If you think immigrants aren't a bad thing, then why don't you put them up in your own house?"

Can we ask them what football team they support?
I don't think it's fair. Us "normal" people weren't getting heard, so we shouted louder :"we fucking hate immigrants. but only the brown ones"....and now we're seen as the baddies? Bang. Out. Of. Order.

Odd how it’s always the unemployed, unemployable peasants without a GCSE between them who are kicking off about immigrants “taking their jobs”.

You never hear about British doctors setting fire to hotels do you.

Funny that.
Odd how it’s always the unemployed, unemployable peasants without a GCSE between them who are kicking off about immigrants “taking their jobs”.

You never hear about British doctors setting fire to hotels do you.

Funny that.
Many of them were actually working. WERE. But yeah, just give them some white cider and tell them the immigrants are keeping their benefits down.
Many of them were actually working. WERE. But yeah, just give them some white cider and tell them the immigrants are keeping their benefits down.

These people a should get off their arse and channel some of that energy into looking for another job then instead of blaming everyone and everything but themselves for the predicament they find themselves in.

You know what real hardship is - having your home country blown to shit so you have to travel to a strange new country where you have to start again from square one while a sizeable portion of the natives hate your guts.

I’ve got a ridiculous amount of respect for people who come to this country with fuck all and make something of themselves. Those people are the best of our society.

I’d happily ship out the dole dossing Wayne and Waynettas to Rwanda on the other hand.
Another one is.. "If you think immigrants aren't a bad thing, then why don't you put them up in your own house?"

Can we ask them what football team they support?

They should ask them that before they get across the channel while they’re still in the inflatable boats.

“Rags and scousers that way please, towards the chap over there holding the massive pin”
Me too, seen him in the Tron in Edinburgh years ago, he was on rare form, he even did that immigration bit.

Haven’t been in that venue in years!

I’ve been up to the Fringe every year since about 2013 (apart from Covid obv). This year is the first one I’ve missed. Edinburgh has to be the best place in the world for comedy. Seen Stewart Lee and Simon Munnery at the Stand several times - tiny little basement bar place. I love Edinburgh.

Seen Stanhope at the Lowry a couple of times and at Manchester academy.

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