UK far right trouble July/August 24

Maybe we could learn something from Scotland and Wales? They have more mainstream political outlets for their 'flag shaggers' in the SNP and plaid cymru. This probably serves to keep the idiots off the streets, whereas we (in England) tend to recoil from overt nationalism/extremism although the last decade has seen an uptick in conservative and labour politicians appearing with the union flag as a backdrop. Maybe if Reform can become our version of plaid/SNP then it will diffuse the perception of the flag shaggers here having no voice.
Voters of the SNP tend to do so wanting a better future for their country.( I’ve no idea about PC) The nationalism on display in England, and the Brexit type nationalism, seems to be harking back to some mythical golden age of Britain. Similar to the Maga pish across the pond. It’s seems to be violent too, why that is I don’t know.
Well yeah, if something called the English National Party came along, what do you reckon its policies would be? I'll be honest, I'm not picturing something between the Greens and Labour, which is what the SNP arguably are. I'm thinking something a little to the right of Reform.
That's sort of my point. Having an outlet for the loons to vent in parliament may stop the 'patriots' persecution complex developing into something more nasty and far right.
Obviously there are examples in history of the far right using such an opportunity to rise to power, but I (just about) still have enough faith in our democracy to think we will reject that. I suppose there is a danger in far right politics wearing the cloak of populism, but we (the govt) should probably seek to diffuse the popularity rather than play eternal whack-a-mole with successive incarnations of the far right.
Yeah right. Now that made me really laugh. You probably didn't intend it to though.
If it was a happy laugh not drawn from bitterness, resentment and a nationalistic hankering for a Scotland that ceased to exist centuries ago then I'm sure it's a happy and harmless chuckle.
Yeah right. Now that made me really laugh. You probably didn't intend it to though.

To be fair your question was a tad shit stirring and probably deserves a bit of sarcasm in return mate :-)

To answer it though, it's because we have a lot of fat bald middle aged racists.

Swap for your drunken heroin addicts?
Well yeah, if something called the English National Party came along, what do you reckon its policies would be? I'll be honest, I'm not picturing something between the Greens and Labour, which is what the SNP arguably are. I'm thinking something a little to the right of Reform.

I'm guessing the reason that's never happened is there doesn't seem to be a shared English identity. People who live in the north have very little in common with those in the south east, apart from a shared base language.
When you factor in other extremities like Devon & Cornwall and East Anglia, the differences become even more extreme.
When I head over to Lincolnshire to visit my mum and her side of her family, it's like travelling to a different country, in terms of geography and attitudes, and is like time travel back 70-80 years into the past!
That's sort of my point. Having an outlet for the loons to vent in parliament may stop the 'patriots' persecution complex developing into something more nasty and far right.
Obviously there are examples in history of the far right using such an opportunity to rise to power, but I (just about) still have enough faith in our democracy to think we will reject that. I suppose there is a danger in far right politics wearing the cloak of populism, but we (the govt) should probably seek to diffuse the popularity rather than play eternal whack-a-mole with successive incarnations of the far right.
English devolution would probably be the biggest step in diffusing regional dissatisfaction. Good to see Starmer has raised it as a policy. At some point a more mature strategy towards migrants will also help as long as it is sold properly.
I'd like to say thank you to those people on here who were supportive at a very dark time for me this week. It means a great deal to me.

One of the reasons why the City bug bit me back in the early 80s was I felt like i belonged.

I'm 60 next year, was born in this country, and I've never been scared to go anywhere in my life (including several interesting away matches over the years) until this week.

So much so that I didn't go to watch my daughter play for Wednesday Reserves at the old Millmoor ground. She's not noticeably dark skinned and unlike me, so my partner took her.

I didn't want to get dragged out of my car and get lynched by sone racist knobhead.

Some people make you feel like a foreigner when you aren't, not that there is a problem for me with foreigners.

Anyway I went out for the first time in day on a leaving do in Sheffield last night and things hopefully have calmed down with excellent work by the Police and swift justice thanks to our Government.

Thank you again. You made me feel a bit better and I was so proud of the peaceful protesters who occupied the streets. I felt like I should be there like I felt like I should be supporting our girl. I will be there again tomorrow hopefully.


Hopefully the trouble will ease and as many of those Farage Right rioters are prosecuted.

Respect and all the best. You're the best.
To be fair your question was a tad shit stirring and probably deserves a bit of sarcasm in return mate :-)

To answer it though, it's because we have a lot of fat bald middle aged racists.

Swap for your drunken heroin addicts?
we have our own far right loonies and the question was genuine. You can keep your racists. We are open to overweight bald and middle aged.
If it was a happy laugh not drawn from bitterness, resentment and a nationalistic hankering for a Scotland that ceased to exist centuries ago then I'm sure it's a happy and harmless chuckle.
you have a very warped idea of Scottish nationalism mate albeit we have our loonies like any other political ideal.
But yes it was a happy chuckle.
That's sort of my point. Having an outlet for the loons to vent in parliament may stop the 'patriots' persecution complex developing into something more nasty and far right.
Obviously there are examples in history of the far right using such an opportunity to rise to power, but I (just about) still have enough faith in our democracy to think we will reject that. I suppose there is a danger in far right politics wearing the cloak of populism, but we (the govt) should probably seek to diffuse the popularity rather than play eternal whack-a-mole with successive incarnations of the far right.
To be fair, is there any better outlet for national pride and flag shagging than the Olympics? And yet riots still happened right in the middle of it.

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