UK far right trouble July/August 24


Reading that brought a tear to my eye.

Nobody should have to live in fear for even a split second because of the colour of their skin.

You’re more British than all of these mindless thick thugs put together.

Now most of them are being hoisted into jail where they belong - they’ll never amount to anything in their lives, whereas you and your family have and will continue to.

You’re having the last laugh here blue.
Thanks bro. Much appreciated. I feel violated. I hate that feeling of fear and vulnerability that I feel but I'm heartened though not surprised how decent people have stood up against it and how supportive people are on here. It means such a lot.
I'd like to say thank you to those people on here who were supportive at a very dark time for me this week. It means a great deal to me.

One of the reasons why the City bug bit me back in the early 80s was I felt like i belonged.

I'm 60 next year, was born in this country, and I've never been scared to go anywhere in my life (including several interesting away matches over the years) until this week.

So much so that I didn't go to watch my daughter play for Wednesday Reserves at the old Millmoor ground. She's not noticeably dark skinned and unlike me, so my partner took her.

I didn't want to get dragged out of my car and get lynched by sone racist knobhead.

Some people make you feel like a foreigner when you aren't, not that there is a problem for me with foreigners.

Anyway I went out for the first time in day on a leaving do in Sheffield last night and things hopefully have calmed down with excellent work by the Police and swift justice thanks to our Government.

Thank you again. You made me feel a bit better and I was so proud of the peaceful protesters who occupied the streets. I felt like I should be there like I felt like I should be supporting our girl. I will be there again tomorrow hopefully.


Hopefully the trouble will ease and as many of those Farage Right rioters are prosecuted.

Respect and all the best. You're the best.
Stand tall, stand proud mate. Remember, you're a bigger and better man than any of the cunts that shamed themselves this last week. Get back to cheering your daughter and remember the vicious, racist pricks will always be in the minority.
Any protests this evening?

Nothing of note in England - think there may be issues in NI but nothing in Wales and Scotland being good.

Living near Boro I gave a wry smile when they won courtesy of a goal from Emmanuel Latte Lath - from the Ivory Coast so most likely to be a Sunni Muslim and I did wonder how many knuckle draggers from Linthorpe Road and Hartlepool were cheering him on today. Surely he is a foreigner who has come here taking a job an English footballer could be doing and preventing them from buying a half million pound house on Wynyard? Or are they just hypocrites?
Ah take in mind one thing, this user on X called "based pensioner" is to a degree somewhat representative of some of his demographic too.

Dude is for real, no bot this time.

Which is to say, he wont be around forever, a fair number of them wont be. I'm always reminded that in real life many elders came usually out as the most staunch anti-immigration advocates. Like many, a person confused by modernity and not up to "being with the times".

If he doesn't read and comment online in the Telegraph I'm a monkeys uncle.
With respect, what protests and riots like we have seen the last week or so did the Tories have to deal with?

Starmer and Labour have been superb on this make no mistake but let's not try and claim the Tory government sat by and did nothing whilst similar disorder was seen because that's simply not true.
I think the most recent similar comparison under the Tories would have to be the 2011 riots. To be fair, they were dealt with in a similar way with swift sentencing which saw the unrest quickly quelled. Of course, Starmer was DPP at the time but collaboration would’ve been needed with the police and the government so it’s a team effort.

I’ve been hugely critical of the Tories over the past 5 years but if what has happened over the past couple of weeks had happened under Sunak’s watch I’m inclined to believe that the response would’ve been similar.

The only widespread criticism of Starmer and the government’s response I’m seeing is from the far right. Pretty much everyone else - including more moderate Tories - think it’s been handled as well as could be expected.
Stand tall, stand proud mate. Remember, you're a bigger and better man than any of the cunts that shamed themselves this last week. Get back to cheering your daughter and remember the vicious, racist pricks will always be in the minority.
I'll try. I'm only 5 ft 9 and a half...same height as Nicky Reid!
I'll be back if it's safe. If the "Yorkshuh, Yorkshuh.." far right are planning make any appearances I'll give them a wide berth.

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