UK far right trouble July/August 24

100%. I seriously doubt all muslims, people of visible ethnic background and immigrants think the Palestinian flag represents them, even if they do understand or support that cause. Just seems pointless mixing the two, at this time.
All it does is reduce the impact of the anti-far right protests because many people don’t want to be associated with all the causes popular with groups like Socialist Worker who turn up at every protest going.
I think it’s great to see people protesting against racism.
However seeing some of the clips and images of todays protests a few seemed to be more about Palestine than anything else.

A few I saw were chanting ‘free Palestine’ and waving Palestine flags. I’m not sure why that’s needed and it kind of feels like it’s the same people who take part in those same protests each week.

Just an observation, but I’m slightly concerned the message is getting a bit lost in some of these protests.
Blame that cockend Corbyn, he has an obsession with that particular situatioon on a par with equally banal **** galloway.

It was made a hot topic by the new young "radicals" that were enthused by his time as leader and since it has become a staple of any left or anti-right protest, understadably with the mass murdering antics of Likud atm it is even more prominent and tne Gaza genocidal antics of bibi need to be protested but maybe not with this.

But yes, as an old.lefty in my opnion any of these anti-facist and unity protests need to keep the israel/palestine conflict out of it, they can be demostrated seperately.
I took my time to write this and I haven’t read this thing from the beginning, so I’ll just make this point as I’m at work.

As much as people want to focus on the here and now, they tend to ignore that Western intervention in countries that have wealth resources are mostly what’s driving migrant movement here. Racists will always have a reason, but the immigration issue is down [in main part] to wars over resources and regime change/ puppet govs abroad forcing movement. This is years,no, decades in the making.

When Western capitalist countries like USA, France and UK are happy to enforce change in other countries for their own interests for resources and your Gov wants to destabilise other smaller countries instead of working on fair trade, what else will happen? Oh, you will find migrants looking to seek a better life.

When you steal the wealth from other countries, why wouldn't you expect their citizens to look for survival? When you allow the war machine to force Govs to put taxpayer money into building weapons for war abroad, starving your own country of its own crucial funds back into its own services, what else is going to happen? Where are the core of people migrating from and what's caused it...? Selective sanctions on economy and trade because certain countries aren't allies is crazy. What happened to compromise?

Lack of investment in the community, lack of investment in crucial services forcing Govs to look abroad and stagnation of wages for important jobs that carry society will always bring out the blame for the ‘Johnny Foreigner’ that take up the slack that saves the country!

Should these people ‘return home’ as the dumb Far Right want, the bottom of society would fall out. They’re just too dumb to realise that and should be redirecting their ire at neolib/ con Govs. So,there is a high complex issue today creating the perfect storm.

There was always going to be a reckoning for Reaganism-Thatcherism, but nobody knew when that boomerang would return.

With that said, I never thought I’d see the return of the abhorrent racism I witnessed in the late 70s/ early 80s and that’s deeply disappointing.

Anyway, have a good evening.
With that said, I never thought I’d see the return of the abhorrent racism I witnessed in the late 70s/ early 80s and that’s deeply disappointing.

If you didnt see the aspect of Hypernationalism comming up, then you wernt looking at it from across the pond i guess.

Still laughing about a few .. ladies making their best and most proud lioness rants ... everybody loves lions (but not right next to them) so there are so many flags that have lions Heck even Flanders has but we only have 1 and England has 3 so ... more Liony i guess.
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I took my time to write this and I haven’t read this thing from the beginning, so I’ll just make this point as I’m at work.

As much as people want to focus on the here and now, they tend to ignore that Western intervention in countries that have wealth resources are mostly what’s driving migrant movement here. Racists will always have a reason, but the immigration issue is down [in main part] to wars over resources and regime change/ puppet govs abroad forcing movement. This is years,no, decades in the making.

When Western capitalist countries like USA, France and UK are happy to enforce change in other countries for their own interests for resources and your Gov wants to destabilise other smaller countries instead of working on fair trade, what else will happen? Oh, you will find migrants looking to seek a better life.

When you steal the wealth from other countries, why wouldn't you expect their citizens to look for survival? When you allow the war machine to force Govs to put taxpayer money into building weapons for war abroad, starving your own country of its own crucial funds back into its own services, what else is going to happen? Where are the core of people migrating from and what's caused it...? Selective sanctions on economy and trade because certain countries aren't allies is crazy. What happened to compromise?

People seem to completely ignore this which is quite evil really. The death toll indirectly and directly caused by Britain , America etc. must be vast. I don't know how they get away with it.
Some people want to kill you just for daring to mention it.

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