UK far right trouble July/August 24

BBC says he's 25. But there have been so many of them where I've thought there's no way they're that age.


Guy on the right, apparently 48. Looks about 60.


A 40 year-old on the right there.


Another 40 year-old on the left.


41 years-old.


53 years-old

My school year are all 40 now, and half of these people look like they could be their dads/mums.

Also nice to see Humpty Dumpty getting a conviction.

It would appear that hating people you don't even know, doesn't do much for the aging process.
BBC says he's 25. But there have been so many of them where I've thought there's no way they're that age.


Guy on the right, apparently 48. Looks about 60.


A 40 year-old on the right there.


Another 40 year-old on the left.


41 years-old.


53 years-old

My school year are all 40 now, and half of these people look like they could be their dads/mums.

Also nice to see Humpty Dumpty getting a conviction.
That lot make Wayne Rooney look like Brad Pitt.

Ok maybe not quite.
BBC says he's 25. But there have been so many of them where I've thought there's no way they're that age.


Guy on the right, apparently 48. Looks about 60.


A 40 year-old on the right there.


Another 40 year-old on the left.


41 years-old.


53 years-old

My school year are all 40 now, and half of these people look like they could be their dads/mums.

Also nice to see Humpty Dumpty getting a conviction.
Good looking bunch
Why are they all getting short sentences? 2 years for a mob racist attack on a lone black man in the middle of the city centre on a Saturday afternoon...should be five years.
All of these will be out within months.
A certain irony that the register of interests for the new parliament has just shown he's on 90 odd grand a month from GB News, whilst these mugs go off to do their bird.
He gets £16,000 a month for recording happy birthday (or up the RA on one memorable occasion), for 24 hours a month!
If you look at his other ‘work’ he’s doing 30 hours a week before any duties as an MP, so it’s hardly a surprise he’s not yet been to Clacton!
Still, Grifter’s are going to grift so hardly a surprise….
He gets £16,000 a month for recording happy birthday (or up the RA on one memorable occasion), for 24 hours a month!
If you look at his other ‘work’ he’s doing 30 hours a week before any duties as an MP, so it’s hardly a surprise he’s not yet been to Clacton!
Still, Grifter’s are going to grift so hardly a surprise….

Have you seen the description for the expenses for his recent (paid for by donors) trip to the US? It says something like...supporting a friend after a near death trauma and promoting Clacton on the world stage !!! You've got to hand it to the piss taking grifter, he has absolutely no shame.
BBC says he's 25. But there have been so many of them where I've thought there's no way they're that age.


Guy on the right, apparently 48. Looks about 60.


A 40 year-old on the right there.


Another 40 year-old on the left.


41 years-old.


53 years-old

My school year are all 40 now, and half of these people look like they could be their dads/mums.

Also nice to see Humpty Dumpty getting a conviction.
The population of Hull broken down by age and sex?
That's how the law around inciting racial hatred and incitement to violence works, yes. Otherwise the only way saying that someone should be murdered could ever be a crime is if you're literally hiring a hitman. And that's because we recognise that there doesn't have to be a one-to-one causal relationship between a single utterance and someone acting on it for hateful/provocative speech to result in violence.
What about a king wanting rid of a troublesome priest?
A certain irony that the register of interests for the new parliament has just shown he's on 90 odd grand a month from GB News, whilst these mugs go off to do their bird.

90k a month from a loss-making media company. How does that work?

How much has he had from Question Time appearances?

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