UK far right trouble July/August 24

Range Rover? :)
Yes. Last summer and the summer before. First time the police found it the following day on a back street. Second time they found it about 2 weeks later in a lock up in Southampton. I really would have rather they didn't find it. Both times it took months to repair as they'd ripped out all the interior and the boot and that. the only positive was that I got all the damage that I'd done repaired on the insurance and both times it came back pristine.
He's a mixed race Muslim, not sure what point blue is trying to make.
Haha, Andrew Tate is as much a Muslim as Mark Goldbridge is a Man Utd fan. The irony is that his 'conversion' to Islam is based around the same racist shit that the far right would claim about them. He thinks it in some way legitimizes him treating women like shit, because, well, that's what Muslims do, right?

Having said that, I've never thought of him as some sort of idol for the far right, more some sort of idol for teenage boys who've never spoken to a real life girl before and blame the girls for that fact.
Haha, Andrew Tate is as much a Muslim as Mark Goldbridge is a Man Utd fan. The irony is that his 'conversion' to Islam is based around the same racist shit that the far right would claim about them. He thinks it in some way legitimizes him treating women like shit, because, well, that's what Muslims do, right?

Having said that, I've never thought of him as some sort of idol for the far right, more some sort of idol for teenage boys who've never spoken to a real life girl before and blame the girls for that fact.

if you recall Farage quoted him as influencer over his riots story - thats pretty far right
Is there any far right trouble this weekend? Normally I go fishing but I'm dog sitting from Saturday and am looking for something to do. I'm not far right and the dog is only a spaniel lab cross and not very intimidating but does like excersise. I was thinking walking around asking for my country back ect might help us both get the daily step count up.
My car got nicked twice and they found it twice.
Mine got nicked once (in Liverpool you'll be surprised to learn). Found it myself quite by chance a few days later, parked outside the Gladray club on Parliament Street as I went by on the bus. Went home, got the spare keys and drove off in it! Informed PC Plod, who said "Cor blimey, that was lucky! Evening all!" or words to that effect........
Mine got nicked once (in Liverpool you'll be surprised to learn). Found it myself quite by chance a few days later, parked outside the Gladray club on Parliament Street as I went by on the bus. Went home, got the spare keys and drove off in it! Informed PC Plod, who said "Cor blimey, that was lucky! Evening all!" or words to that effect........
Haha.You were lucky. Don't know if you saw my post above. Two massive ballaches when mine got nicked - same car twice. They hide it for a few days to make sure there's no tracker apparently. Some guy in Bradford saw it behind his shop with the boot all damaged and rang the police. Second time round I'd already ordered a new car and it was found on the south coast, apparently about to be ferried abroad.
Haha.You were lucky. Don't know if you saw my post above. Two massive ballaches when mine got nicked - same car twice. They hide it for a few days to make sure there's no tracker apparently. Some guy in Bradford saw it behind his shop with the boot all damaged and rang the police. Second time round I'd already ordered a new car and it was found on the south coast, apparently about to be ferried abroad.
The advantage (in my case) of having had a shit car! Some waster just wanted a lift to a late night Scouse drinking pit, as opposed to nicking it in order to flog off the parts, or the whole vehicle, in the old Soviet Union!
It always amazes me that successive governments and the police and court systems have blamed everything on resources and yet for this issue every single resource is available.

Have they said yet that they couldn't find one of the rioters despite CCTV evidence because isn't that how burglaries are treated nowadays?

If only they could find this sudden laser justice and deterrent for the people who carry knifes, drug dealers, gangs etc.
Not seen this much police action since Mourinho's dog sneaked into the country.
Not seen this much police action since Mourinho's dog sneaked into the country.
Ive not seen this much CPS action, ever. The cunts wont like the pace and pressure of this. They like to do things at their pace, awkward difficult cunts as they are. Hate them me.

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