Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I fail to understand why after failure in election upon election, UKIP continue to receive so much media publicity.
But as long as they continue to split the tory vote long may they live.
A tight little establishment clique made up of the 3 old corrupt parties, the major TV broadcasters, the City and large corporations are working hard to keep themselves in a position where they can shaft the ordinary man on the street while feathering their own nests. Just as they have always done.
They're in a corner now though. Millions of people are finally waking up to the fact that these corrupt, lying, thieving dinosaurs have been working to their own ends, and are going to use their votes to upset the political apple cart and start to get rid of the establishment criminal fraternity. They have to fight back and one major tactic is to try to dish the dirt on their opponents, at least those who represent a threat to the status quo.
UKIPs vote at the next European election is going to be huge. They'll probably finish second. A few months later is the Scottish independence referendum. The Scots more than anyone in the UK have allowed themselves to be led by the anti UKIP propaganda machine so the bigger the vote for UKIP, the more Scots who will vote for independence. If Scotland votes for independence then the Labour Party will cease to have any relevance in the rest of the UK.
So the Conservative establishment criminals and the Labour establishment criminals now feel, with good reason, that their cosy leeching lifestyles are under threats rom UKIP. The media is spinning like crazy to help their buddies hang on to power, where they can make media friendly laws and dish out knighthoods to their friends and one tactic that they have adopted is to try to portray UKIP as racist. They hope that by repeating this often enough, people will start to believe it and, in fairness some people do.
By only reporting negative stories about UKIP, while ensuring that similar such negative stories about the establishment are suppressed, they can present this as a veneer that some people will accept at face value. Fortunately though, more people now see it for the desperate propaganda exercise that it is and, once again, UKIP's support will rise.