Unambitious, Magnanimous, Docile, Lemming-Like Fans

ManCityFC said:
I am going to get pelter's here, but I think this needs saying.

The attitude of some of the fans on this site (and in Manchester) beggars belief. Despite the fact that MH has spent circa £75 million on players this season, to strengthen a side that finished top 10 last season, and we continue to move backwards, you would think people would be a little bit worried. But no, this is City. People simply refuse to even entertain the possibility that this shite manager, that has achieved fuck all, could take us down. Some on here think he could shit golden turds, I am convinced of it.

It seems that no matter how close to the relegation zone we get, no matter how depressing the long-ball football gets, no matter how many cup competitions we get dumped out of by piss poor opposition, the lemming-like response just continues to get more and more prevalent, as the pathetic amongst us, clutch hold of the belief that money will certainly avert relegation, and we may be in danger of sacking the next baconface. It's frankly sad as fuck.

We need stability I keep hearing, what kind of stability? The kind of stability you get in The Championship? How can we have stability from a manager that fiddles with a team more than Ranieri was ever accused of, and cannot put players in the correct positions. Is it any wonder that the players who's career he is ruining, have lost all respect for him?

Getting rid of the manager won't help I keep hearing, as we watch the teams that had the good sense to sack and replace their managers before Christmas steal a march on us.

Just give him until the end of the season, he will turn it around - I keep hearing, but what happens if you are wrong? Are you going to come on here and hold your hands up or run away and hide. The latter I expect. And why should he be allowed to buy his way into job longevity? It wouldn't happen anywhere else and he came here thinking he had little to spend. Where would we be now without the Arabs money?? Probably stuck with a manager that was taking us down, with no money to sack him and pay him off.

The team was shite before he joined us I keep hearing, but nobody can escape the fact that we finished top 10 last season and prattle on about a drubbing my the best team in the league and one against Boro, when the then manager had been told he was getting the flick, after doing everything he had been asked to do.

I am sick and tired of the Unambitious, Magnanimous, Docile, Lemming-Like Fans that support this great club with me. I am convinced that some of them just enjoy the pain we have endured over the last 30 years and are punch drunk by it. The one good thing that could come of all this cash is hiring a world class manager. Any plans to hire world class players went out of the window when we plummeted down the table in my opinion, but we could easily tempt a world class manager with a big salary and blank chequebook.

Here's to another season of mediocrity and a relegation battle at the end, just to get the adrenalin running, for the wrong reasons.


We could have the best manager in the world and we still won't win cups and make it to the tp 4 or fight for UEFA place instead of relegation and you know why?

Just think whats the difference between ourselves and Liverpool, United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Villa and Everton????


Don't forget Villa and Everton were in our situation once as well never archived bugger all always a mid table team now they have kept a manger long enough to build a team with players that are use to there system they are in the top 6 of the table our problem has always been if you don't bring instant success or at least keep us in a reasonable position then your sacked.


foreverblue said:
ManCityFC said:
And you are a perfect example aren't you. Because I have justifiable concerns, that makes me someone who expects instant success. Fucking wrong mate, what I do expect, from a team that finished top 10 last season, with £75 million spent on it is fucking progress. Not being dumped out of the cup by the likes of Brighton and Forest. And again, you have just shown that you, and others think that MH has the fucking right to blow our money on Shite like Bellamy, RSC etc, bring in his mates if you will, to save his fucking job. Why the fuck should he blow another £75 million on players when he can't get the incumbent players to work for him. It fucking stinks and the attitude of people on here stinks.

By the way, Sven's mercenaries achieved a top 10 last year and the football was a lots fucking better to watch than the shite MH is putting out there. That two-faced attitude that Sven is the cause of all evil and his players are all wankers is fucking nonsense. Utter fucking crap. We have a good team and the manager has lost them.....fuck it then, let him replace them all. Total and utter fucking bollocks. Sorry, but it is.

Don't talk rubbish you clown. The football was defensive and boring, with the Newcastle game at home the highlight of the season. Also we where put out by a 10 man Spurs team in the League Cup and Sheffield United in the FA Cup. For your information Jo & Robinho (51.5m) was spent by Thaksin and Adug. Quite simply there are posters on here who didn't want Hughes from Day 1 and you are one of them my friend. Finally try doing a post without swearing.

Yes, defensive and boring...as opposed to what we have now that is fucking splendid. At least last season we looked convincing. We were knocked out of the cup by Spurs and Sheffield United. Well, I guess that we have improved this year by being knocked out by Notts Forest and Brighton FFS.

I guess Hughes wouldn't have bought Jo and Robinho, and would have blocked it if he could. There are much better out there aren't they. Bellamy and RSC for instance.

If MH was doing a great job, I would be 100% behind him. If we was making just a little bit of steady progress, I would be 100% behind him. If we were standing still I guess I would back him, but sorry, no progress and going backwards doesn't deserve my support.
ManCityFC... just console yourself, as I have done, that we probably won't get relegated & that the useless twunt we have in charge will be gone in the Summer :-)
ManCityFC said:
erast fandorin said:
Why is it people like you have had a complete memory loss regarding the 2nd half of last season?

I haven't mate, I take the whole season, well as a whole actually. Half way through the second half of the season, the manager we had new he was getting the fucking flick, the players adored him, the fans adored him and it showed. There was also a lot of unrest regarding our new owner. But I do remember playing some decent football and doing the double over the rags...do you remember that or are you enjoying the long ball game we are playing at the moment to much to remember?
Was present at both derbys mate,like yourself with hughes i was against eriksson before he came,he won me round for a bit,thought we were very lucky against rags,villa,derby,reading,sunderland,birmingham at home to be honest whether he was getting the boot or not a lot of players who seemed to not give a toss then don,t seem to have changed at all for me and if anything have got worse,f*****g boro will never beat anyone 8 1 again.I,m not saying everything you,ve said is wrong and some of his tactics have baffled me to say the least,i think the petrov injury has had a disastrous impact on the team and plans for it.Personally i would give him til the end of the season as in my opinion we will be nearer the top than bottom,but its only my opinion and anyone who disagrees with it is neither pathetic nor a lemming
like it or loath it mh is here for now, and if it is to be rsc parker and bellamy comming in we cant have negative precomceptions, there repution starts the first time they pull on the blue shirt, whats happening is this site going to renamed BLUEMOAN!!!

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