I'm not sure whether it's me, or whether things are different now, or whether entry to university is easier, but when I was a lad leaving school, only a very few went to university. It was like the top sets at school, after sixth form, or the people who went to Manchester Grammar. I was never in that group, so only managed college after school doing a business studies course. I have, however, learned lots from the university of life.

Nowadays it seems the norm for people to get into university. Even people I know now who's kids are, frankly, thick as pigshit, are talking about "Going to uni"

So what's the deal? Do you still need loads of A levels like you used to get into uni, or do they just take anyone nowadays? I'm rather thinking that it's the latter seeing as how Lancaster University has grown in the past few years.
I can answer regarding the reference to Lancaster Lancashire Blue but as for others I cannot be too sure.

Lancaster has had a hell of a lot of upgrading going on for years and it continues to have a lot of stuff done because to be honest it was falling apart despite it only being 40 years old (in the oldest parts) but poor structure and size was a big reason to knock buildings down and start again. The place I lived in the first year was one of the first buildings to be knocked up at the University and is still there because it's just basic accommodation for us tight arses in the world! That, I hope, explains why it is growing. Also, a lot more courses are being added with Medicine being a big one added in recent years.

To get in to Lancaster to study History I needed A's and B's in my A Levels so I'd say it wasn't the easiest place to get in, whereas I saw other Universities asking for C's and D's to study History. I know a lot of people who aren't the brightest who went on to study at University and graduate with a degree. It is worrying, to be honest.

So Lancashire Blue you are correct in your assumption that it is piss easy to get in to a lot of Universities these days. I don't think it helps that there seems to be a lot of mickey mouse courses knocking about which people take.
I should add, whilst I'm at it, that if anyone at Lancaster Uni needs a lift to City then I might be able to help, although only when I'm going which is fairly infrequent owing to other committments, but if you need a lift PM me and if I am going and you need a lift, jobs a goodun.
Frank Skinner made a good point. If today's kids are so thick why weren't any of his generation ever on the news queueing up to buy the latest popular novel like today's generation were with Harry Potter books?
simonr555 said:
eden09 said:
i have.. but thanks for the tip... didn't realise thats what happened when you graduated......

and i wash too..... funnily enough i wasn't one of the stereotypical students who like to be "out there" grow their hair long and be a bum for three years........ Hence why i do have a job

Woah, woah, woah!!! I had long hair throughout Uni (bar a brief period in the 1st year when I shaved it off). I have now acquired a beard but that is to try and hide myself away from people recognising me. I used to work doing deliveries at NEXT during my student days in 1st and 2nd year but 3rd year I was out of work due to injury. I still blame that for the weight gain!

I went to Lancaster, by the way. Graduated 2 years ago and have been stuck in the NHS since. Bad times!

lol.... i wasn't pointing anyone out... just trying to explain!
I worked too while at uni, first in a club, then at clintons for a year then at bradford and bingley until i got let go in january because of the bank crisis.... :(

Now i too will shortly be stuck in the nhs...
eden09 said:
simonr555 said:
Woah, woah, woah!!! I had long hair throughout Uni (bar a brief period in the 1st year when I shaved it off). I have now acquired a beard but that is to try and hide myself away from people recognising me. I used to work doing deliveries at NEXT during my student days in 1st and 2nd year but 3rd year I was out of work due to injury. I still blame that for the weight gain!

I went to Lancaster, by the way. Graduated 2 years ago and have been stuck in the NHS since. Bad times!

lol.... i wasn't pointing anyone out... just trying to explain!
I worked too while at uni, first in a club, then at clintons for a year then at bradford and bingley until i got let go in january because of the bank crisis.... :(

Now i too will shortly be stuck in the nhs...

I feel for you mate. Sounds like you've worke din some bad places like myself too! I'm looking at a way out and am debating whether doing a Masters would be worthwhile. It's either that or PGCE to get my arse in gear and get people off my back.
simonr555 said:
eden09 said:
lol.... i wasn't pointing anyone out... just trying to explain!
I worked too while at uni, first in a club, then at clintons for a year then at bradford and bingley until i got let go in january because of the bank crisis.... :(

Now i too will shortly be stuck in the nhs...

I feel for you mate. Sounds like you've worke din some bad places like myself too! I'm looking at a way out and am debating whether doing a Masters would be worthwhile. It's either that or PGCE to get my arse in gear and get people off my back.

Yep took some rubbish jobs while at uni.... but starting on the right path now (hopefully) so just need to get me "experience" as thats what all employers in mental health look for that now.

What do you do??

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