eden09 said:
simonr555 said:
I've worked in our kids mental health department for a while which was interesting but now I am currently locked away in an office dealing with diabetec clinics and patients as well as the emergencies in our department. Nothing too exciting and absolutely nothing to do with History!

the mental health bit sounds good....

history eh? so what are you planning to do?

If it is mental health you want to work in (psychologist/psychiatrist etc...) I know it can be a hell of a lot of work and stress once you first start but very rewarding in the end.

I am planning on doing a History PGCE to teach 11-18 year olds. The only problem is they aren't in need of teachers for my subject and a lot of friends and family are trying to persuade me to do primary school. I think I'd enjoy that if I got year 5 or 6 but anything younger and I'd be driven insane!

Another thing I've looked in to is doing a Masters but it all boils down to whether I want to do a lot of hard work for 12 months.

Good luck with your job when you start it mate!
I'm going in to my 2nd year at KCL doing Medicine. Owain off here is at King's as well doing some easy arts course like history where he just has to waffle on a few essays and get a 2.1 :D

London is a weird weird place to be a student though, doesn't really feel like your a student. Probably because it's so big and there are that many unis there that's we're all spread out over the whole place so unless your in halls you'd forget you were a student.

Don't know how it is on other courses but i admit on my course you do get spoon fed to an extent and I think this where times have changed. Think the students of yesteryear would have had to get on with alot by themselves and show some initiative. It's good fun though and can't wait to start again in 2 weeks!
simonr555 said:
eden09 said:
the mental health bit sounds good....

history eh? so what are you planning to do?

If it is mental health you want to work in (psychologist/psychiatrist etc...) I know it can be a hell of a lot of work and stress once you first start but very rewarding in the end.

I am planning on doing a History PGCE to teach 11-18 year olds. The only problem is they aren't in need of teachers for my subject and a lot of friends and family are trying to persuade me to do primary school. I think I'd enjoy that if I got year 5 or 6 but anything younger and I'd be driven insane!

Another thing I've looked in to is doing a Masters but it all boils down to whether I want to do a lot of hard work for 12 months.

Good luck with your job when you start it mate!

Yeah masters would be hard work... just going to have to keep looking or like u said work in a primary school, my sister in law does that and she loves it... think its year 5 she teaches.

Yeah i want to do clinical psychology so i got a job as an assistant nurse at edenfield secure mental hospital to get some good experience... i know what u mean though about it being rewarding going to take a good few years to get where i want to be though!
Cheers :-D and good luck finding a teaching job :-)
Newlunar said:
What's the longest period you can be at Uni before they kick you out? Some people seem to have been there years seemingly without any intention of leaving.

If you keep doing different courses (or having to resit existing ones) then you could be in Uni for many many years. The Uni itself wouldn't really care, they are getting cash from you to study there.
shaiomarali said:
if having to go 6 hours per week to do masters is hardwork, then i'll have to agree.

Haha I know what you mean mate! I have a tendency to pile work up and then plough through it, thus making myself overloaded with work for a period of time. To be honest though, a 30,000-40,000 essay on a chosen subject that I found interesting would be good.

I somehow managed to blag doing my dissertation on City. I just did it from a social point of view but kept getting moaned at for being biased. I'd probably try to do something similair but would actually be able to include stuff I had to miss out last time. Editing was a woman!
Prestwich_Blue said:
foxy said:
I am starting my final year in Sheffield at the end of this month, I can not wait for freshers!
I'll be putting up posters of you all around Endcliffe Village warning all the female freshers. I expect you to look after my daughter! Or else.

The posters will scare them off lol! I will be a welcoming 3rd year :)
eden09 said:
bluecm said:
Going into my last year at Liverpool. Going to make the most of it!!

Definitely make the most of it... over before you know it, last year for me went really fast and i was graduating before i knew it!

So true. Just finished at Sheffield. Real-world sucks balls!

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