Unite against City?

Unite against city??

Things are hotting up nicely on twitter. He has been exposed as someone whos business is a cover for stealing and exporting cars . Had a feeling he was going to regret his smug 'plan'.
Re: Unite against city??

Wreckless Alec said:
This company is offering investments to the public. It says;

"Why Buy
1: Investment opportunity – city will have to negotiate individually for each plot – name your price"

To do this you need to be authorised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA)

The FSA's website says;

" What are the regulated activities?

Specified activities are defined in Part II of the RAO and comprise:
•accepting deposits;
•issuing e-money;
•effecting or carrying out contracts of insurance as principal;
•dealing in investments (as principal or agent);"

Since the website doesn't declare that this organisation is authorised by the FSA, I shall be reporting it and its solicitors.

Would it lend more weight if more of us reported this to the FSA? If so, just point me in the right direction.

And to think they call us bitter!! CTID
Re: Unite against city??

LooeyMCFC said:
There are no bigger Man City Fans than myself and my husband. But this issue is nothing to do with Man City as a club, It's to do with the way The Manchester Evening News and the local Council are bullying these company's into selling their land for peanuts, which is unfair wether you are RED or BLUE.
1 Of the company's has been based there for 15 years and he is a very good family friend, he has built up his business over the years and now feels like everything is being taken away from him and he has no choice.

We know the plans are fantastic and it will be amazing when finished, but for them to be practicly forced from their land is completely unfair.

So if you actually looked more into the reasons behind the banner then you might actually sympathise with them.

Louise MCFC

How are the men bullying them ? The press have no legal powers so in essence no power.The council will have offered a figure and will also have explained how they have reached that figure (They will have used a chartered surveyor not just plucked a figure out of thin air)The Surveyor will have arrived at that figure using guidlines laid down by RICS.
If he is unhappy he can appoint his own surveyor who will come up with a valuation once again using RICS guidlines At this point they negotiate until they come to a figure they agree on

If thay cannot agree a figure this is when they can use a CPO and if he is still unhappy he can then go to court and appeal the amount (search BAILII for compulsary purchase for examples)

Councils only use CPOs when an arms length transaction cannot be achived the usual reason for this is because the seller (and i suspect your Rag pal) has a grossly exagerated value of their land (here come the arabs we can make a quick killing ring a bell ?)

They can also get relocation costs on top of the purchase price and has been stated previously recovery of artics/vehicles does not rely on passing trade so all your arguments fail.

I have been involved with a CPO so know how they work and your Rag pal will end up with more than his land is worth but will not be allowed to hold the council/city to ransom

Sorry to piss on your chips and all that
Re: Unite against city??

CPO's are simply fucked up, though.

Granted, I will be pleased with our new facilities :-).
Re: Unite against city??

This account https://twitter.com/#!/RagAgainstCity is absolutely destroying him..essential following..!

Everyone thanks for following and I will promise to cause pain to this RAG who's trying to stop our club with his dodgy dealings pls RT me

@uniteagainstcit read my TL because I'm going to expose you and cause you pain with all your dodgy dealings with your businesses.

@uniteagainstcit Does this website look like the other one i posted before ? http://www.thecartransporters.com yet another scam.

@uniteagainstcit Have you ever thought where your beautiful car has gone? Maybe @uniteagainstcit could tell you? Even the country and 'new' owner.

Bedtime for me but rest assured tomorrow will tell us a lot about Mr O'Brien aka @uniteagainstcit and I look forward to hearing from him
Re: Unite against city??

LooeyMCFC said:
No not really, why should he have to set up somewhere new...don't they have enough land to re develop??? And to be honest, what he has been offered wouldn't even buy him a 2 bed semi in Clayton.......
It's nothing to do with being greedy it's they way they are going about it.
If i had enough money i would buy a few of the blocks of land.

Thank you Raggy !! Whats up aint you got the £250 to help your red mate out for a plot of land.
Looey MCFC my arse, you red sod !!
Re: Unite against city??

From @RagAgainstCity on Twitter:

"anyone wants to tell Mr Shaun O'brien aka @uniteagainstcit how they feel then feel free to by phone 0161 223-5533 or he might fancy a pizza"

Re: Unite against city??

LooeyMCFC said:
There are no bigger Man City Fans than myself and my husband. But this issue is nothing to do with Man City as a club, It's to do with the way The Manchester Evening News and the local Council are bullying these company's into selling their land for peanuts, which is unfair wether you are RED or BLUE.
1 Of the company's has been based there for 15 years and he is a very good family friend, he has built up his business over the years and now feels like everything is being taken away from him and he has no choice.

We know the plans are fantastic and it will be amazing when finished, but for them to be practicly forced from their land is completely
Unite against city??

I've just bought the 1 sq foot right between the gate posts. I'm about to go and occupy it, and I may decide to erect a concrete structure on it. If Mantax don't like it, they will have to CPO it back, or pay me £5,000 which is my valuation of it.

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