United able to compete in market

MancM13 said:
manimanc said:
why is this rag twat still on here? fuck off back to longsight M13,unless you are defecting as you know the glazerites are on the slide...ha ha what a crank..

Well I thought I might be able to have a sensible debate on here obviously 34 years of nothing whilst watching your neighbours dominate football for twenty years has left you so bitter that you can't even hold a football conversation without losing it whenever United are brought up. The ironic thing is you lot can't go 5 minutes without bringing United up yourselves, kind of self defeating don't you think?

this is how it feels to be city
this is how it feels to be small
this is how it feels when your team wins nothing at all
nothing at all

and I'm out
yep and you post on a city forum,you fucking simpleton hahaha mr pot meet mr kettle...
MancM13 said:
harry the plumber said:
To stand still they will have to replace. Giggs,rat boy,Scholes and Van der sar in the next 12 months, at a cost of more than the £60mill he might or might not have.

Young players stepping up plus a couple of signings and the team will roll on. It sounds like Scholes might play another year anyway.

Rafael is the answer at RB he's looked top draw since he's earned a first team place.

Giggs hardly plays, his player of the year award was a joke tbh. The only question is can he replace Scholes longterm. I think they're after Defour in Jan as his long term replacement and if not they'll go after another Modric typre player.

The only places they need to spend any real money are CM and GK.

That's fucking ridiculous. He's a bigger liability than Northern Rock, and most people who watch United can recognise this.

Also, I'd love to know the kids who are coming in, because apart from Pogba who is half decent yet completely untried, you have fuck all coming through either.

-- Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:29 pm --

MancM13 said:
and I'm out

Indeed you are.
blumoon,meet the new batman and robin,may i introduce MANIMANC and RAMMYBLUE and between them they have their first rag kill.....mancM13 has left the building....this forum is clear....
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t2UQaobf7U" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t2UQaobf7U</a>

Proper funny.
manimanc said:
blumoon,meet the new batman and robin,may i introduce MANIMANC and RAMMYBLUE and between them they have their first rag kill.....mancM13 has left the building....this forum is clear....

can i be the green lantern
MancM13 said:
Rammy Blue said:
You obviously haven't seen much of Kolarov then, don't judge a player you haven't seen.

Wio is fucked, Vince is 24.

Boateng and Rafael, you having a laugh?

seriously if you really think Kolarov is in Evra's class then there's no point.

Ladies and gentleman,the evolution of rag.

There is no discussion,no debate-Evra is a better defender than Kolarov...err..because..err...he plays for United,of course....and despite himn looking piss poor for virtually the whole of this season.
That and leading a mutiny as captain of France,plus telling Rooney to fuck off...class.
Just the sort of dressing room influence we want at City.
Ferdinand has barely played for a year and has a glass back,but at almost 32,would obviously walk straight into our team...probably along with Owen Hargreaves.
Rafael is...err...Brazilian.So he must be shit hot....and he plays for United to,so that's two obvious reasons why he's better than Boateng.

This chump probably thinks Mickey Thomas was a "red legend.."...well he must be,he played for United.
And he's Welsh,like Giggs....so....

Fukin rags.Blinded and brainwashed by their own hype machine...ever average player a "genius."

Oh and BTW dickhead,if you're still looking....34 years,still here.
binzy m.cf.c said:
Sky News inform us that United are able to compete with Man. City in future transfer windows so i was thinking...... Dont Laugh.... Dear Santa please can i have 100 Money Trees and 50 geese that lay Golden Eggs....Just like the ones Mr Ferguson is hoping for....!

I think they can and will - they will not be able to match our spending over say a 12 or 18 8month cycle but they could if necessary spend upwards of 60 Million (as it looks like the will have to do now they have kept Rooney)

They will also get better value than we will in terms of wages unless we get chumps league

The positives however is that they will be even further down shit street than before
MancM13 said:
zeven said:
If they want to compete with us! they better start to sell history on jar. Because thats the only thing they have.

They don't need to. United have an established team they just need to make additions here and there. City have to build a team from scratch.

Not any more we don't! Please keep up...

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