United game postponed due to bomb scare

I think its funny. Read my post again it's solely about getting top four.

Don't fucking insult my intelligence. Oh and by the way my brother and 2 uncles are Manure fans.

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By the sounds of it you havent got any intelligence
You could score 18 against Bournmouth and it still wouldn't be good enough for your shower to limp over the line.
It's even sadder when you consider just how much they've spent.
Some clubs think they can just throw money at a problem and make it go away. The way City go about their business is how other clubs will be following in the future. Some will be relatively successful at doing so as they will 'get' the underlying attitude required.
Others will merely pretend, if they try at all.
Their smokescreens will afford them some grace to sort things out, but as we have seen with so many so-called 'dynasties', they have all too frequently been built on a nasty cult of personality that once it disappears creates a huge vacuum that is then ignored for so long that it becomes part of the underlying problem that those involved pretend doesn't exist.
They may see a few promising runs but these apparent corners turned/messiahs are always fleeting moments - dead cat bounce reflex actions that only serve to smash the increasingly fragile hopes of those willing to stay and believe.
It is in these situatuons and the subsequent actions that they can engender, that we truly see the manifestation of the phrase, "form is temporary, but class is permanent."
What the fuck is an "incredibly lifelike explosive device".

Surely it was or it wasn't an explosive device

Sounds like they are making up shite to me
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If proven a hoax its backfired on the rags. Still pissed off the Premier League handling of it. If we lost I'd be raging even more.
Left face it . Isis and their like don't plant bombs , they blow stuff up and shoot people . No warning no fucking around .

This was always something different . Isis might cause us a lot more issues and disruption if the did shit like this . Could cause is all sorts of trouble I every day life if they weren't do fucking stupid.
Fuck me fella, proof read your posts before trying call people 'fucking stupid'....;-)
I knew it had to be hoax. Nobody shouted "Allahu Akbar" so it just didn't seem real enough to me.
By the sounds of it you havent got any intelligence
Get your wife to chant and maybe they will win 19-0.

Look we got top 4 and the fucking scary part is looking after your loved one.

I never ever stated that I was happy with a pretend bomb . I hope your wife is not to traumatised

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