United (H) Post Match Thread

I was alright with the team selection tonight. I would have preferred Phil and Bernardo but there is no fucking way some of those players should have performed that badly. Sterling had his usual derby performance and De Bruyne had looked like me playing 5 a side since he came back from injury. Our captain should be the most embarrassed by that match because I'm really struggling to find the words to describe how shit he was.
I agree with him so that makes 2 of us.

I'd rather lose today when it will count for Fuck all and beat them when it matters which we have done.
I know but our record vs them in the last two years is awful. It’s not just the result it’s the performances aswell. The day the derby becomes just another game for me would be sad. It does mean more
Poor selection, poor performances all over the pitch
as was said by many posters pre match, you have to have energy ....that was sat on the bench
played straight into their hands.
Poor throw from Cancelo started it all off and that seemed to set the tone for al the game
How KDB and Sterling stayed on ...only Pep knows
I think you’re wrong on this one buddy. The general point is sound but for the biggest games you need your very best team. I think most people would agree that our best team right now has both Foden and Bernardo in it and neither were included. They embellish both our attack and our defending from the front.

I would have picked at least one of them, but I believe Pep picks what he thinks is the best side to win the game and he is the one who sees them train and spends hundreds of hours on each game, which is he's right 21 times out of 22.
Timely reminder that we have won fuck all just yet.

I hope Noddy sends Pep a Bottle of Champagne after todays game because he was the Rags 13th Man today, after the bald twat of a referee.And whilst i am ranting how the fuck does a Ref that supports a Rag feeder Club get to Ref a Derby ?

Starting to think Pep might have had Rag posters all over his Bedroom as a Kid. The amount of time he blows smoke up their arses also makes me sick and has done since day 1..

I am so fucked off because i feel the defeat was 100% Pep inflicted.

It wasn't working after 10 minutes,30 minutes, 60 minutes.

Fot me sometimes his ego gets in the way of common sense. Not often, but when it does, it is always in the big games like every fucking derby, and Champions League games that actually matter.

We could have suffered an unnecessary avoidable 4,5, moral sapping defeat.

Fortunately it was just the 2 goals.

What the fuck was he thinking with that midfield.

KDB is not just unfit, he looks like shit, is playing like shit, is blowing out of his arse from minute 1, and passing to opposition 9 times out 10.And waving his arms around in frustration.

We got away with it against Wolves,and West Ham.

But we had to persist with this Shoe hornning until we were willfully exposed, And nearly mauled by our hated rivals.

Why the fuck can he not start with players that are fit and playing well like Berando,Phil, get the game won then make Subs.

He has to start us all fucking unbalanced to feed his ego.

So pissed off.

He would never pull this shit inEl Classico Bacelona v Madrid.

Hopefully in the bigger scheme of things this result actually means fuck all.

For now though we have to suffer the MSM circle Jerking at the best Rag performance ever on a par with 1970s Brazil. Puke.

He carries on with this trying to get KDB fit infatuation, at the expense of the collective good of a team that was grinding out win after win. Then this season Title might be a lot closer than we want it to be. Sadly KDB is not just looking unfit at the moment, he is looking like he could be in decline at 30.
take a long bath, a couple of spoons of calpol and have a good story before na nights , and get mumsy to pick up your dummy ,you seem to have spat it out.
Every team selection is controversial on here. Literally every game thread has people arguing over the team, not happy with Mahrez or Sterling or Jesus or Walker or go back a few months and it was Zinchenko or Stones or Gundogan or Rodri that Pep was being stubborn with and not picking the side Bluemoon wanted.

When we win, like we did 21 times in a row, it's all just forgotten and swept under the rug, and when we lose it's immediately "I told you so before kick off, Pep's too stubborn" etc. etc.

If you concede inside 30 seconds selection becomes pretty irrelevant. Pep doesn't pick a side to come back from 1-0 down.
There is always something really obvious though.

That being no Bernardo and Foden today. Don’t think anyone would’ve been complaining about their selection had the result ended up the same with them being select.

I think your point stands with regards to the back 4 in general though ... as Cancelo was shit so it’s easy to say play Walker but had he done that and we lost everyone would say why leave Cancelo out.

And I agree with your other point about losing at some point.. I’d just rather it have been the Chelsea game when the league is won, not this soon where it could knock confidence and result in us sliding back to the pack.

Beat united today and it’s done.

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