United sold out

felixbg said:
unimpressed ... meeting tomoro just got a lot more interesting. i know loads of kids with barely any loyalty points that have got tickets through supporters branches and their bizzare methods and yet the people that have waited in the queue have somehow failed to get them !!!

Supporters Clubs have all had reduced allocation and very few tickets for scum game went to them so I heard- very true at our club- agree it seems not to be fair but supporters clubs and the people who run these and attend are an importnat part of CITY. Our club had a ballot for the small allocation of tickets, some people with no SC or low points got tickets...I did not put my name in hat as I went via club taking risk with my SC points - I was lucky enough to get a ticket without much trouble as 5000 plus points....but is there ever a fair way? Do we stop allocation to suppoters clubs? Bigger picture is they get very little for these games....and it will get worse. I just hope CITY fans do not rip each other off selling tickets on....if I cannot make it to game will sell my ticket at face value...always do or even given it away to lads who never get to see us due to work or financial problems.....

But take your point, some people will not be happy....
felixbg said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
Anyone who has a hand in singing that gareth barry song should not be allowed anywhere near ;)

;) means i went to barcelona and palace away, which should surely help my cause ... bit inconveniant this ... thought i'd be ok with 4000+ points.

did you get one?
I'm lucky enough to have enough points so got mine (go to 99% of games before anyone starts)- it galls me when fans I see everywhere like Felix and Liam don't get tickets - the supporters club thing is difficult - yes they will always get allocations - we have to trust those in charge to allocate fairly as it can't be right that people with no or few points get tkts this way when the guys who go everywhere miss out - but what really galls me is knobs coming on here and boasting about getting them this way and then having a go at people who are genuine fans who haven't been lucky enough to get a tkt - rant over.
what really gets me is people whp get tickets to sell them on at a profit....

discussed this at supporters club and options were so I recall

1. Raffle all tickets - luck of draw
2. Allocate to highest points for those SC holders not successful from club direct
3. Allocate first to those with Supp Club the longest time

no matter how you do it....will always be an issue if tickets come from other sources....points system introduced to ensure those loyal supporters get a ticket....but not worked out that way!
I've found most the spares come up on the morning of the derby, if people want a ticket enough they'll get one,it's a lucky dip if you get in that dump anyway if the stewards behave like they did last year just turfing random people.

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