United thread 2012/13 (inc merged IPO thread)

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The cookie monster said:
sjk2008 said:
The cookie monster said:
Well what do you think he is?

*He's a bit of a Dick but I don't wish a career threating injury on him, nor would I on anyone. Even Barton & Thatcher.

*I know you didn't ask me the question....
Me neither mate
I just wanted jm to admit that he is an horrible bastard on and off the field.

He's fairly level headed so I can't imagine him portraying Rooney as MBE material.

It's also good to know that the keyboard warrior above is in the minority, too.
Wasn't sure of the best place to put this.....

Man Utd fan trapped in child's swing. Being cut out of said swing by the fire brigade. Every bit as good as it sounds.

55,000 empty seats, are you f*cking sure?

Blootoof said:
Red Manc said:
Is this the RVP 'kick' that he supposedly should have been sent off for? Looks more like Toure has grabbed his shirt then RVP gives him some of his own right back to him.


I'm glad you posted that as I didn't notice the elbow of death that went with the kung fu kick.

Thanks for that. I thought it was Yaya when watching live.

So yellow for Toure for the shirt pull and red for RVP for throwing an elbow.<br /><br />-- Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:40 pm --<br /><br />As for Rooney he is a proper annoying ****. The type of player you'd love if he was on your team but everyone else will despise him. Still, I've yet to see a United game where he shouldn't be sent off if he had a yellow card every time he swears at refs and does all those other petulant actions. Quite a decent fouler too for the small number of yellows he gets, ala Scholes.
I thought the wishing of injury and what not on people was frowned upon by certain moderators on here? im not going to name the guy but one mod i remember strictly condemning such comments on a united forum regarding a city player a while ago and said anyone doing the same on here would get banned? obviously not.....

To be honest its more a reflection on modern day society than just that 'antiunited' chap, im sure you can go onto pretty much any football forum right now and see a handful of people wishing serious harm on rival teams players for no other reason than they being a threat to their own team winning stuff, its pretty pathetic really, praying for someone to get seriously hurt because it might help your football team win, id imagine thats a view mainly prohibited to 'youngsters' who have little else in the lives to worry about rather than genuine football fans, hating people that much purely because they wear another teams football shirt is for mentally disturbed people if you ask me.

Still at least he was honest enough to admit he wants Van Persie injured simply because he fears him which is basically what the whole things about, no one cares if a shit squad player gets injured because they're not the threat, the amusing part of it is a lot of 'fans' hide behind some laughable moral tripe of how 'nasty' a person they have no idea about outside a football pitch is and how that in some way justifies wishing injury on them, like i say its a childs retort.

Im sure 'AntiUnited' isnt the only fan who thinks that way.
Come on, you know Utd are allowed to elbow us without punishment.

Ha come off it lads are you actually serious? You can't really seriously be saying RVP should be sent off for that. It's not an elbow, he shoves him with his arm! Toure had hold of him, he was just shoving him off of him.
Forget about the ref he was as bad for both teams! what I do find strange is Barry being banned for 1 game and fined for something a lot of players do
Red Manc said:
Ha come off it lads are you actually serious? You can't really seriously be saying RVP should be sent off for that. It's not an elbow, he shoves him with his arm! Toure had hold of him, he was just shoving him off of him.

Your shite don't even get banned when you DO deliberately elbow players, ask McCarthy about the cnut Rooney.
The cookie monster said:
JM Mcr said:
AntiUnited said:
Talking utter shit? how long have you been watching football? Roony is one of the most petulant shit steering ***** in world football (Also pepe). He gets into the refs faces swearing, trying to get people sent off, Throwing elbows, and not to mention kicking players. Why would you want such a piss take **** playing football ? and for van persi (quality player that can lead you guys to a league title = don't want that to happen = take him out (old Italian style football), a career ending injury thinking about it again might be harsh but def not for roony). Hiding behind the keyboard? sorry there's no other way to do it unless you invent some sort of face to face forum video link.
Went to my 1st Utd game in 1974 so about 38 years.

Without getting into a debate on whether Rooney is what you say he is, I've seen plenty of obnoxious players over the years without wishing a career ending injury on any of them (tho will admit to wanting to see players kicked at times in the heat of the moment).

Oh n I'm extremely glad that this isn't a video forum but when I referred to people saying things online that they wouldnt in a face to face discussion, I meant the old fashioned version of face to face - you know, where the person you may offend with your thoughtless remarks is actually within striking distance?
Well what do you think he is?
On the pitch - an extremely gifted player who can be a twat at times, easy to see why he winds opposing fans up so much.

Off the pitch - never met him so can't really say but I doubt I'd ever wanna invite him round for tea, biccies n a chinwag :-)
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