United thread 2013/14

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Bilboblue said:
If the van Persie rumours are true, can anyone honestly see shrek staying too?

I can't. That really would be a huge blow for them.
He's been their best player this season, by some distance. If he pisses off (as he's threatened to do before) and RVP follows suit, who's going to score the goals?


I don't want wee Davey sacked he is a great manager for them and deserves more time as the choosen on. The last thing the rags need is to change managers half way through the season appoint Guis Hiddinck who is available for nowt and go and spend some money in the transfer market. Worse still would be for them to go and get that manager from Southampton.
Moyes has stated on the BBC website that he believes they can still win the Prem this season. The reason for this belief.
the players: because I am working with the champions. Keep believing that mate because as long as he doesnt acknowledge the fact they are in deep doo doo thet are not going to change anything. Long may it continue
laserblue said:
The Glazers have to make a decision soon and their available choices for change are one extreme or the other. Either they back Moyse with serious money to strengthen his squad in January or they sack him. Ideally, though, they'll do nothing and hope it all comes right without spending any more money. They might not like the thought of having to pay off the remaining 5 1/2 years of Gollum's contract.

Loving it. Just loving it.

It fits the Glazers business plan perfectly to keep him - what top player, with associated transfer fee and wages, wants to play for him!
oakiecokie said:
de niro said:
they are crowing that alex was given time, this product though is a whole new ball game to what we had back then.
united simpley cannot be out of contention and in fact winning silverware. the money seen as a bonus to some clubs is the heart and soul of all things red. the glazers will have to bail as the repayments can't be met. they will sell and sell quickly, my guess is the value is lower today than it has been for some time. the sheer greed in thier dna will see the glazers do one. then in comes "real" money from say Qatar. having secured the club for a couple of hundred mil less than its true value there is a transfer kitty there from the off.

so where do we come in all this.

we have to strike whilst the iron is hot, we too can't afford to miss out of trophies, not for money reasons but for prestige. although january to notoriously differcult to get good players in we have to our level best. if not for jan we need to secure them for the summer, but we need to do it NOW. every CL quality player that signs for us is one less available to them. now of course without the piss can and in mid table the really top players will be reluctant to sign for them, untill that is the money is thrown at them. Any foriegn owners will be wadded and will pay anything to get the machine back up and running. bouyed by the fact that FFP will mysterioustly disappear from our game.

stay tuned Singapore and wherever, your idols may yet start winning thing once again and you can go back to them from the team you've decided to "follow" in the meantime.

Alex ??? Who the fuck is Alex ????

Dunno just glad I don;t live next door.................

What...??? Oh ALICE you say??

David Moyes: Manchester United manager thankful for home support

"They understand there is a big transition going on here. I don't think they, or me, expected us to have lost five games at this time of the season but I think they understand totally there is a change going on."

He is right. Nobody has seen the scale of that change more than the fans who have watched United go from a team that won the title in a canter under Sir Alex Ferguson last season, to an outfit floundering in mid-table this time around.

City Raider said:
lovely shot on motd of a quickly emptying stand whilst match going on
Beautiful.Did anyone else notice Lineker telling us what today's headlines would be?
He held up a few newspapers,each of which had big headlines about shit the Rags are,but paid attention to the smaller stories on the same page.
dobingsdobber said:
City Raider said:
lovely shot on motd of a quickly emptying stand whilst match going on
Beautiful.Did anyone else notice Lineker telling us what today's headlines would be?
He held up a few newspapers,each of which had big headlines about shit the Rags are,but paid attention to the smaller stories on the same page.

Yeah - like a cop in front of a horrific car smash -

" Ok come on move along please nothing to see here............ "
Ive bought a man utd vacuum cleaner,..although its plastic it sucks really good,doesnt make any noise and empties really quickly..

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