United Thread 2014/15 (continued)

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Vienna_70 said:
lancs blue said:
blueincy said:

Not too difficult to see Anderson, Shrek and Rafael as the likely culprits!

And fatty Shaw was obviously getting in training before he even joined the rags!

Signed at Granny Shaggers request - he will know where all the (few) decent chippies there South of Brum. Shrek gets a bit worried as you can't get a decent chippy pie South of Macclesfield
The rags' 2nd quarter financials, covering period October-December 2014, are out on Thursday 12th February. Might be interesting as the loss of CL income will have had a negative effect while their Adidas and some other sponsorships won't be included.
Deepest Blue said:
TT contesting the FA charge.

Claiming he was "mishundershtood".

Playing the old "I don't shpeak English very well" card, eh?

In that case, he shouldn't have taken the job!
Think he's been watching this below coming up with that crap excuse.. He should have had an X City player has his second in command when he arrived if he didn't understand the lingo..

Asked a rag in work today what he was up to at the weekend and he replied:

"Tomorrow I'm gonna have a nice chill out day, not got the grand kids 'til Sunday so I'll have a few beers and watch the match in the house with some lovely peace and quiet and cheer the reds on....can't wait"

I said "There's only one thing wrong with that mate......you're playing Sunday"

Cue guffaws and piss-taking round the canteen.

It's amazing how many times you ask a rag who are they playing and when and they haven't a scooby.
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
Asked a rag in work today what he was up to at the weekend and he replied:

"Tomorrow I'm gonna have a nice chill out day, not got the grand kids 'til Sunday so I'll have a few beers and watch the match in the house with some lovely peace and quiet and cheer the reds on....can't wait"

I said "There's only one thing wrong with that mate......you're playing Sunday"

Cue guffaws and piss-taking round the canteen.

It's amazing how many times you ask a rag who are they playing and when and they haven't a scooby.

He can't get tickets.

Can't blame him really.
blueincy said:
Think he's been watching this below coming up with that crap excuse.. He should have had an X City player has his second in command when he arrived if he didn't understand the lingo..


Ah. Francios Pascal. Thanks for that clip BIlueIncy.
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