United Thread 2015/16

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Had a family get together last weekend. All the other halfs lot are reds. None are match goers but a couple go a couple of times a season. As usual at these things, talk soon got to the upcoming season.
Being the only blue there it was like Rorkes Drift at some points. They were gladly willing to talk about our game against Real and the result. I circled the wagons, agreed that yes, we've performed better but that half that team won't be starting next week but this seemed to go over their heads.
After a few sherries (I was driving so sober) they all believed that their beloved Reds were capable of a title challenge, CL qualification was inevitable and at least one of the domestic cups was theirs this season.
I knew they had PSG coming up this week (most of them didn't) so challenged the 5 mouthiest ones to a little bet. Not only did I reckon PSG would win, I reckoned they'd do it by a couple of goals this week.
5 bets (2 x £100 & 3x £50) placed, £350 winging its way to my smug blue face this weekend at another christening. This time I'm not driving!
I love a story with a happy ending!
If Di Maria was a City player, and was looking to jump ship just 12 months after a near £60m transfer, and City were looking at losing well over £10m on the deal, and he had simply not bothered to turn up to pre-season, then we'd be being torn apart by the media, at every conceivable opportunity. The fact United are being given a relatively free ride on this one is just ridiculous. What's the difference between this and Sterling, aside from the fact Sterling claimed he was ill (rather than just not showing up)?
When City had Robinho he was 'flop of the season' after his first year and the media reporting on him leaving wasn't too good either.
I concur mate, if it was City with a £60M wantaway player we would be bluntly dissected by the media sly sports etc.

No agenda though.
If Di Maria was a City player, and was looking to jump ship just 12 months after a near £60m transfer, and City were looking at losing well over £10m on the deal, and he had simply not bothered to turn up to pre-season, then we'd be being torn apart by the media, at every conceivable opportunity. The fact United are being given a relatively free ride on this one is just ridiculous. What's the difference between this and Sterling, aside from the fact Sterling claimed he was ill (rather than just not showing up)?

Your post, unwittingly, highlights how the media agenda affects even our view on things.
Di Maria did not cost the scum near £60m, He cost £59.7m to Real Madrid plus two sets of add ons to third parties. The total cost was close to £67m. You never ever see that reported. They've dropped over £20m on him.
When City had Robinho he was 'flop of the season' after his first year and the media reporting on him leaving wasn't too good either.
I concur mate, if it was City with a £60M wantaway player we would be bluntly dissected by the media sly sports etc.

No agenda though.

To be fair to LVG, he hasn’t hid away from the issue. He just comes out and say’s it like it is and that to an extent dampens the media i.e. if you try and mask it by saying he’s injured or he’s having extra rest then the media turn in to dogs with a bone with endless questioning and speculation. If you come out and say I don’t know where he is then you get one day of headlines and that’s it everyone knows the score.
Could you imagine how Fergy would have dealt with this. He was never one to come clean on anything. He would have claimed he was injured and brought Scholes out of retirement to fill in.
Your post, unwittingly, highlights how the media agenda affects even our view on things.
Di Maria did not cost the scum near £60m, He cost £59.7m to Real Madrid plus two sets of add ons to third parties. The total cost was close to £67m. You never ever see that reported. They've dropped over £20m on him.

Will we see the headline "United lose £20m on flop Di Maria"?

Somehow I doubt it.
We are celebrating our 10th anniversary of HELLENIC CITIZENS branch. This is a photo of one of our members at Old Trafford ,at 6-1 game in 2011.

IMO let the press think everything is well in raggy world. In many respects it is good they are not being torn apart by the media because it will lull them into a false sense of security and delusion. Oh how the mighty will fail and fall come the end of the season :-)
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